Friday, October 19, 2007

Oxygen Therapy And Headaches

For cluster-type of headaches, oxygen therapy can be effective. The benefits of oxygen therapy is not known by many doctors, and the same goes for insurance companies, who are hesitant to pay for this type of treatment. (In some cases, a letter from your doctor can sometimes help to persuade them.)

Effectiveness of Oxygen Therapy

Fifty percent of cluster headache sufferers are helped by oxygen therapy. Even though this looks like a good result, the other 50% are not helped at all. If you tend to suffer from cluster headaches and you are interested to try out oxygen therapy, it is best that you request your doctor to arrange a trial run for you.

History of Oxygen Therapy

As early as 1939, oxygen has been studied as a possible treatment for headaches. Eighty percent of migraine headaches were either helped or stopped by the oxygen treatment, as discovered by Dr. Alvarez at the Mayo Clinic. To get a 100% amount of oxygen, the patients wore masks during treatment. Not only was oxygen therapy found to work on treating cluster headaches; it was also found to be effective in relieving other types of headaches. Oxygen therapy was found to be most effective when administered at the first sign of a migraine. However, it is unfortunate that the study did not provide more details as compared to recent and thoroughly conducted studies.

100% Oxygen

Perhaps the first important study of oxygen therapy's effectiveness in treating cluster headaches was carried out by Dr Kudrow (father of Lisa Kudrow, the actress who played Phoebe in Friends). Kudrow, who also suffers from migraines, treated 52 out-patients with 100% oxygen. He came up with extremely encouraging results:

· In at least seven out of ten attacks, 75% of the patients experienced a "complete or almost complete cessation of head pain within 15 minutes."

· Those under 50 years of age responded to the oxygen treatment well as compared to those over 50.

· 62% of the test patients that responded to the treatment felt better after seven minutes of inhaling the oxygen.

Better than Air

In a study done by Dr Fogan, he showed that it was the oxygen itself that was helping, rather than the mask or tank. People who inhaled pure oxygen showed definite improvement than inhaling air.

How Oxygen Therapy Works

Even though oxygen therapy works, exactly why it works remains unclear. It is known that both migraines and cluster headaches involve an increase in the flow of blood to the brain. Oxygen can cause a drop in blood flow, so there would be fewer enlarged blood vessels and less pressure on nerves in the brain, resulting in relief.

Side Effects of Oxygen Therapy

Smokers seem to comprise a majority of people who have cluster headaches, which could be potentially dangerous, as lighting an open flame next to an open oxygen tank will result in an explosion.

According to Dr Kudrow's study, 25% of his patients experienced rebound headaches after oxygen therapy. Other than that, oxygen therapy has no other known side effects.


Ergotamine, which is commonly used for headaches, has many drawbacks and side effects, among them are feeling and being sick, a sense of unreality and leg cramps. Ergotamine cannot be used on people with high blood pressure, have peripheral vascular disease and infections. Unlike Ergotamine, oxygen does not cause these side effects, so anyone can use it.

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