Friday, October 5, 2007

Causes Of Hair Loss: Prescription Medications That Cause Hair Loss (Part 2)

Hair loss is not always the result of disease, radiation treatments, or even genetics. In fact, most cases of men and women who lose their hair can be the direct result of prescription drug medications. In this article we will cover three drugs in particular; anti-inflammatory medications, anabolic steroids, and hormone replacement drugs.

Anti-inflammatory Medications: These drugs are used to relieve inflammation as well as reduce pain. Included in this category are ibuprofen and naproxen, both of which can be obtained over the counter. Anti-inflammatory medications (also referred to as NSAIDS) such as these have been reported as a contributor to hair loss in both men and women. Although rare, children's hair loss may also be affected by anti-inflammatory drugs.

If your doctor is going to prescribe you anti-inflammatory drugs, and you are concerned about hair loss, then you may want to discuss if the prescription he is giving you is one of the following: Relafen, Clinoril, Voltaren, Nalfon, Rofecoxib, Celebrex, Lodine, Orudis, & Indocin. All of these drugs have been reported to cause hair loss as a side effect.

Anabolic Steroids: When we hear the term “anabolic steroids” the first thing that usually pops up in a person's mind are bodybuilders who are known to abuse this drug in order to increase muscle mass. Indeed, anabolic steroids do increase a person's muscle mass if taken correctly because they are considered to be a male hormone, otherwise referred to as a synthetic androgen. However, one of the major side effects of taking anabolic steroids is premature hair loss in both men and women who were under these hormones.

Even if these medications are not abused in a way that bodybuilders treat them, just a slight dose of male hormones prescribed by a doctor can cause hair loss in people that are genetically sensitive to DHT.

Such medications that include testosterone and is considered an anabolic steroid prescription drug include the following: Depo-Testosterone, Android, Testred, Winstrol, Danocrine, Halotestin, Virilon, and Metandren.

Thyroid Medications: Last but not least, men and women who have a thyroid disorder have been shown to experience hair loss as a result of the medications given to help their condition. Two examples of these thyroid medications that are linked to hair thinning and baldness are thiouracil & carbimazole.

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