Friday, October 19, 2007

Causes of Morning Headaches

If you wake up each morning with a headache, you're not alone. A recent study made headlines when it found that one in thirteen people wake up with a headache each morning. Even more revealing was that the study showed that nearly 8% of those people had endured the headache for at least four years. Women between the ages of 45 and 64 are the most likely to suffer with these headaches.

If this sounds like you, there could be many reasons you are waking up with these headaches. In this article we will look over these reasons one by one.

Sleep Apnea

Many people think they are getting a full night of sleep, yet feel tired during the day. Sleep apnea is a common cause of this feeling of sleepiness during the day following what is believed to be a full night of sleep. Sleep apnea is when you stop breathing for a few seconds during sleep. It is believed that about 18 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea.

Among the common symptoms of sleep apnea is waking up with a headache. Many people also say that they wake up feeling as if they have not slept at all. It is common to feel like your throat is dry when you wake up. Others may describe you as snoring loudly during the night or note that you jump up suddenly during the night and then go right back to sleep.

Most of the symptoms of sleep apnea are caused by a failure to sleep deeply. For this reason it is important to see your doctor if you believe you may be suffering from sleep apnea. Typically, your doctor will order a sleep study to determine the severity of your sleep apnea. Commonly you will be treated for this condition with a CPAP machine with a mask you wear while you sleep.

Teeth Grinding

It is common for people to grind their teeth during the night. However, excessive teeth grinding can cause a tightness and pain in the muscles of the jaw, neck and head. This problem can often be fixed with a remedy as simple as a 'nightguard' fitted for you by your dentist. This device is a soft piece of plastic that rests in your mouth while you sleep to prevent grinding. A search on the Internet will also provide you with a lot of leads on these devices.

Restlessness in Bed

Tossing and turning during the night often leads to a headache in the morning. The reasons for this restless tossing and turning can vary from our daily stresses or buried stressors from the past. A licensed psychologist or psychiatrist may be able to help you deal with these issues.

Restless legs can also lead to a lot of movement in bed. The restless leg sensation involves a feeling that you must move your legs. Some have described this sensation as 'insects crawling inside the leg.' Suggested remedies for this sensation range from a hot bath before bed to drug abstinence to include nicotine, alcohol and caffeine. Your doctor may suggest iron or magnesium supplements if they are suitable for you. Your doctor may also decide to prescribe a drug such as Ropinirole.

A Snoring Partner

Often, it can be the person sleeping next to you that keeps you from getting a full night of sleep. In fact, studies suggest that a person living with a partner who snores can lose nearly 50 minutes of sleep each night. That can really add up over time.

The Cause of the Night Groans

Snoring is the sound created by the muscles the back of your throat flopping around in vibration. Common causes of snoring are chronic allergies, upper airway resistance, obesity, a stuffy nose and medication side effects.

If you feel any of these common causes apply to you, they need to be dealt with swiftly to improve sleep and ultimately your health. In the mean time, you may be able to find some relief using a special snoring prevention gum shield provided to you by your dentist.

Quiet Time Anxiety

It is extremely common for people to worry or have anxious thoughts when they lie down to sleep. During the day a variety of tasks and entertainments allow us to push these concerns to the backs of our minds. However, when we lie down, we no longer have distraction and our minds turn attention towards these anxious thoughts.

For many people, this will only occur during times when they deal with special problems or issues and then gradually disappear. For some, though, this can continue on indefinitely as they suffer from or head towards depression. If you think this may describe you it is important to see a doctor to help you end this nightly anxiety cycle.

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