Thursday, October 4, 2007

Micrografting Surgery - Part 1: How To Prepare For Your Operation Day

After careful and thorough research, you have decided that micrograft transplant surgery is right for you. You have located a reputable surgeon in your area who will perform the procedure and you have consulted with that surgeon so that he or she has given you the schedule date of your surgery. The next step is to learn everything you need to know in order to be fully prepared for the procedure.

There are certain requirements that you need to follow days prior to the procedure in order to reduce or completely eliminate any possible complications that may arise during and after the surgery. Below is a list of important prerequisites that you must follow immediately after you have scheduled for your micrografting surgery:

1. Do not take aspirin at least two weeks before the surgery.
2. Do not take vitamin E supplements within two weeks before the surgery.
3. If you are a smoker, stop smoking.
4. Do not take nonprescription medications that cause blood thinning.
5. Avoid food supplements that may lead to excessive bleeding during surgery.

The reason for the prerequisites listed above is to eliminate excessive bleeding during the surgery. During the transplant, more than a thousand tiny incisions are made on the scalp. Immediate blood clotting is crucial while the surgery is in progress to prevent the scalp from bleeding profusely. This also reduces the loss of blood from the patient and also helps the surgeon perform the procedure more effectively.

Aspirin and other over-the-counter medications, as well as certain vitamin supplements like vitamin E, lessen the ability of blood to clot, which can lead to excessive bleeding while the surgery is being performed. Extra bleeding during micrografting prolongs the surgery, although it is not a relative medical danger.

Some surgeons administer certain medications during surgery to reduce the amount of bleeding. It is better, however, for the patient to take the additional course of action to ensure a successful surgery as well as a speedy recovery.

Following your appointment for surgery, you'll be given a prescription for pain control and antibiotics to be used after the operation. The best time to go to the pharmacy and get your prescription is before the surgery. On the day before the procedure, remember to make a courtesy call to the doctor's office to confirm your appointment and time of arrival.

On the morning of your surgery, wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Avoid using conditioner or anything else on your hair. Make sure you eat light before your surgery, unless your surgeon instructs you otherwise. A light snack includes an apple or a banana. Do not take nicotine or caffeine and do not drink too much liquid. Wear warm, comfortable clothes such as jogging suits with a zippered top because most operating rooms can be very cold, especially if you are lying down still for a few hours. Layers of clothing is preferred so you can easily adjust to the temperature if needed.

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