Friday, October 5, 2007

Myths And Causes of Female Hair Loss

This article will look at some of the causes of female hair loss and will also list a few myths associated with female hair loss. If you are a woman and are experiencing hair loss, it can be a very trying time in your life. For centuries, hair has been thought of as a woman's "crowning glory." Some women may feel less sexy or even less of a woman without the long, luxurious hair that they are used to.

There can be quite a few reasons for female hair loss. One type of hair loss that is quite common, but not often talked about is, androgenetic alopecia. This is hereditary and affects roughly 50% of women over the age of 40. It is also called female pattern baldness. Like it's male counterpart, it is permanent.

There is another condition called telogen effluvium. This is the rapid onset of hair loss in a scattered pattern on the scalp and sometimes elsewhere on the body. It is usually a reaction to intense stress on the body's physical or hormonal system. It can occur at any age and usually gets better on its own in about six months.

Another cause of hair loss in women is called alopecia areata. This is an autoimmune disease that causes the hair follicles to be attacked by white blood cells. This will slow hair production down dramatically so there may not be new hair growth for months or even years. This is usually not a permanent condition, and the hair may start to regrow on its own.

Now let's look at some of the common myths associated with female hair loss:

1) Shaving your head will make it grow back in thicker. While it is true that the base of the hair shaft is thicker than the end, it will not grow in thicker when you shave it.

2) Hair dyes and perms can cause permanent hair loss. These chemicals can cause hair loss, but it is not permanent. The chemicals may just make your hair more brittle and easy to break off, sometimes at the scalp. But it will grow back on its own.

3) Hair loss is caused by washing your hair too much. There is absolutely no scientific proof to back this statement.

4) Hair loss is caused by too much brushing and combing. While you may see hair in your brush or comb, this is the hair that is in the resting phase of the hair cycle and was due to come out.

5) Female hair loss means that you are not a "proper" woman with two X chromosomes. Hair loss has to do with hormones not chromosomes.

Whatever the cause of your hair loss there is treatment for it. Minoxidil 2% solution is approved for use on women, but may not be effective for everyone. There are also hair transplants and scalp reduction surgeries. However, if you don't want to go those routes, consider wigs or hair weaves. The most important thing is to know the causes of female hair loss and how it relates to you.

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