Thursday, May 31, 2007

5 Simple Tips For Eating Healthy

By : Adrian Adams
In this age of fast food and 5 minute meals in a box, it can be difficult to eat healthy. Healthy eating is very important in to maintain the proper weight, stay energized and keep our mind functioning to its maximum capability. Here are some tips to help you get on the straight road to healthy eating.

1. Keep your foods as close to natural as possible. That doesn't just mean get your foods as fresh as possible. Many foods are grown or colored with the help of chemicals that are not healthy. Organic foods are as close to natural as you can get without simply growing your own food.

2. One very important tip to remember when considering a new diet or just trying to eat healthier is "everything in moderation." This applies to sweets, but also to healthier foods, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, meats and dairy products. All of the basic food groups are necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The complete elimination of one food group may produce a desired effect in the short term, but it is not healthy in the long run.

3. A very effective and easy way to quickly judge the nutritional value of a food item is to simply read the label that lists the ingredients. This seems obvious, but so many of us fail to do it on a regular basis. A general rule of thumb is that if you cannot pronounce the ingredient, it probably isn't good for you. Be cautious about eating foods that contain a lot of preservative chemicals that you cannot pronounce.

4. Whenever possible, choose whole grain foods over processed foods. Processed foods go through a rigorous process that often deprives them of their original nutrients. Many times, additional nutrients are artificially added as an attempt to gain the original nutrition value of the food. Nature does a better job at creating nutrients than man does. Choosing whole wheat flour, noodles and brown rice over their processed counterparts can do a lot in helping you achieve maximum health.

5. The last, and most obvious, tip to get and stay healthy is to limit your sugar intake. Everyone knows that excessive amounts of junk food can cause tooth decay and extra weight. However, carbohydrates, such as potatoes and bread, are also converted to sugar by your body. Many vegetables and fruits, such as carrots and bananas, also contain high amounts of sugar. Excess sugar in your body can lead to problems, such as yeast infection, impotence, constipation or fatigue.
Author Resource:- Increase your nutrition intake with glyconutrient and phytonutrient supplements.

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