Thursday, May 31, 2007

Top 4 Acne Scar Treatment Options

By : Riley Hendersen
Dealing with acne breakouts is bad enough for some people. Insult is added to injury, however, when the condition is brought into check, but scars are left behind. An unwanted and often very visible reminder, this scarring can leave people seeking out options for treatment. There are some acne scar treatment options out there, but they might not be for everyone.

Since many of the treatment options for serious acne scar problems tend to fall in on the medical side, the best option for many is to avoid the chance for developing scars all together. This might not be possible in all cases, but there are things people who have acne issues can do to help prevent them. These things include:

Treating the acne itself: The best way to avoid acne scar problems is to avoid acne. If cases reach the moderate to severe condition, it's not a bad idea to seek out remedies for the breakouts. Whether the road to fewer blemishes is an over-the-counter gel or cream or it's a prescription or herbal aid, treating the acne and helping prevent its return can be crucial. Finding what works to speed up healing and prevent new breakouts might take a little time, but the simple fact is if there isn't an acne breakout, there can't be acne scars.

Use caution when breakouts are present: It might not be entirely possible to avoid all scars, but if pimples aren't forcibly popped, poked or smashed, the chances for scarring can be reduced greatly. Treat active blemishes and pimples with extreme care so healing can begin.

Even when the most aggressive acne treatments are brought into play, it is still possible for some people to end up with acne scarring. No matter what is done, or isn't done, these scars can happen. There are some options to help remove or at least reduce the appearance of these scars down the road. The options, which might not be advised in all cases include:

Laser resurfacing: This process involves the use of a laser to actually remove the top layer of the skin. While this is typically performed by a medical practitioner, such as a dermatologist, some clinicians also will perform this procedure. Several visits might be required for this treatment to be fully completed. The procedure will not work in all cases.

Dermabrasion: This is similar to laser removal, but in this procedure, a special instrument is used to remove the top layer of skin to reveal the healthier skin below. This might also take several treatments, but can produce fairly good results. A period of irritation and redness is likely following dermabrasion.

Peels: Acid peels and other similar chemical treatment that work like resurfacing can have fairly good results for some patients. These treatments can generally be obtained in doctors' offices and through some spas and other similar businesses.

Surgery: In some cases, actual plastic surgery might be in order to help improve the appearance of skin.

Enduring acne can be hard enough, but when scars are left behind, the nightmare might never seem to end for some people. In some cases, acne scar treatments can help, improving appearance and self-esteem as they do.
Author Resource:- For more information on acne, try visiting, a website that specializes in providing acne related tips, advice and resources to include information on the best acne scar.

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