Thursday, May 31, 2007

Your Skin: Keeping it Young and Free from Acne

By : Ian Reygan
No one likes to deal with skin problems, whether it's acne, age spots, or blemishes caused by sun-damaged skin. From teenagers to adults forced to deal with occasional bouts of acne to those who suffer from chronic skin conditions such as melasma, freckles or eczema or psoriasis, skin care is a serious topic. Natural aging also takes its unwelcome toll on skin, and many people don't take advantage of both natural and cosmetically designed products that may relieve and reduce such conditions.

Dozens of acne skin treatment creams and ointments beckon to consumers from drug store shelves, as do a number of antiaging skin care product offerings that promise everything from wrinkle-free skin to vanishing age spots. It's important to know basic ingredients and what they do, or don't do, for skin care before you waste both your money and your time collecting them.

Acne strikes about 80 percent of the female teenage population, though boys suffer roughly 90 percent prevalence. Still, many adults must also deal with both chronic and occasional bouts of acne that nothing seems to help. Many turn to all-natural products for their skin care needs, while others reach for the latest, greatest and most expensive skin care product that's advertised on television or in popular magazine ads.

Skin care has been an issue that has plagued men and women for thousands of years, and continues to this day. Is there a magic elixir? No. Can you do anything to prevent wrinkles and age spots from appearing on your skin? No, but you can help your skin to look and feel smooth and fresh through the use of the right products.

One of the best things you can do to help skin remain smooth, supple and elastic, no matter your age, is to drink plenty of water. Hydrating skin cells keeps them plump and rejuvenates cell growth, producing a smoother, fresher look. A proper diet also plays a large role in basic skin care, whether for acne issues or more serious skin conditions. Knowing the basic vitamins and minerals goes a long way toward finding the right skin care product for specific needs, whether it's for acne or wrinkles.

You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on skin care products when you're young to retain youthful looking skin as you age. Regular exercise, a well balanced, nourishing diet and basic skin care will enable those in their teens and early twenties to enjoy vibrant skin tone that will carry them through their 30s and 40s without too much trouble. Many of us, however, wait until fine lines and wrinkles start to appear before we even think about such unpleasant subjects as age spots and crow's feet. While there is little we can do to prevent aging, we can slow down its progress in our skin through the use of skin care products that contain Retinoids. Retin rejuvenates skin cell growth and serves to hydrate them as well, offering cells, literally, life giving properties.

For those suffering from acne, avoid skin care products that contain alcohol, which tends to dry out the skin and cause itchy patches that may grow irritated and red. Ridding the skin of greasy oils helps to clear pores and prevent some acne flare-ups, but you may also end up with the opposite problem. In between any skin care treatments, give your skin a rest for a day or two. Washing regularly with water and a plain, unscented soap may also help to clear up blemishes.

Regularly massaging the skin will help to increase circulation and blood flow, especially in the face, and speeds acne healing. Since stress also triggers acne, try to reduce the amount of stress in your life, and exercise regularly, a great stress reducer in itself as well as a healthy way to maintain good skin and deeper tissue health.

Any skin condition is serious business, and can produce devastating self-esteem issues, especially among teens. Finding the right treatment or skin care product for your skin issues will take a little patience, a little research and some experimentation. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, but many people don't think of their skin as a living, growing organism. Taking care of it is vital for life, and so whether suffering from acne or age spots, or psoriasis to rashes, finding the right treatment for your skin is not only beneficial to your emotional state of mind, but your overall physical condition as well. When it comes to your skin, take the time to take care of it now, rather than later.
Author Resource:- Mr Reygan has been involved with various skin preparations products for over 11 years. To find out to get rid of Acne, melasma, age spots and freckles click here

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