Friday, October 19, 2007

Increased Risk Factors To Developing Prostate Cancer

By : Evelyn Lim

Prostate cancer is a disease that affects more than 200,000 men each year in the United States. A detection often occurs at the fairly advanced rather than the early stages. This happens as most men are not aware about what early symptoms to look out for. In some cases, symptoms do not show up until much later.

It is therefore important that men who are at higher risk to getting prostate cancer have proper tests done. For most forms of cancer, early treatment can increase survival and recovery rates. Hence, it is possible to treat prostate cancer successfully, if cancer cells can be arrested early enough before spreading to the rest of your body.

Age. Age is the biggest risk factor. This disease usually strikes when men hit over fifty years of age. You should therefore go for a regular prostate exam once you hit about 40 years of age. If you are over 40 and never have had your prostate checked, you need to bring it up with your doctor.

Family History. If you have a family member who has had prostate cancer, your risk to this form of cancer increases. In fact, your risk rises if the family member with the prostate cancer is your father or grandfather. So, it is important that you let your doctor know about your family history. This may mean that you should do more regular check ups.

Race. Studies indicate that racial identity plays a part in increased risk levels to getting prostate cancer. African-Americans appear to be most at risk, according to official statistics. The next group of males is Americans and Europeans. Interestingly enough, Asians from the East and Southeast areas are least likely to get prostate cancer.

Diet. More studies are being conducted lately to examine the link between diet and prostate cancer. Although no direct relationship has clearly been established at this point in time, it is true that when you try to eat healthier, your chances for cancer of any type are generally reduced.

Even if you have increased risks to getting prostate cancer, this does not necessarily mean that you will definitely develop one. You can mitigate your chances by being healthy through proper diet and regular exercises. Regular exercises also help in ensuring that you are well equipped with a greater ability to fight off diseases, including cancer.

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