Saturday, June 30, 2007

5 Tips for Beautiful, Healthy Skin

By : Jamie Clark
Do you want healthy, beautiful skin that glows? Then follow these 5 steps to keep your skin in the best shape possible:

1. Protect your skin from ultra violet (UV) light.

A little bit of sunlight is good for your overall health, but too much exposure to UV rays can quickly cause significant damage to your skin. Overexposure to sunlight actually makes your skin age faster, leading to wrinkles, spots, and even cancer. Be sure to apply a good sunscreen whenever you know you're going to be outdoors for longer than 10 minutes.

2. Stay hydrated with green tea.

You probably already know that drinking lots of water is important for overall beauty and health. But you may not know that drinking unsweetened green tea is much better than water alone. Green tea not only tastes better than plain water (making it easier to drink throughout the day) but it's also loaded with polyphenols. These powerful antioxidants fight free-radical damage throughout the body and help keep your skin, the body's largest organ, young and beautiful.

3. Eat a very "clean" diet.

A clean diet is one based around raw vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts. For protein stick with soy/tofu, eggs and small amounts of fish and lean poultry. Always choose organic and/or grass-fed meat when possible. Also, you may want to increase your intake of high-sulfur foods (e.g., garlic, onions, asparagus, and eggs) as sulfur has been shown to help keep the skin smooth and youthful. Obviously, all sugar, flour, and fried foods should be avoided.

4. Eat plenty of healthy fat.

Unrefined, cold-pressed flax seed oil, extra-virgin olive oil, organic virgin coconut oil, cold water fish oils, and avocado all contain super-healthy fats that support optimum skin health. These powerful fats should make up about 20-30% of your daily calorie intake.

5. Moisturize often.

People who moisturize their skin on a daily basis usually have the best looking skin. Fortunately there are many ways to moisturize. Just find a few you like and always choose natural options when possible. A great way to moisturize and nourish dry skin is to mash up an avocado, mix in a few drops of freshly-squeezed lemon juice, and spread over freshly-cleaned skin. Leave it on for about 20 minutes then rinse off, splashing the skin alternately with cold and warm water.

Should Children Take Multivitamins?

by Joy Bauer, M.S., R.D., C.D.N.
Many parents worry that their children may not be getting enough nutrients from food alone, but they're also not sure if they should be giving them a multivitamin.

Unfortunately...there is no consensus. Experts tend to disagree about vitamin recommendations for children who don't display signs of deficiency. The naysayers claim that children don't need large amounts of vitamins and minerals, and that even picky eaters should be able to get enough from food. On the other side are those who think of a basic children's multivitamin as an "insurance policy" that can fill in the gaps of a not-so-great diet.

In my office, we approach this case-by-case. If it's clear that a kid is not eating a well-rounded diet, we may recommend a children's "multi." If we feel a parent is unduly concerned, we try to reassure them, but will also give them the option of an "insurance policy" multi.

Is there a downside to the "insurance policy" approach?

It's probably fine. My only concern is that some foods are already overly fortified with vitamins and minerals (specifically some breakfast cereals and bars). In other words, even kids who don't take a multivitamin often get one without even knowing it.

Two nutrients you don't want to overdo:

1. Vitamin A (specifically from retinol, palmitate, or acetate; if it comes from beta carotene, it's fine). Chronic intake of excessive amounts through fortified food and supplements can cause big problems.

2. To a lesser degree, zinc is also a concern. Too much zinc over prolonged periods of time can depress your immune system and lead to a copper deficiency.

So check the fortified foods your child eats. If they provide 100% vitamin A and/or 100% zinc, and you're not willing to lose that fortified food, do not add a multivitamin to the mix. On the other hand, if your child does not eat a lot of fortified foods (or the fortified foods do not contain an abundance of straight vitamin A and zinc), you can feel free to go ahead and add a standard multi.

If you decide to give your child a multivitamin, choose a brand that's formulated specifically for children and that provides about 100% of the RDA for all of the vitamins and minerals listed (always avoid megadoses unless prescribed by your pediatrician).

Here are a few of my favorite chewable multivitamins for kids:

* Flintstones Complete
* Puritan's Pride Gummies
* One A Day Kids Complete (the chewables, not their gummies)
* Freeda Vitalets (100% vegetarian, yeast-, gluten- and lactose-free)

9 Steps To Cleaner and Healthier Skin

For cleaner, healthier and easier to manage skin just follow this list of nine items:

1) Lower your stress level through prayer and meditation. Stress creates hormones that actually age us as they destroy cells and create toxic biproducts and free radicals. Studies have shown that prayer and meditation can reduce our stress levels. Prayer and meditation have been proven to even alleviate some of the symptoms of cancer and other life threatening diseases.

2) Drink plenty of water. It is a fact that 90% of us do not drink enough water. For your skin cells to function properly and heal properly from cuts, etc... we need to drink 8-12 glasses of water every day. Our skin is one of our most important organs as it protects us from disease, cushions our falls, etc... It needs plenty of water.

3) Get proper sleep. Not getting the proper 8-10 hours of sleep per day will first show in your skin. Broken capillaries, puffiness, circles under the eyes.

4) Eat well. Get proper nutrition. Too many junk foods can cause or worsen skin problems like pimples and acne. A well balanced meal 3 times per day has been proven to help alleviate spikes in skin problems and help to average out the outbreaks in acne vulgaris.

5) Take vitamins to supplement your skin and body. We can't always make sure we get 100% of each vitamin and mineral with the foods we eat, but we can take a multivitamin once a day. They are cheap at Walmart and there is no excuse. People that take multivitamins once a day live longer. Its a proven fact just like persons that smoke take years off their lives.

6) Properly clean your skin. Harsh soaps can dry out your skin and even stimulate further sebum (oil) production which can worsen acne. Use a mild cleanser with 2% salicylic acid. This has been proven very effective in ridding excess oils while maintaining proper hydration and pH. The slight acidity will keep bacteria at bay.

7) Don't smoke. Smoking puts years on you. Literally, smoking can add 10 years to the aged look of your skin. Why would you want to do that? If you must have nicotine then get nicotine gum or the patch - they will cure your cravings and there is no evidence or statistics of anyone developing cancer, lung disease, etc... from these.

8) Wear sunscreen. The skin does have keratonin to protect against the suns rays, but it is no match for UV rays, etc... that we expose ourselves to. Melanoma has several forms and all are deadly. If you don't think you will get skin cancer or think you are invulnerable, just go to your local dermatologist and ask to see pictures of clients with skin cancer, better yet go to the oncology center at your local hospital. You won't think that way ever again. Wear sunscreen.

9) Treat yourself to a spa treatment atleast once a year. Skin peels, TCA peels, deep tissue massage, complete relaxation, aromatherapy, etc... will all energize and heal your skin. TCA peels will actual improve your skins ability to regenerate itself and improve collagen levels.

Remember, follow these nine steps to enjoy healthier skin.

What Meat Eaters Should Know

by Dr. Maoshing Ni
Everyone knows that what you eat affects how long and how well you can live. Read on to discover how the question of meat factors into your longevity goals.

Vegetarian Benefits
Becoming vegetarian has more rewards in store than ethical integrity; it can also offer some wonderful health benefits. In general, vegetarians suffer from fewer degenerative diseases than their carnivore counterparts.

It has been estimated that one third of all cancer patients developed their disease because they did not include a sufficient amount of whole plant fibers in their diets. Studies have also shown that vegetarians - when following a well-balanced, low-fat, high-fiber vegetarian diet - often have lower incidence of coronary artery disease, hypertension, and obesity.

Save the Meat for the Weekend
The recent Western obsession with protein diets is turning out to have potentially fatal results, namely osteoporosis and kidney failure. During protein metabolism, your kidneys must excrete the excess components of protein, known as amino acids.

To complete this process, the kidneys neutralize the acids by binding them to calcium, which in turn, depletes your body's store of this essential mineral.

The rate in the U.S. of osteoporosis is strikingly higher than China, where almost everyone eats a lower protein vegetarian diet. Evidence has also been found that excess protein weakens the kidney function. But you don't have to give up meat entirely to attain longevity.

In studies of animals with chronic kidney failure, simply reducing their intake of protein extended their lifespan by up to 50 percent! Take this advice: limit your meat eating to only the weekends, and you will be taking a balanced and healthy approach to your diet.

Choose Fish
If you do decide to eat meat, you will want to make educated decisions about the meat you choose. Of all animal products, fish is the healthiest choice because it is high in protein and low in fat. The omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish protect your blood vessels from plaque, prevent high blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and help you maintain good respiratory health.

Populations that eat a diet consisting of mostly fish, vegetables, and local fresh fruits experience practically no cardiovascular disease and have a high percentage of healthy seniors.

Broiled Salmon with Lemon and Mango Salsa

Serves 3


* 1/2 lemon
* 1 (1 lb) salmon fillet
* 1 cup mango salsa

Mango Salsa

* 1 cup diced fresh mango
* 1/3 cup peeled cucumbers, drained & diced
* 1/3 cup diced red bell pepper
* 2 tbsp fresh mint, chopped
* 2 tsp fresh limejuice

Combine all ingredients and chill. Serve over fish or chicken.


1. Preheat your oven to 475 degrees F. and arrange rack in the center. Line a baking pan with foil. Squeeze lemon juice into pan. Rinse salmon and pat dry. Cut into three pieces.
2. Place salmon, skin side down, over lemon juice and spoon mango salsa over top. Bake until salmon is cooked through, 10 to 12 minutes.

I hope you take some healthy steps toward improving your diet! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.

May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

-Dr. Mao

Preventing Acne - 5 Tips

What is Acne - It is a condition in which the skin is inflamed. It occurs because of bacteria that enters into the pores of the skin and breeds. It can happen quickly. But, why it happens is what is important here. There are many causes of acne, but the reaction the body has is the same. Understanding what happens to the body will help in the prevention of additional acne later on.

How it happens - The body normally secretes oil through the skin. This helps to keep the skin healthy. But, sometimes, there are high levels of oils being secreted. On the other side are the pores. The pores can become clogged, so to speak, with dead cells and the oils. The combination makes for a warm, wet location for bacteria to get into and to breed quickly. All of this leads to painful, unpleasant pimples on the skin.

Here are some tips to help you with the prevention of acne:

1. The most important thing to do is to keep your face clean. Your face is normally going to be oily, to an extent. But, you'll want to keep it as clean as possible nonetheless. Washing it with a good, quality soap is essential to keeping the excess oils off and the bacteria away.

2. Consider your needs for exfoliating. Remember those dead cells we mentioned? They too can get in there and help to cause acne. So, pick up an exfoliating cream or cloth and wash your face with it. It will help to remove dead skin cells from the face and therefore keep the zits away.

3. Seek out the help of a dermatologist. If you are facing continuous problems with severe acne or are otherwise concerned about your skin, you should speak to your doctor. They can uncover several things. First, they may find that there is a need to use prescription medication to slow down the production of oils within the body. They can also prescribe antibiotics to help rid the skin of these infections which are what acne really is.

4. Make sure that you are informed. If you educate yourself about what acne really is and why it happens, you can help to prevent it. It is also important to realize that not all acne can be treated or cured and that some of it is inherited.

5. Lastly, eating a well balanced diet and getting regular amounts of exercise really can make a large difference.

Eat Fat and Be Happy

by Andrew Weil, M.D.
A wise person once pointed out that you are not what you eat, you are what you absorb. True enough; the world's healthiest diet is of no use if the nutrients are not assimilated.

So how do we maximize absorption?

As it turns out, some of the healthiest compounds in fruits and vegetables are fat soluble, which suggest some fat must be present in the meal for the nutrients to be absorbed.

An Ohio State University researcher put that idea to the test. Eleven test subjects first ate a salad with romaine lettuce, baby spinach, shredded carrots, and no-fat dressing.

When the same salad was consumed with avocado, the subjects absorbed seven times more lutein and nearly 18 times more beta carotene, both vital nutrients that have anti-cancer and cardiovascular benefits.

In my view, one of the great revelations of the last 20 years of nutrition science is the vital importance of "good fats," to which I would include omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, walnuts and flaxseeds.

Fats in a Healthy Diet?

by Andrew Weil, M.D.
Believe it or not, adding fats to salads can make them healthier, according to research conducted at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center.

In a study published in the March 2005 Journal of Nutrition, 11 study participants ate a mixed salad or a tomato salsa, with and without avocado or avocado oils.

From three to five times more carotenoid nutrients such as lycopene and beta-carotene were absorbed by the participants who ate the salad with avocados, which are about 17 percent fat. Previous studies have shown just as much benefit comes from including full-fat dressing on salads.

Naturally, the key here is balance.

Fatty salad dressing may help you absorb fat-soluble antioxidants and carotenoids, but keep your daily caloric load in mind before upending a bottle over your greens.

I recommend sparing use of fatty salad dressing, but more liberal ingestion of avocados, which come with lots of vitamins, minerals, and monounsaturated fats. Since the fat is part of the fruit, overdosing on the fat in this form is less likely.

Choosing A Lift Chair

For some people, getting up from a sitting position can be quite a chore. Lift chairs help in this regard. In today's modern world lift chairs offer those who have difficulty sitting down and getting up from sitting the opportunity to live normal lives even with their disability.

There are many reasons why people have difficulty getting into and out of a sitting position. Some suffer from arthritis, and getting up from a sitting position is all but impossible for them. Many of those who are advanced in age show signs of muscle weakening and difficulty in moving about. This is to be expected as people age. However, without assistance, life for these people becomes extremely inconvenient and, at time, embarrassing.

To help make their lives easier, lift chairs were invented. Lift chairs are furnitures that make getting into and out of a sitting position easier. They are made of usual couch material and may look like a normal couch. They, however, have built in motors that change the position of the seat that helps the user as he moves to stand up. The contraption is activated by buttons on the seat or on a remote control. When the user wants to sit down, all he or she has to do is lean weight on the seat. This triggers a mechanism that lowers the user into sitting position. The mechanism of these chairs prevents users from flopping down unceremoniously on the couch. It provides stability and support for the sitting and standing movement.

There are many reasons why one would want to use a lift chair. As mentioned earlier, one of the reasons one would want to use lift chairs is arthritis. Other diseases include Parkinson's, Lou Gehrig's and other mobility limiting conditions.

People who suffer from other conditions such as knee and hip problems also need lift chairs - as do people who have had accidents, muscular weakness, or even advanced age. For these people lift chairs present the best way to continue living a functional life. They will also be less dependent on other people to get around their homes.

Lift chairs also help caregivers. Instead of having to carry their patients in and out of their chairs, their patients can now be assisted by automatic lift chairs. This helps them avoid getting fatigued and sore from carrying their patients.

Lift chairs come in different styles, colors and functionalities - and yes prices. At first sight, lift chairs will resemble normal upholstered chairs. They look like your typical sofa, recliner, or chair. Some even double as beds. If you are to buy such furniture, make sure you choose one that fits the needs of its user. If he or she is more comfortable with a recliner or chair, then by all means consider that style for him or her.

You should also consider the fabric for the lift chair you wish to purchase. Some patients have sensitive skin conditions. You should take this into consideration when choosing a lift chair. Leather might irritate some, while some might be irritated by fur. A good knowledge of your patient will assist your decision.

You should also consider the size and height of the chair. Its dimensions should match the needs of its user. When shopping for a lift chair, it is important to consider the size and height of the individual who will be using the chair. If it is too small the chair will be uncomfortable for the user. If it is too large, the user might feel the same way.

Consider also the weight of the user. Lift chairs can carry large loads but you must make sure the brand you choose can handle the weight of its user.

Lift chairs are usually plugged into your typical electric outlet. There are versions, however, that can operate on battery packs. This makes them convenient even in the event of a power black out.

There are also brands that have massage units and heating implements. If your patient needs these features, you can have them installed too.

Arthritis and Pain Relief Medications cause 16,500 deaths per year

By : Brad Krueger DC
Almost everyone is familar with the pain relief formulas. Over 30 billion over the counter tablets, and 70 million prescriptions are sold annually just in the USA.

Known as "Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs" (NSAIDs), a few commonly known names include Aspirin, Ibuprofin, Advil, Motrin as well as prescription products like Celebrex, Vioxx, Daypro and more.

Here's something you might "not" know about common pain relief...

"Conservative calculations estimate that approximately 107,000 patients are hospitalized annually for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-related gastrointestinal (GI) complications and at least 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur each year among arthritis patients alone. The figures of all NSAID users would be overwhelming, yet the scope of this problem is generally under-appreciated."
American Journal of Medicine, July 1998

And from the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine...

"It has been estimated conservatively that 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur among patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis every year in the United States. This figure is similar to the number of deaths from the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and considerably greater than the number of deaths from multiple myeloma, asthma, cervical cancer, or Hodgkin's disease.

If deaths from gastrointestinal toxic effects from NSAIDs were tabulated separately in the National Vital Statistics reports, these effects would constitute the 15th most common cause of death in the United States. Yet these toxic effects remain mainly a 'silent epidemic,' with many physicians and most patients unaware of the magnitude of the problem.

Furthermore the mortality statistics do not include deaths ascribed to the use of over-the-counter NSAIDS."
New England Journal of Medicine

The Food and Drug Administration suggests even higher figures, estimating NSAID use accounts for 10,000 to 20,000 deaths per year in the United States alone. In spite of this knowledge, little has been done to notify the public. There has been no large scale public alert and pharmaceutical companies still market and promote worldwide sales of these products.

It is important to note that most people have no warning signs that these drugs are causing internal damage before they end up in the hospital in serious condition. As the death toll rises annually, consumers are slowly learning the toxic effects of these medications and turning to Mother Earth to seek natural and less toxic alternatives to find relief from pain.


Singh Gurkirpal, MD, "Recent Considerations in Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Gastropathy", The American Journal of Medicine, July 27, 1998, p. 31S

Wolfe M. MD, Lichtenstein D. MD, and Singh Gurkirpal, MD, "Gastrointestinal Toxicity of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs", The New England Journal of Medicine, June 17, 1999, Vol. 340, No. 24, pp. 1888-1889.

Fries James F., "NSAID Gastropathy: The Second Most Deadly Rheumatic Disease? Epidemiology and Risk Appraisal", Journal of Rheumatology, 1991, (Supplement 28), Vol. 18, pp. 6-10 &

Friday, June 29, 2007

Music Therapy Techniques Becoming More Popular

In 1950, the National Association for Music Therapy was formed, bringing music therapy techniques into the realm of professionalism. This was the root for music therapy. Using music as a cure for a person's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being has been practiced for centuries, although it was never referred to as a professional science. Even though everyone does not consider it so, music therapy still makes up a significant part of alternative medicine.

A physician, a psychologist, or a social worker often refers music therapy to someone, though there are many parents who turn to music therapy to help their children. For whatever reason someone comes under the care of a music therapist, they will always be in good hands. A music therapist is an extremely qualified individual with extensive education and training. Music therapists often work with the physically handicapped, the abused, the elderly, the terminally ill, or mentally retarded.

The techniques used in music therapy are varied, but all pretty much deal with expression of emotions and the calming of the body. For example, a music therapist may tell a patient to sing in order to express unspoken emotions that need to be released. Others may use piano playing as a way to increase fine motor skills, and some others may use instruments to help a patient illustrate his or her feelings. There are numerous applications for music therapy, making it an exciting and interesting field.

Although patients and clients involved in music therapy techniques are sure to increase their skill in using an instrument or in other aspects of music, it is not the main focus. Rather, music therapy focuses on other areas, such as communication, academics and the fine-tuning of motor and social skills. All of these areas can be impacted through the use of music, which has been proven by music therapists time and time again.

While music cannot cure or even aid in all types of disabilities or sicknesses, it is a useful tool for those willing to spend the time involved in it. Music therapy is used in many hospitals, rehab centers, and retirement homes as well as to help children with social problems in school. In fact, with the results music therapy has been getting in these fields, it wouldn't be surprising to see more music therapists popping up, and the act of music therapy techniques becoming more popular in the years to come.

DermaPro: Botox Alternative and Foundation Set

Women who wear makeup and want to apply a treatment method for wrinkles are limited in the products available. Many products on the market are oil-based. Using these products with foundation can be messy at best. Most products formulated to treat wrinkles are oil based. It can be difficult to apply foundation over products that are oil based. In addition, the oil can eventually seep through the foundation, giving the skin an uneven appearance. Instead of having to go without foundation, women who use foundation should use an alternative treatment.

The good news about DermaPro is that not only allows women who wear foundation to treat their skin for wrinkles, but it actually facilitates better foundation application. It actually prepares the application process to be smoother. DermaPro is an alternative wrinkle treatment for women who use foundation, but it is also a Botox alternative in general. DermaPro works similar to Botox in that it is formulated to relax the muscles so that wrinkles and fine lines become smoother and less visible to the eye. When you apply DermaPro prior to using foundation, your skin will also appear smooth. So, you can treat you skin while looking beautiful. DermaPro goes a step further and actually improves the way your foundation looks.

It takes a powerful product to treat wrinkles. Most products of this type have a particular ingredient that does all the work. In relation to DermaPro, the active ingredient is Thalassine. There are many chemicals available that can smooth skin afflicted with signs of aging. Although the Thalassine in DermaPro works similar to Botox, it is not a toxin. Dermapro is so light that you
can apply it along with a moisturizer, sunscreen and foundation. A 1-ounce bottle of DermaPro costs nearly 100 dollars, which may be considered expensive. However, you won't use but a minimal amount of the product.

Do Vitamin Supplements Increase Energy?

by Simeon Margolis, M.D., Ph.D.
"Vitamins for more energy!" shout the Web sites and media advertisements for vitamins. What this marketing copy fails to tell you is that energy comes from the calories contained in the foods we eat, not from vitamins.

It is true that some of the B vitamins are converted inside the body to substances called coenzymes, and that coenzymes activate enzymes crucial to the production of energy from the breakdown of the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins we eat.

But if you're basically a healthy person and eat a balanced diet, you shouldn't need supplements of B vitamins (or any other vitamins) to increase energy production from the foods you eat.

That said, a vitamin supplement could certainly be valuable for people who eat poorly because of ill health, loneliness, poverty, or alcoholism.

The moral of this story: If you are healthy but feel the need for a boost in energy despite eating a reasonable diet, don't look to vitamins to do the trick. Instead, think about the possibility that some physical or psychological problem is sapping your energy.

Diabetes, Recognizing the Signs, and Symptoms

By : Jay Stockman
Do you find yourself going to the bathroom more than usual? Are you unusually hungry or thirsty? Is fatigue a normal, everyday feeling? Does spontaneous, blurred vision interfere with you daily life? If this sounds like you, you may have Diabetes. Diabetes effects over sixteen million Americans, and many people are unaware they have it. Every day, 2,200 new cases of Diabetes are diagnosed in the United States. Diabetes is characterized by a high level of sugar in the blood, as a result of defective insulin secretion, or insulin resistance. Although we tend to group all people with Diabetes together, the truth is that there are two different types of Diabetes that are similar in their elevated blood sugar, but different in many other ways.

Type 1 Diabetes is usually diagnosed in children, and young adults. It is characterized by the Pancreas' inability to produce insulin. It is thought that this inability arises from an autoimmune condition. Basically the body is killing its own insulin producing cells. The symptoms of type 1 Diabetes are very obvious, frequent urination, increased thirst, and weight loss. The onset is usually abrupt, and severe. In addition, having type 1 Diabetes increases your risk for many serious complications, heart disease, blindness, nerve damage, and kidney damage. Treatment consists of intermediate or long-acting insulin (taken once or twice daily) with fast- or rapid-acting insulin injections taken at mealtimes.

Type 2 Diabetes often develops rather insidiously, showing few or no symptoms. The symptoms are similar to type 1, however they develop gradually over time. This may explain why it often goes undetected at first. The cells of the body being resistant to insulin characterize the most common form of diabetes, type 2. The Pancreas still produces insulin, however the body cannot use it efficiently. Type 2 usually develops in men or women over 40 years of age, characterized by obesity, and lack of physical activity. In particular, people who are an "apple-shape" - with lots of fat around the abdomen - are at greater risk of developing diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes runs in families, and is particularly common among people of African-Caribbean or Asian origin. Similarly, having type 2 Diabetes increases your risk for many serious complications, as type 1. Unlike type 1, type 2 Diabetes can usually be controlled with diet, exercise or medicines.

If you suspect you may have Diabetes, it is important to see your doctor, especially if you fall into any of the categories previously mentioned. Discovering you have Diabetes is frightening, don't panic, people with Diabetes can live long, healthy, happy lives. Eat right and exercise. It's a simple prescription that will keep you healthy, whether you have diabetes or not.

A nutritional approach to treating migraine

By : Joy Healey
If you, or someone you love, is a migraine sufferer, you'll know the devastating effect this agonising affliction can have on the whole family - not just the sufferer. Perhaps you've tried most of the conventional ways to banish migraine from your life. Unfortunately only a third of sufferers are fully satisfied with conventional management. The side-effects of certain drugs can be as worrying as the problems they aim to treat. Many people are looking for drug-free solutions, and nutritional therapy has much to offer.

To treat migraine, identify the problem and eliminate it - but that is often easier said than done. Being a one-time sufferer myself, I made migraine the focus of my 3-year nutrition consultancy training course. Obviously there are too many possible causes to describe in detail in a short article such as this, but here's a brief over-view of the factors a nutritional approach to migraine will consider.

There is little doubt that food intolerance is a major cause of migraine and many studies have demonstrated that detecting and removing the offending food(s) can improve or even eliminate symptoms in many sufferers. A study in the Lancet found that 93% of sufferers found an improvement on eliminating allergenic foods from their diet. But often it's not the 'usual suspects' that cause the problems. There are several ways to do the necessary detective work. For a free article on food intolerance testing, visit the website below.

But food intolerance isn't at the bottom of all migraines. Other dietary adjustments can make a world of difference to reducing migraines - AND improving your general health and well-being. Improving your diet means far more than just eating '5-a-day', important though that is! For instance, it's vital to maintain a steady blood sugar level, eat regular, light meals that include protein but are low in simple carbohydrates (such as sugary and refined foods). Eat extra amounts of almonds, fennel, watercress, and fresh pineapple. Reduce salt intake and avoid acid forming foods (meat, dairy, cereals, grain and bread). Avoid fried and fatty foods.
Acid / alkaline imbalance in your diet can cause problems - put simply, acid-forming foods are protein based, while alkaline-forming foods are plant based.
Nutrient deficiencies can be problematical - there's a whole host of research into the role of different B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium in migraine prevention. For instance, calcium and magnesium in the correct balance help regulate muscle tone and nerve transmissions. As the brain is largely composed of fatty material, you'll need to be sure that your diet contains plenty of essential fats - while minimising intake of 'bad' fats.

A less well-known nutrient has also been found effective in helping migraine sufferers. CoQ10 is a naturally occurring substance similar in structure to vitamin K. It is not a vitamin because, subject to the availability of all necessary nutrients, it can be made in the body; but as so often occurs, production declines with age! Its main functions in are in energy production and as an antioxidant. In migraine it's thought to help by improving blood circulation to the brain. Research by Dr Rozen at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation published in the International Headache Society's journal (March 2002) found that after three months taking CoQ10, 61% of patients had a greater than 50% reduction in the number of days with migraine - a significant reduction. The fact that patients in the study had no problems using it, together with other beneficial effects of the nutrient, makes CoQ10 a very appealing agent for migraine prevention. Natural sources of CoQ10 include beef, chicken, ham, pork, salmon, sardines, mackerel, egg, spinach, sesame seeds and walnuts; but no food can provide anything close to the dose used in the trial so supplementation would be necessary.

When considering circulation of blood and oxygen to the brain ginkgo or vitamin B3 are also useful nutrients to look at. If taking supplements try to use hypo-allergenic and chelated forms. Exercise and deep breathing will also improve blood circulation.

But even if your diet is top-notch, unless you're correctly digesting and absorbing your food, you won't benefit from the nutrients it contains. 'Leaky gut' is a subject that links to food intolerances, mentioned earlier. You may not expect to need hydrochloric acid in your body, but it's essential for protein digestion! Check and supplement where appropriate.

Many sufferers notice that stress or strong emotions trigger their migraines. What is less well-known is that there are dietary changes you can make that can lessen the impact, even when you can't do anything about your hectic life-style. For instance, vitamin B5 is important in a nutritional approach to stress management and vitamin C aids anti-stress hormone production

Other non-food triggers include lack of exercise, excess or lack of sleep, liver malfunction, weather changes, caffeine withdrawal, certain drugs, dental problems, flashing or glaring lights or exposure to cigarette smoke. Physiotherapy may also be helpful in certain cases.

Could toxic metals be slowly poisoning you? A Hair Mineral Analysis is a simple and cost-effective way to assess your levels of lead, aluminium, mercury and cadmium - as well as checking that you have adequate levels of such essential nutrients as magnesium, chromium, zinc - and just as importantly, that the balance between minerals is correct. Read more about Hair Mineral Analysis on the website below.

Less dramatically, could simple constipation be causing a problem? If your bowel functions are poor, waste material cannot be eliminated and circulates for too long within your system. It's vital to maintain a good balance between the 'good' and 'bad' bacteria in your intestine.

Hormonal health is important too, especially for women. The Pill may cause B6 deficiency resulting in migraines; some migraines result from oestrogen fluctuations - these often decrease after the menopause. Foods containing phyto-oestrogens (citrus fruits, apples, cherries, plums, oats, rice, wheat, carrots, potatoes, parsley and fennel) can have a hormone-balancing effect. Consideration of hormonal health leads onto looking at liver health. Good liver function is necessary to remove spent hormones.

Homocysteine also has a profound effect on blood vessels and in research, compared to controls, migraine sufferers were twice as likely to have a tendency to over-produce homocysteine. The migraine link has yet to be proven, but as there's overwhelming research showing that high homocysteine is linked to strokes and heart-attacks, and as it can be simply and effectively lowered by nutritional means, it makes sense to maintain low levels.

Many sufferers are not aware that misuse of over-the-counter painkillers may increase headaches, especially those that contain caffeine. If any prescribed medications contain caffeine, discuss changing them with your GP. Do not stop or change any prescribed medicine without contacting your GP.

This brief article has only been able to provide a taster of the factors that could be contributing to migraines. More information on migraine, hair mineral analysis and food intolerance testing is available at the website below.

Bird Flu - Answers to 10 Important Questions

By : Brian McGregor
Most people know that bird flu is beginning to emerge as a serious health threat to the world.

There are real concerns and in this article we give answers to 10 questions which many individuals are asking about bird flu.

1. What is Bird Flu?

Avian influenza or 'bird flu' is a highly contagious disease of birds, caused by influenza A viruses. In birds, the viruses can present with a range of symptoms from mild illness and low mortality, to a highly contagious disease with a near 100% fatality rate.

The bird flu virus currently affecting poultry and some people in Asia is the highly pathogenic H5N1 strain of the virus.

As the virus can remain viable in contaminated droppings for long periods, it can be spread among birds, and from birds to other animals, through ingestion or inhalation.

All bird species are thought to be susceptible to avian influenza. Migratory birds such as wild ducks and geese can carry the viruses, often without any symptoms of illness, and show the greatest resistance to infection.

Domestic poultry flocks are particularly vulnerable to epidemics of a rapid, severe and fatal form of the disease.

2. Can Bird Flu Infect People?

People are rarely infected with bird flu viruses. Those who have become infected have had close direct contact with infected birds.

The first documented cases of bird flu infecting people occurred in Hong Kong in 1997 and this was also the H5N1 strain of virus. Investigation showed that close contact with live infected poultry was the source of the infection.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is mounting evidence that the H5N1 strain has a unique capacity to jump the species barrier and cause severe disease, with high mortality, in people.

3. Can Bird Flu Travel From Person to Person?

There is no firm evidence that the H5N1 strain which caused the outbreaks in South East Asia has acquired the ability to pass easily from person to person or to sustain transmission.

So far, while some instances of spread from one person directly to another have been reported, these have been isolated one-off occurrences with no further spread to people, and the route of transmission remains unconfirmed.

4. Have There Been Previous Outbreaks of Bird Flu Affecting People?

The first documented cases of bird flu in people appeared in Hong Kong in 1997, when 18 people infected with an H5N1 virus strain were admitted to hospital, six of whom died. The source of infection in most cases was traced to contact with diseased birds on farms, and in live poultry markets.

As of 13 October 2005, 117 reported cases of H5N1 infection in people have occurred in four countries - Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Indonesia. Sixty of these have been fatal.

5. What is the Source of the Current Outbreak of Bird Flu?

The outbreak now concerning health experts began in poultry in South Korea in mid-December 2003, and has affected birds in many countries in Asia, Russia, and most recently Turkey and Rumania. It involves a variant of the same virus subtype as that associated with the 1997 Hong Kong outbreak.

6. What is the Risk of a Human Influenza Pandemic?

A pandemic can be broadly described as a massive epidemic. It occurs on a much greater scale than an epidemic, spreading around the world and affecting many hundreds of thousands of people across many countries.

Experts are concerned that the virus could adapt, giving it greater affinity for humans. Or that it could exchange genes with a human flu virus, thereby producing a completely new virus strain capable of spreading easily between people, and causing a pandemic. By necessity, if a new strain were to occur then few people, if any, would have a natural immunity to it.

7. What Can I Do to Protect Myself and my Family?

There is some evidence that recent H5N1 viruses are susceptible to a class of antiviral drugs called neuraminidase inhibitors.

The UK Government is expanding its stockpile of antiviral drugs against the contingency of a flu pandemic, whether due to an H5N1 or another new strain. On 1 March 2005, the Health Secretary announced the procurement of 14.6 million treatment courses of the antiviral, Tamiflu - enough to treat a quarter of the UK population.

Individuals can purchase Tamiflu privately. The manufacturer, Roche, is working hard to supply what is required. World-wide demand, however, has increased dramatically recently and there may be shortages.

8. Is a Vaccine Currently Available for Bird Flu?

The present position is that there is no vaccine for bird flu.

There are, however, several potential vaccines at various stages of testing and production. Whether these will be suitable for use against a new pandemic flu strain depends on how much the pandemic strain may have mutated and changed from the original H5N1 virus strain used to create the vaccine.

9. What is the Advice for Travellers?

Travellers to areas experiencing outbreaks of the disease in poultry are recommended to avoid contact with live animal markets and poultry farms.

Travellers should not attempt to bring any live birds or poultry products back to their own country.

10. How Can I Keep up-to-date With Bird Flu Matters?

The following organisations have sections on avian influenza which provide useful and regularly updated information:

Health Protection Agency


World Health Organization

UN Food and Agriculture Organization

Bird flu has the potential to be the basis of an influenza pandemic. The experts are predicting that there will be a pandemic, although it is not possible to say when it will occur.

The message is to be alert and be aware of the advice being given by your government.

A Day in the Life of a LASIK Procedure

By : Jay Stockman
It is 9:00am, I must get up, I have been waiting for this day my entire life. As far as I can remember I have needed glasses, not the kind that would flatter a person, the kind that would bring pity to the faces of strangers who looked at me. I mean, my glasses where thick! . This is the day I am going to have LASIK. LASIK is an acronym for laser assisted in situ keratomileusis, which refers to creating a flap in the cornea with a microkeratome and using a laser to reshape the underlying cornea. I have done the research, I have met with the surgeon, there is no turning back, its almost show time.

On my way to the doctor's office, my mind is racing, am I making the right decision? Will I experience the debilitating side effects that others have warned me about? My journey originally began at my eye doctor's office, who does not perform LASIK. I asked him for a referral, and he suggested a local Ophthalmologist. An Ophthalmologist is a Medical Doctor who is licensed to perform LASIK procedures, after additional LASIK-specific training. After an extensive checking of his credentials, and experience, this was going to be my LASIK doctor.

I finally arrive, and a very friendly, and helpful staff greets me, and assures me that this procedure will be painless, and quick. Easy for them to say, they all probably have perfect vision. My name is called; I proceed to a cold, large room, which looks like a scene from the movie Independence Day. My hour of reckoning is here, I think about going blind, what I would miss most. I have to start thinking positive thoughts. I briefly meet with the Surgical Counselor who explains to me the different steps I am about to go through. He asks me if I require a sedative, I tell him a Bombay Sapphire Martini would do just fine. He reminds me it is 10:00 am in the morning. I opt out of taking any sedative; I want to be awake for the entire procedure. With this, in walks his royal highness, THE LASIK SURGEON.

I lay down on what is referred to as the treatment bed, a bit hard, but totally acceptable. The surgeon places drops in both of my eyes, within seconds my eyes feel very heavy, and numb. He assures me this is normal, and will not affect my brain. He starts on the right eye first, he places clamps under my eyelids to keep them wide open. My heart is racing; I want to cry out for my mommy. Next he places a contraption on my eye, that he calls a keratome, the instrument that will be used to create the cornea "flap". At this point, I only feel some pressure on my eye, absolutely no pain. His assistant is constantly pouring artificial tears in my eyes to keep them wet since I cannot blink. I am now directed to focus on a red fixation light, which I do obediently. The surgeon activates the keratome, I hear a noise my cornea is being sliced like a bologna, and I still feel no pain. Next the laser is activated, I smell something like burning hair, again no pain, just pressure. Within minutes the surgeon is finished with the right eye, on to the left. The entire procedure lasted about 20 minutes. That is it!

My procedure is over, and I am in recovery. I am almost in tears, I open my eyes, and for the first time in my life I have VISION, a bit cloudy, but vision nonetheless. I am overwhelmed at this point. The LASIK surgeon walks in, checks me briefly, and informs me everything went well. I wanted to hug and kiss him, however there is a time and place for everything. I am given some drops, and instructions, and within 24 hours of surgery I am back at work. Absolutely amazing, how quick the recovery period was. My vision at this point is cloudy, and I am told this is normal, since the cornea is still swollen.

Six weeks have passed, and I am doing great. The vision in my right eye is 20/20, my left is 20/25 all with no glasses, or correction. The cloudiness is completely eliminated, I still have a noticeable glare at night, but far from debilitating. There is no dryness in my eyes at all, and I rarely use lubricating drops. I am completely satisfied with my entire experience, and highly recommend it to any potential candidate.

Is Chocolate That Healthy?

By : Gerald Meyer
It is great news that research has found a food that lowers blood pressure and is healthy for the heart and maybe more. The problem is that the chocolate Americans consume most is not the kind that was studied. The more popular kinds of chocolate have little or no positive effect on your health. Only certain chocolate may be healthy.

Dark chocolate is the chocolate that was found to have positive effects on blood pressure. Participants, either given dark, milk, or white chocolate every day were evaluated in different studies. It turns out that dark chocolate contains important antioxidants called phenols. These natural compounds from the cocoa bean are known to increase nitric oxide, reduce platelet aggregation, and inhibit oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Cocoa can decrease blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and increase your insulin sensitivity. Milk and white chocolate are low in these antioxidants and do not have the same effect.

The problem is how chocolate is processed in this country. White chocolate, regardless of where you get it, actually contains no cocoa at all and is made only from cocoa butter; just the fat from the cocoa beans. It also contains no phenols. Most of the other chocolate we eat is made with "dutched" cocoa. The cocoa beans are treated with an alkaline solution to make them dark in color and reduce the natural bitterness from the plant. But it also reduces almost 90% of the phenols and most of its healthy benefits. The other problem is that when made into milk chocolate, the milk seems to prevent the phenols from being absorbed and, thus, negating any possible benefit from the chocolate.

The best chocolate for your health appears to be dark chocolate. In the European studies done, participants ate 100gm of chocolate a day (100 grams equals approx. 3.5 ounces). This is the equivalent to 2 1/2 regular size Hershey's bars. It also added about 550 calories to their diet. They were instructed to substitute this amount of calories from other foods they normally ate each day. You would have to do the same or forego its healthy benefits by increasing your waistline. European chocolate in general is healthier than that found in America due to the fact that it is less processed than ours and contains more of the heart healthy antioxidants. Dark chocolate is an acquired taste for most Americans since it is much more bitter than its milky counterpart.

So why is this research being touted as the 'best medical news in ages'? It appears to be one more way we look to justify the unhealthy diets we follow. When people hear that chocolate is now healthy, they don't hear any of the other restrictions involved, and don't want to. In fact, most people wouldn't want to change to a more bitter tasting chocolate and also cut out over 500 calories from their diets as they did in the studies. Our diets already have enough sweets and this type of news only fuels the diabetic and obesity epidemics. This kind of medical news will only make most people add extra calories to their diets and increase their health problems.

These studies do look promising but there still is no information on how long these benefits last, how many phenols need to be eaten or how often. Stick with the darkest chocolate, if you must, and balance out your calories. Until we have more information, chocolate should remain a treat and not a treatment.

Healthy Chocolate?

It's great news that research found a food that lowers blood pressure and is healthy for the heart and maybe more. The problem is that the chocolate most Americans consume is not the same kind. The more popular kinds of chocolate have little or no positive effect on your health. Only certain chocolate may be healthy.

Dark chocolate is the chocolate that was found to have positive effects on blood pressure. Participants given dark, milk, or white chocolate every day were evaluated in different studies. It turns out that dark chocolate contains important antioxidants called phenols. These natural compounds from the cocoa bean are known to increase nitric oxide, reduce platelet aggregation, and inhibit oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Cocoa can decrease blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and increase your insulin sensitivity. Milk and white chocolate are low in these antioxidants and do not have the same effect.

The problem is how chocolate is processed in this country. White chocolate, regardless of where you get it, actually contains no cocoa at all and is made only from cocoa butter; just the fat from the cocoa beans. It also contains no phenols. Most of the other chocolate we eat is made with "dutched" cocoa. The cocoa beans are treated with an alkaline solution to make them dark in color and to reduce the natural bitterness from the plant. But, it also reduces almost 90% of the phenols and most of its healthy benefits. The other problem is that when made into milk chocolate, the milk seems to prevent the phenols from being absorbed and, thus, negating any possible benefit from the chocolate.

The best chocolate for your health appears to be dark chocolate. In the European studies done, they ate 100gm of chocolate a day (100 grams equals approx. 3.5 ounces). That's the equivalent to 2 1/2 regular size Hershey's bars. It also adds about 550 calories to the diet. They were instructed to substitute this amount of calories from other foods they normally ate each day. You would have to do the same or forego its healthy benefits by increasing your waistline. European chocolate in general is healthier than that found in America due to the fact that it is less processed than ours and contains more of the heart healthy antioxidants. Dark chocolate is an acquired taste for most Americans since it is much more bitter than its milky counterpart.

So why is this research being touted as the 'best medical news in ages'? It appears to be one more way we look to justify the unhealthy diets we follow. When people hear that chocolate is now healthy, they don't hear any of the other restrictions involved, and don't want to. In fact, most people wouldn't want to change to a more bitter tasting chocolate and also cut out over 500 calories from their diets. Our diets already have enough sweets and this type of news only fuels the diabetic and obesity epidemics. This kind of medical news will only make most people add extra calories to their diets and increase their health problems.

Lasik - Simple Procedure or Dangerous Surgery?

Lasik is a relatively simple and fast procedure. The entire surgery takes about 30 minutes, during which you will be lying on your back in the room containing the laser system. The laser system is a machine with a computer screen and a microscope attached to it.
Whether you have shortsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism the cause is the same - your cornea is not a perfect shape. The goal of the lasik surgery is to reshape (polish) your cornea so the light going through it focuses better on your retina.

The surgeon can't use a general anesthetic because you have to remain conscious, throughout, and be able to look directly at the laser. However, anesthetic drops are used for your eyes, so you will not feel any pain - only some pressure and a little discomfort. You will be able to see during the entire procedure, although your vision might blur or flicker, for a few moments.

Lasik surgery can be separated into 6 steps

1. First of all the surgeon will drop a few numbing drops into your eye and clean the area around it. Then your eyelids will be propped open.

2. Before the laser can start its work, the surgeon will need to cut a flap in your cornea. This could be done with either a laser or with microkeratome - a special cutting instrument. It might sound scary, but don't worry: you won't feel the cutting.

3. After that, the laser will be positioned over your eye and you will have to look directly at it for about 60 seconds. The reshaping has not started yet, but your eye needs to get used to being focused on the light.
When your eye is in the perfect position, the laser will start its work. The laser is controlled by a computer, which is preprogrammed by the surgeon to remove a specific amount of corneal tissue.

4. After your cornea is reshaped, the flap is put back on it place.

5. Stitches won't be used to keep the flap in place; instead, doctors use a special protective shield to hold it. The shield will protect your eye from being touched accidentally.

6. That's it! Usually you can go home straight after the procedure, but you will have to organize a lift for yourself because you might feel a bit dizzy and your vision will be blurred, at first; obviously you shouldn't drive, under these conditions. The improvement in vision is usually noticable the same day, or by the following morning, at the latest.

Straight after lasik surgery you might feel some discomfort, like there is something in your eye. The most difficult thing is to resist the urge to rub your eyes, but you mustn't touch them until the flap is healed.
There are also several restrictions, after the surgery. You shouldn't use any eye make-up for two weeks, play any sports for four weeks, or swim or take a hot bath for two months. Also you will have to come in for a follow up visit within 48 hours after the surgery, plus a few more visits during the following six months.

Laser Hair Removal - Is it Right For You?

Laser hair removal is heavily advertised but little is known about this technology. However, that will change after you spend 58 seconds to read every word of this article and become well-informed on permanent hair removal. After analyzing the facts you will be able to make a decision on whether or not laser hair removal is right for you.

How It Works

The laser is used to quickly and gently remove unwanted hairs. , Laser hair removal uses a light wavelength that targets dark colored materials on your skin. This is usually the pigment of the hair. A hand held device is then used to target these areas and remove hair from them. This procedure works best for those with fair colored skin and dark colored hair. With darker skin, it is harder to target these areas. People with darker skin can be treated, but results are slower and more sessions are required. Also, you'll want to find a doctor with greater expertise if you do have darker skin.

Laser Hair Removal must be individualized for each patient.

Different types of hair respond differently to the laser procedure. Coarse dark hair seems to respond the best to laser treatment. Light hair is much more difficult to treat. Blonde or red hair becomes extremely complicated. With lighter hair, results are variable and you must have multiple treatment sessions.

Actually, almost everyone requires multiple treatment sessions for optimal results. This is because hair grows in cycles. Not all of the hairs are in the growth phase at any given time. Additional sessions insure that you catch all of the hairs when they are in the growth phase.

Cost of Laser Hair Removal

The costs of laser hair removal can vary depending on your location. However, they range from $300.00 to $500.00 per session. Because this is a form of medical care, it is always best to seek the clinic with the highest quality rather than the lowest price. Laser hair removal requires many years of training, individual attention, experience, and a trained, caring, and professional staff.

Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal

Most patients do experience some very minor side effects after each session. This is usually in the form of a mild sunburn-type sensation that goes away in 2-3 hours. Moisturizers and cool compresses can help to relieve any discomfort during this time. Any small blister areas that may appear should be treated with a topical antibiotic until resolved. Because you have been exposed to this particular form of light ray, sun block should be used for up to 6 weeks after treatment if you expect to be exposed to the sun. Any further instructions should be given by your doctor.

If you tired of waxing or shaving, laser hair removal may be the perfect solution for you. Now that you know more about it, you should be able to make the right choice for you.

Green Tea and Polyphenols

By : Gerald Meyer
What are Polyphenols?

Polyphenols are compounds found in nature. More specifically they are found in plants and provide coloring for some. Their purpose appears to be a potent, natural antioxidant. There are many plants that we consume that contain polyphenols. Concentrations are high in Olive oil and Green Tea and have been the subject of many health articles and promoted to enhance your health.

How do Polyphenols work?

These antioxidants eliminate free radicals, unstable molecules that are the major cause of both aging and disease, in both plants and humans. Free radicals continually attack the body. Free radicals are a normal product of metabolism and result in a process called oxidation. Polyphenols and other antioxidants, including beta carotene (a vitamin A precursor), vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium, scavenge these free radicals and help to prevent formation of unstable oxygen molecules, known as oxidation. Oxidation can damage healthy cells in the body and have been linked to many diseases including cancer, heart disease and stroke. Polyphenols not only work to prevent diseases but may also help to reduce abnormal cells and inflammation; get rid of cancer causing agents and restore cells back to normal health.

What foods contain Polyphenols?

There are many but there are only a few, which contain particularly high levels. They include red wine, olive oil, black and green tea. Green Tea is the #1 source of polyphenols. These extremely high levels of polyphenols deliver green tea's unique results in several ways. Just one example is a subgroup of polyphenols, exclusive to green tea, called catechins. EGCG, the most abundant and powerful of green tea's 5 main catechins, is dubbed the 'super antioxidant' because it is 200 times more powerful than the popular antioxidant vitamin E. Unfortunately, polyphenols have a quick life span (short half life) of about 3 hours, thus the scientific reason behind researchers' recommendation to drink green tea a minimum of 8 times a day.

Not only may green tea protect and heal the body from disease but also clinical trials, conducted by the University of Geneva, in Switzerland, indicate that green tea raises metabolic rates and speed up fat oxidation. In addition to caffeine, green tea's catechin polyphenols raise thermogenesis (the rate at which calories are burned) and hence increases energy expenditure. And, research at the University of Chicago has shown green tea extract injections in rats to cause appetite suppression. They consumed 60 percent less food and lost 21 percent of their body weight. However, as explained by the scientists, a person would have to drink green tea almost constantly to obtain these results. Green tea patches have been developed as a solution. They contain up to 300mg of polyphenols (30 times the potency of regular green tea) and provide a constant supply over 48 hours.

Research is still continuing with green tea and more health benefits continue to be discovered. For instance, EGCG's may one day play a role in treatment of mad cow disease (Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, DOI:10.1038/nsmb743). And the formation of unstable oxygen molecules in the body is unavoidable. Aging, smoke, and environmental pollutants are all sources of the damaging free radicals. Japan and China have benefited from drinking green tea vs. black tea, like the rest of us, for centuries. The west is just now catching on to the benefits of green tea. With green tea being no more harmful than a cup of coffee (and actually containing less caffeine) there's no reason why you shouldn't begin today to benefit from green tea too.

Chemical name:

Also known as:
Green Tea Polyphenols, Green Tea Water Extract, Black Tea Polyphenols, Black Tea Water Extract, Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), Polyphenon E (Mitsui-Norin, Ltd.), Topical Polyphenon E (Epitome Pharmaceuticals Ltd.)


Monday, June 25, 2007

Puzzles May Be a Real Brain-Booster

THURSDAY, June 14 (HealthDay News) -- A daily crossword puzzle or similar highly focused task might help sharpen your all-round powers of concentration, new research suggests.
"There are a growing number of activities, from crossword puzzles to Sudoku, promoted as ways to keep our minds young. Our early data suggest that attention training is indeed a way to reduce older adults' susceptibility to distracting stimuli and improve concentration," Jennifer Mozolic, a graduate student at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, N.C., said in a prepared statement.

She was scheduled to present the findings Thursday at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping conference in Chicago.

Older adults tend to combine information from their senses more readily than younger adults. This tendency -- called sensory integration -- can make it difficult to ignore distracting sights and sounds and concentrate on a specific task.

The early results of this study of 23 people, ages 65 to 75, showed that eight weekly one-hour attention training sessions improved their ability to block out distractions and concentrate. The sessions involved either a structured one-on-one mental workout or a group brain exercise program.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to analyze the blood flow and activity in the participants' brains while they completed assigned tasks.

The study is ongoing and will eventually include a total of 66 participants.

"Behavioral and imaging data support our hypothesis that attention training can reduce multi-sensory integration. This suggests that attention training is a potential way to improve sensory processing by reducing older adults' susceptibility to distracting stimuli," Mozolic said.

Prenatal omega-3 may boost baby's brainpower

By Amy Norton
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Children whose mothers get enough omega-3 fatty acid during pregnancy may have sharper problem-solving skills in infancy, a small study suggests.Researchers found that 9-month-olds whose mothers had eaten DHA-fortified bars during pregnancy performed better on a test of problem-solving abilities than infants whose mothers had not added DHA to their diets.

DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid, is one of the major omega-3 fatty acids found in oily fish like salmon, sardines and tuna. Because of the fat's vital role in brain development, experts recommend that pregnant women get 300 milligrams (mg) of DHA each day.

However, research shows that few U.S. women meet this goal.

The new findings, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, suggest that women who do get adequate DHA may aid their infants' cognitive abilities.

The study included 29 women in their 24th week of pregnancy. Half were randomly assigned to eat a cereal bar supplemented with 300 mg of DHA from fish oil, while the rest were given a bar with added corn oil to serve as a comparison. On average, the women ate five bars per week.

Their babies underwent standard tests of infant problem-solving and memory at the age of 9 months. The problem-solving task tested the infants' ability to retrieve a toy that was covered by a cloth.

In general, the researchers found, babies in the DHA group performed better on the test than those in the comparison group. There was no difference between the two groups on the memory test.

It's not entirely clear what the better problem-solving performance at 9 months of age will mean later in life. However, other studies have found that DHA supplements during pregnancy seem to offer a "developmental advantage" later in childhood as well, Dr. Carol J. Lammi-Keefe, a co-author on the current study, told Reuters Health.

One study found that giving women fish oil during pregnancy and during the first few months of breastfeeding seemed to boost their children's IQ scores at age 4.

"DHA during pregnancy has benefits for infant neural development, and most pregnant women can benefit from increasing the intake of DHA in their diets," said Lammi-Keefe, of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.

Women can go a "long way" toward getting 300 mg of DHA per day by eating a couple tuna fish sandwiches, plus a serving of fatty fish like salmon, each week, according to Lammi-Keefe.

Other sources of DHA, she noted, include fish oil pills and algae-derived DHA, which is included in some prenatal vitamins.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid certain fatty fish, however, because they could have high mercury levels. These include shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tile fish.

SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 2007.

Insomnia: Stop the Frustration

By : Mark Idzik
A sleep disorder that has affected many people world-wide, insomnia is unfortunately quite common in today. But the consequences brought on by insomnia may not be as ordinary as they seem.

The frustration of repeatedly looking at your clock while moving around in your bed can be emotionally and physically draining to say the least. The tension builds up to its peak when you see the sun rise, and you go to the office lacking energy after experiencing a sleepless night.

You don't have to suffer anymore. Here are some tips to help you sleep peacefully and faster than you could ever expect.

1) Don't eat within 4 hours before you go to bed. In case you go hungry, try some crackers, an apple or a light snack. But don't indulge in an "all-you-can-eat" feast right before bedtime. Your food won't be digested properly, resulting in poor and uncomfortable sleep.

2) Don't drink caffeine or alcohol. Caffeine can hinder your ability to sleep. Alcohol can make you drowsy, but it can wake you up in the middle of the night and bring on side effects that will adversely affect a peaceful night's sleep.

3) Develop a consistent routine of waking up and going to bed at the same time everyday, even on the weekends. Some insomniacs tend to sleep at any time of the day to catch up on some sleep they lose during the night. This is the one of the biggest mistakes you can make if you're looking to sleep peacefully. It alters your body clock and will only worsen your insomnia. If you can't sleep one night, get up at the usual time the next morning. You'll be sleeping soundly the next night.

4) Relax, stay healthy and fit. Avoid a stressful lifestyle. Engage in activity and exercise daily to release tension. Practice deep breathing exercises to relax your body often.

5) Don't force yourself to sleep. Trying your best to sleep requires some work. You don't want to work when you want to doze off. Sleep comes best if you are in a relaxed and comfortable state. Just lie down, relax, and let yourself fall into sleep naturally.

Home Treatment for Acne - a non-chemical approach

By : Trevor Mulholland
The acne products that are sold in stores are full of chemicals that you may not want to apply to your skin. Many people prefer more natural products, and often look for home treatments for acne. Home treatment for acne, in many cases, has proven to be as effective, if not more effective, than the products that you purchase in the store.

Home treatment for acne begins with proper skin care. Make sure that you wash your face, with a pure soap such as Ivory, at least twice each day. If you live in an area that has high air pollution, you may want to wash more often. You should also wash your face after activities that cause you to sweat. Wash your face with warm water, and do a final rinse with a splash of cold water to close the pores.

It is also important that you drink plenty of water to keep your body and your skin hydrated. The proper amount of water intake helps to promote healthy skin, and will keep your skin looking younger for a longer period of time, helping it to retain its elasticity. You also need to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

While no food has been scientifically proven to cause acne, any food that you have an allergy to will cause an acne breakout. You can have food allergies without realizing it - the only sign of the allergy may, in fact, be the acne breakout. For this reason, you should pay close attention to the foods that you eat, and keep records of what you have eaten when your skin breaks out. You might also want to visit an allergist to find out what you are allergic to. Most people are allergic to at least one food, even if they don't realize it.

Home treatment for acne also includes exercise. Most people don't realize the overall effect that exercise has on our minds and bodies. Exercise relieves stress, and stress can cause acne breakouts. Exercise builds our immune systems and makes us less susceptible to infections - acne is a skin infection. Exercise causes us to sweat, which rids our bodies of toxins. Toxins can cause acne as well. Make it a habit to exercise at least three times each week for at least thirty minutes.

Home treatment for acne continues with natural products to prevent or clear up acne. For instance, Evening Primrose oil can be used both internally and externally to clear up acne. For internal treatment, take between 3000 and 6000 milligrams per day. For external treatment, apply the oil directly to the acne. Leave it on overnight, and then wash it away in the morning. An herbal tea, made from the petals of the Evening Primrose plant will help prevent acne, if you drink it regularly. Crush the petals, or the leaves from the plant, and mix one teaspoon of the herb for every one cup of boiling water. Avoid using a metal pot or cup, as the metal can destroy the medicinal properties of the herb.

Other herbs that are useful for the prevention or cure of acne include lavender, rosemary, patchouli, eucalyptus, sandalwood, bergamot, tea tree, and clove. Lavender, bergamot, clove, and eucalyptus are all anti-bacterial herbs. Rosemary can be used as an astringent, and sandalwood is used as an antiseptic and astringent. Patchouli is very powerful, as it helps to regenerate skin cells, and has antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties. Tea Tree is known for relieving skin irritations.

You can make soap out of any of these herbs by mixing one ounce of bees wax, 1 ½ tablespoons of water, and a ½ cup of sweet almond oil or sunflower oil. Simply use a double boiler, and heat the wax and oil over boiling water until it is melted. Heat the water separately, and then add it to the mixture. Stir the mixture as it cools, then add 20 - 30 drops of essential oil of the herbs that you choose, or use a teaspoon of ground herbs.

When purchasing herbs or herbal oils for home treatment for acne, make sure that you look for products that have been organically grown. You don't want to use herbs or oils from plants that were chemically treated with pesticides or other dangerous chemicals, as this actually defeats the purpose of home treatment for acne.

Why Don't Acne Cures Work?

Quite a bit of money can be spent searching for acne cures that work. There are so many products available, that it is hard to know which one's to try. You try one product, only to be disappointed, and then spend a lot of money on another system that claims it will cure your acne, only to be disappointed again. It seems to be a never ending cycle of looking for a cure, thinking you've found an acne cure, then being disappointed all over again.

The biggest problem is that people don't give the acne cures enough time to actually work, switching from one product to the next on a weekly basis. It can take up to three months for an acne treatment to cure your acne, and you may even notice that your acne appears to be getting worse before it starts to get better. Failure to follow the product directions is another common problem. Using too much of the acne medication can be just as much of a problem as not using it enough, causing your skin to become irritated.

The problem may not be the acne cures. Too often, people depend solely on the acne medication to cure acne, when in fact other lifestyle changes are needed. In many cases, medicinal acne treatments are not even required if you find that something else in your life is causing the acne. Most people don't think in terms of what is causing the acne in the first place, concentrating solely on curing the existing acne. But, in order to cure it for good, you must first determine what is causing it. Then, you will have your acne cure.

Science has shown us that acne is caused by excessive sebum production. With that proven, it is up to you, and possibly your health care provider, to determine exactly what is causing your body to produce excess sebum.

Other than the medication, you have to look at how you care for your skin. You must wash your face well at least twice each day, stop wearing makeup - which only serves to clog your pores even more, drink plenty of water, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and exercise at least three times a week. Many people don't realize it, but exercise relieves stress and helps remove toxins from the body through sweat. Both stress and toxins contribute to acne, which is why exercising regularly can actually be an acne cure for you.

Furthermore, you must keep your hair and your hands off your face. Hair and hands contain oils that contribute to acne. Squeezing or popping acne pimples is another problem, because it spreads the bacteria, and often causes scarring as well.

You may have a food allergy that is causing your acne. If this is the case, a visit to an allergy specialist, determining what foods you are allergic to, and eliminating those foods from your diet will cure your acne in most cases. Many people don't realize that they have food allergies, although most of us actually do, and in many cases, the only symptom that there is an allergy is, in fact, an acne breakout!

Making simple lifestyle changes may be the best acne cure available to you, and you may be pleasantly surprised at the results - especially considering how small the changes are. You should also increase your intake of vitamins A and E, as both of the vitamins promote healthy skin. You can take supplements, or eat foods that are rich in one or both of these vitamins. This small change can also help to cure or prevent acne.

However, if making these small lifestyle changes, and using over the counter acne treatments does not provide an acne cure for you, it may be necessary for you to visit a dermatologist to determine what will work. There are many different treatments available that have proven to be effective acne cures. While most of the acne cures your dermatologist will recommend can be expensive, they are usually well worth the cost. Again, make sure that you give the treatment time to work, and follow the directions of your dermatologist for use of the medication.

The Search for Acne Solutions

By : Trevor Mulholland
Billions of dollars are spent worldwide each year in search of acne solutions. Both consumers and pharmaceutical companies alike are spending the money to find an acne solution that works. Unfortunately, for many, the search is never ending. In most cases of teenage acne, the person will outgrow the acne before they actually find a solution for curing it - but they will spend quite a bit of money looking for that cure.

What many people fail to realize is that in many cases, it takes more than medication to cure acne. It may also require some lifestyle changes, such as the foods you eat, the way you care for your skin, and what you expose your skin to. For instance, if a food allergy is causing your acne - and this is very possible - you can use medication to clear up the outbreak, but once you eat that food again, you will have another outbreak.

In addition to using acne solutions, you also have to keep your skin clean. You must wash your face at least twice a day to remove the dirt that clogs pores. If you live in an area that has a lot of air pollution, you may even need to wash your face more often. You must also keep your hair off your face. Hair contains oils that cause acne. You should keep your hands off your face as well, since your hands and fingers also contain oils that cause or aggravate acne.

Popping or squeezing acne pimples should also be avoided. Not only does this cause scarring, but it can also spread the bacterium that contributes to acne breakouts, making the current breakout worse, and even causing new breakouts in the near future.

Using makeup is another problem. Daily use of makeup is bad enough, but when makeup is used to cover up acne pimples, the pimples heal slower, because the pores become even more clogged. Try to avoid wearing makeup, but if you must wear it, choose makeup that is hypoallergenic, or for sensitive skin. Also, avoid products that contain perfumes.

When using acne solutions, make sure that you follow the directions. Overuse of the product can cause as many problems as under use of the product. Follow the directions to the letter, unless your doctor or dermatologist advises otherwise. The best acne solutions will contain both topical treatment, as well as oral treatment. Acne starts on the inside of the body, but it is prevented and healed on both the inside and outside of the body. Talk with your doctor or dermatologist to find the best acne solution for your condition. Make sure that you are aware of all of the potential side effects before deciding to use any type of treatment.

Furthermore, make sure that you are giving the acne solution you are trying time to work. That is the biggest reason for failure with acne solutions. Some treatments can take up to three months before they prove to be effective. Acne cannot be cured overnight, in most cases. Don't mix acne treatments. Don't use one product one day, then another the next day. Stick to one form of treatment, and give it time to work.

Keep in mind that those acne solutions that work for one person will probably not work for the next person. What worked for your mother, brother, or best friend may or may not work for you. We all have different skin types, and different chemical makeup's - and we all respond differently to medication and acne treatments. Work to find what works for you and your acne.

It is possible to find acne solutions that work for you. You just can't depend solely on the acne treatment to cure or prevent acne, without making other lifestyle changes, even though those lifestyle changes are very small. You must be consistent in order to be successful. The biggest change you may need to make might be in the foods that you eat. A good allergy specialist can determine what foods may be causing your acne breakouts, and eliminating those foods from your diet will go along way towards helping your acne solution work for you.

The Best Acne Treatments Available

By : Trevor Mulholland
Acne, which affects the majority of teenagers, and a very large number of adults as well, can be treated using various different methods, with prices ranging from relatively inexpensive to incredibly expensive. However, the best acne treatments are those that treat acne from inside the body, as well as on the surface of the skin - since acne starts inside.

The name on the package really doesn't matter as much as what is inside the package. Some ingredients have proven to be quite effective for treating acne, while others don't seem to have any affect. Some ingredients are perfectly safe, while other's have risks associated with them. What you use to treat your acne is up to you - but it is important that you make informed decisions, in order to find the best acne treatments for you.

Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most effective ingredients found in a large majority of acne medications, however, there is quite a bit of controversy surrounding this chemical. Benzoyl peroxide has been linked to skin cancer, and it is on the FDA's 'unsure' list. This means that while it has been approved by the FDA for human use, the FDA cannot say that it is safe to use - but the FDA hasn't determined that it is unsafe either.

Some of the most effective treatments for a large majority of people who suffer with acne are: ProActiv, Accutane, and Retin-A. This doesn't mean that these medications work for everyone - it just means that it is effective for the majority of people who use these treatments.

ProActiv is a three step topical acne fighting system that does not require a prescription, although it does contain prescription grade Benzoyl peroxide. Accutane is an oral prescription medication. There are many side affects associated with the use of Accutane, such as chapped lips, dry skin, nosebleeds, eye irritation, joint and muscle pain, hair thinning, skin rash, intestinal problems, urinary problems, headaches, and vision problems. There are even some psychological side effects, such as depression. Accutane is not prescribed to women who are pregnant or nursing, due to serious birth defects. Retin-A has very few side effects, and is available in both prescription and over the counter forms. Retin-A is used to treat a variety of skin problems other than acne as well, including wrinkles, lines, scars, and discoloration.

If using one of these products is of interest to you, you should start with ProActiv. If ProActiv doesn't work, try Retin-A next. Avoid using Accutane if you can, and if you do decide that you want to give Accutane a try, make sure that you weigh the potential side effects carefully.

While these treatments are costly, they have proven to be the most successful. Therefore, in most cases, they are well worth the expense. People spend billions of dollars purchasing inexpensive acne treatments that simply do not work. If you look at it in terms of how much money you would spend buying products that do not work, in relation to the amount you will spend to purchase an acne treatment that works for a large majority of the population, you will find that you are better off spending the money on the products that work in the long run, bypassing those that do not work.

Keep in mind, however, that even though these are the best acne treatments available, this doesn't mean that other, less expensive treatments won't work for you. What works for you will depend on many factors, including how severe your acne is. Discuss your options with your dermatologist.

No matter which acne treatment you use, you must keep your face clean, keep your hair and hands off your face, use the treatment as directed, and give the treatment time to work. Failure to do any of these things will keep your acne treatment from working - no matter how good it is. You should also remember that what works for some people may not work for others. The best acne treatments are not always the best for everyone. What worked for your neighbor may cause your acne to become worse. Work to find the best acne treatment for you - and make sure you give it time to work!

Hormone Therapy Extends Lives of Ovarian Cancer Patients

By Steven Reinberg
HealthDay Reporter
FRIDAY, June 15 (HealthDay News) -- Hormone therapy that has proved successful against breast cancer may also extend and improve the lives of women with estrogen-sensitive ovarian cancer, a British study suggests.
Letrozole hormone therapy may also be an alternative to chemotherapy for some women with the disease, according the report in the June 15 issue of Clinical Cancer Research.
"This study demonstrates that some ovarian cancers are responsive to anti-estrogen hormonal therapy, and these cancers, and therefore the patients who would benefit, can be identified," said lead researcher Simon Langdon, a Cancer Research UK scientist and a senior lecturer in cancer research at the University of Edinburgh.
Langdon noted that his team's research has shown that growth of certain ovarian cancers is stimulated by the female hormone estrogen. "These cancers could be identified as those possessing high levels of the estrogen receptor," he said.
For the study, which included 44 women, the researchers used letrozole, which works by limiting production of estrogen in the body. "This treatment then effectively starves the ovarian cancer of estrogen and inhibits growth," Langdon said.
During six months of treatment, 25 percent of the women had no tumor growth, and 33 percent of the women with the greatest estrogen values had a positive response that delayed the use of chemotherapy. "Within the trial, we were able to show that tumors with the highest levels of estrogen receptor were the most likely to respond to treatment," Langdon said.
"This approach provides an addition to chemotherapy for this disease," he added. "It is unlikely to replace chemotherapy but could be used to delay the need for chemotherapy."
The patients most likely to benefit from the therapy can be identified before treatment starts. So, this kind of approach means women can be better targeted and the drug not given to those unlikely to benefit who should receive some other type of treatment, Langdon said.
The American Cancer Society reports that ovarian cancer is the eighth most common cancer in women, not including skin cancer. There will be about 22,430 new cases of ovarian cancer in the United States this year, and an estimated 15,280 women will die from the disease.
A large majority -- about two-thirds -- of women with ovarian cancer are 55 or older. A woman's risk of getting ovarian cancer is about one in 67, according to the cancer society.
Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, the deputy chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society, said, "Letrozole is already approved for treating ovarian cancer in women who have failed other treatment. This study refines these researchers' previous work by identifying those women with estrogen-receptor-sensitive ovarian cancer who are the most likely to respond to this drug.
"Whether the drug should be started earlier in the course of ovarian cancer and whether we should be evaluating whether or not a woman has estrogen-receptor-sensitive ovarian cancer are questions that need to be answered," he said.

New treatment promising for Parkinson's

By MALCOLM RITTER, AP Science Writer Fri Jun 22, 8:35 PM ET
NEW YORK - An experimental treatment for Parkinson's disease seemed to improve symptoms — dramatically so, for one 59-year-old man — without causing side effects in an early study of a dozen patients. The gene therapy treatment involved slipping billions of copies of a gene into the brain to calm overactive brain circuitry.
The small study focused on testing the safety of the procedure rather than its effectiveness, and experts cautioned it's too soon to draw conclusions about how well it works. But they called the results promising and said the approach merits further studies.
"We still have quite a bit more testing to do," said Dr. Michael Kaplitt of Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, an author of the study. Still, "the initial results are extremely encouraging."
Kaplitt and collaborators report their results in this week's issue of the British medical journal, The Lancet.
They're not alone in trying gene therapy for Parkinson's. In April, another team told a medical meeting that its experiments, which delivered a different kind of gene to a different part of the brain, also appeared safe and gave a preliminary hint of benefit.
More than half a million Americans have Parkinson's. They endure symptoms that include tremors, rigidity in their limbs, slowness of movement and impaired balance and coordination. Eventually they can become severely disabled.
Nathan Klein, a 59-year-old freelance television producer in Port Washington, N.Y., said the disease left him "pretty messed up." It weakened his voice, impaired his walking and made his hand tremble so badly he couldn't hold a glass of wine without spilling it all.
Klein was the first patient to be treated with Kaplitt's gene therapy procedure in 2003, and he said his symptoms gradually subsided afterward. Nowadays, he said, apart from freezing now and then when he wants to walk, the symptoms are basically gone.
"I'm elated," said Klein, who continues to take his regular pills for the disease. "It's unbelievable."
Kaplitt, who has a financial interest in Neurologix Inc., which paid for the research, noted that the 12 patients in the study still have Parkinson's symptoms. The amount of medication they were already taking for their symptoms didn't change significantly in the year after the surgery.
Current medicines can control symptoms, but can't stop the disease from getting worse over time, and they can produce troublesome side effects like uncontrollable movement.
Some patients gain relief from a surgical treatment called deep brain stimulation, in which electrodes are placed in the brain and connected to a programmable stimulator.
Kaplitt's procedure was aimed at achieving the same goal as that surgery, calming overactive circuitry in the brain. It gets overactive because it loses the normal supply of a chemical called GABA. The gene therapy was designed to make the brain produce more GABA.
For the gene therapy surgery, a tube about the width of a hair was threaded through a hole about the size of a quarter at the top of the skull. The tube delivered a dose of a virus engineered to ferry copies of a gene into cells of a brain region called the subthalamic nucleus. The gene copies enable the cells to pump out more GABA.
The Lancet paper reports that over a year, patients showed no side effects from the procedure. What's more, they showed improvements in an overall assessment of symptoms like tremors, stiffness and walking problems.
The improvements were evident at a checkup three months after the procedure and persisted to the end of the study, one year after the surgery, researchers reported. By that time, the overall amount of improvement from before surgery was about 24 percent when measured at times that patients were off their normal medication, and 27 percent at times when they were on medication.
Most of the effect appeared on just one side of the body. Because of concerns about safety with the untested procedure, the researchers treated only the brain circuitry controlling one side of the body.
Dr. Karl Kieburtz of the University of Rochester Medical Center, who didn't participate in Kaplitt's work, said the lack of any apparent side effects is itself significant.
But he urged caution in interpreting the evidence of benefits in symptoms. Other experimental therapies that looked good at such a preliminary stage have failed to pan out in more rigorous studies, he said, so more research is needed.
Future studies could include a head-to-head test against deep brain stimulation to see which relieves symptoms better, said neurosurgeon Dr. Guy M. McKhann of the Columbia University Medical Center in New York.
Dr. J. Timothy Greenamyre of the University of Pittsburgh, who was also familiar with the results, said the new study and prior research in animals leave him "very optimistic" about Kaplitt's approach.