Saturday, June 9, 2007

Diabetes: The Basics And What You Should Know

Diabetes is a common medical concern that millions of people live with. It can be controlled and treated so that the majority of individuals with diabetes are able to live a fairly normal life. There are three types of diabetes people are diagnosed with - type I, type II, and gestational. While each of the three types of diabetes is caused by the pancreas not being able to produce enough insulin, they do have several differences.

Type I diabetes often results in the immune system not working properly. This is the most severe type of diabetes because the individual is at a very high risk of getting illnesses such as pneumonia. There is also the risk of infections in the body, especially the extremities. Insulin has to be taken by individuals with type I diabetes. It is generally diagnosed during childhood or the teenage years.

Type II diabetes usually doesn't cause too many issues for the body as long as the blood sugar is regulated. Both Type I and Type II diabetes are treated with a variety of methods including insulin, a proper diet, plenty of exercise, and working closely with doctors and dieticians. Type II diabetes generally is diagnosed in adulthood.

Gestational diabetes takes place only in pregnant women due to changes in the body that are taking place. It is very important for the woman to get prenatal care and eat properly throughout the pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is known to be linked with low birth weight and premature labor.

If diabetes is not treated properly or it is so severe it can't be controlled, it can result in a variety of health issues. It can lead to blindness and in some cases amputations of the arms or legs. Some individuals have to receive dialysis treatments several times a week due to their diabetes.

The sooner an individual is properly diagnosed with diabetes, the better chance they have of leading a normal life. The amount of insulin has to be adjusted to the individual so that they get enough to balance out the other body functions. Some common symptoms of diabetes that has not been diagnosed include frequent urination, constantly feeling thirsty, high blood pressure, and either weight loss or gain.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it is important to contact a doctor. A screening for diabetes includes a simple blood test to check the glucose levels in the body. If it goes undetected, diabetes can cause a person to suffer a heart attack, stroke, or other serious medical problem.

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