Saturday, June 16, 2007

Detox Massage For Body Cleansing

Consider going for detox massage that is not only relaxing but also aids your body in the removal of toxic waste. A detox massage can be of great support to any cleansing program you are in. It can address health conditions including fatigue, headaches, fibromyalgia, and other system dysfunctions that result from the presence of toxins in your body.

A detox massage is helpful because of the rhythmic strokes that your therapist apply to stimulate your body. Your therapist uses a combination of massage movements including irregular and altering applications of pressure that gently compress and stretch your muscle tissues.

There are a number of different massage therapies that also promotes detoxification. One example of a detox massage is the lymphatic massage. The lymphatic system is one of the main elimination systems of the body that is integral in the detoxification process. It is responsible for the absorption of food nutrients and also creates a waste disposal system in your body. Your therapist uses strokes that that help your lymphatic system to clear dietary toxins and other unwanted substances. Your massage therapist can help remove blockages in your blood circulatory system. The toxic waste are actually by-products of stress, dead cells, heavy metals and other excess debris.

A detox massage can also enhance your immune system, strengthen the muscles and toughen your connective tissue. If your muscles are relaxed, then your body is likely to detoxify and cleanse much better. An analogy can be drawn here. Just imagine if you are constipated and your muscles are tense. Did you not have a hard time trying to remove your bowels? When you are less stressed, your organs including your digestive system and gastrointestinal tract, are likely to perform at optimal levels. Under the skilful hands of your therapist, you can end up feeling so relaxed that you may even fall asleep during the session.

A Swedish massage can be likened to a detox massage. It normalizes oxygen levels and improves the function of your colon drainage as well as other organs involved in the detoxification process. Traditional Chinese massages are also excellent for body cleansing. The strokes may differ slightly but the aim of a session is the same.

The next time you step into a health spa, be sure to ask for a massage that helps detoxify and cleanse your body. You may also want to consider signing up for a few sessions so as to reap maximum benefits from this form of healing.

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