Friday, July 20, 2007

Natural Herbs for High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure, where a consistently high blood pressure reading, taken over a number of occasions has a systolic reading of over 140mm Hg.

Before using herbal supplements or natural herbs for high blood pressure treatment, it is vital to seek out professional help and get a full diagnosis of hypertension. Remember, if you experience an increase in the severity of your symptoms at any time you must immediately seek emergency medical care. Keeping this warning in mind; herbs for high blood pressure relief can be used with success as part of an overall lifestyle assessment.

Today, combinations of natural treatment to relieve high blood pressure symptoms will almost certainly contain the herb hawthorn, magnesium, coenzyme Q-10 and vitamin E. Lifestyle, including diet, alcohol and stress should form a major part of addressing Hypertension; taking time out to look at what factors are adding to your condition should be a priority for anyone diagnosed with this ailment.

Natural Herbs Used For High Blood Pressure Treatment

Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha)

Hawthorn berries are known to relieve hypertension and reduce high blood pressure and also to treat orthostatic hypotension, where blood pressure drops abnormally upon standing. Hawthorn works by increasing stroke volume, where the amount of blood per heart beat is increased, and lowering blood pressure and pulse rate. Hawthorn also dilates the peripheral blood vessels which improves circulation.

Coleus (Coleus forskholii)

Like Hawthorn, Coleus increases stroke volume; it also reduces the risk of blood clots, and lowers blood pressure by acting to relax the arterial walls. Coleus is a unique herb for high blood pressure as it elevates Cyclic Amp which boosts the body’s metabolism.

Olive Leaves (Olea europaea)

Olive leaves has been a traditional Tunisian folk remedy for hypertension and have gained attention in studies where this herb has shown to be effective in treating moderate hypertension. In one study, participants showed a progressive decrease in their blood pressure over the treatment period. On average, total reductions were about 18mm Hg for systolic blood pressures and about 10 mm Hg for diastolic pressures.

Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis)

This herb acts in a similar way to coleus and hawthorn, it is indicated where a diuretic action is also of benefit where the pulse is feeble and weak. Convallaria slows and regulates the heartbeat and lowers blood pressure. Lily of the Valley is often prescribed where there is mild heart failure associated with aging and is considered to be safer and to have less side effects than foxglove.

The Use of Natural Supplements

Other than Herbal for High Blood Pressure

In addition to using herbs for high blood pressure, the amino acid, Carnitine (one gram twice daily), is of benefit for congestive cardiac failure (CCF) and hypertension. Coenzyme Q-10 (15 to 100mg daily) in combination with Hawthorn will improve oxygen utilisation and energy production, especially targeting heart muscle.

Magnesium (450-600mg daily) will relax the blood vessel walls and help to regulate blood pressure. Herbal remedies for high blood pressure can be found in combination with these supplements to enhance their action. Long term, low doses of Vitamin E (50iu per day) and Fish Oil have also shown to ease hypertension symptoms.

Natural treatments for high blood pressure are usually taken relatively low doses only and many herbs for hypertension treatment need to be monitored for their drug interactions These herbs must be taken under supervision from your practitioner. Remember, consult your health care professional before beginning any supplementation, and should your symptoms become more severe at any stage, seek emergency care without delay. Alien writes for Herbal remedies . He also writes for eczema home remedies and gout home remedies.

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