Friday, July 20, 2007

Egg Protein


Eggs and egg protein has long been a staple of bodybuilding nutrition and supplementation. Egg protein is commonly referred to as the "perfect protein". Two values are commonly used to measure protein quality such as Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score and biological value. Biological value measures the amount of protein retained from the absorbed protein. Egg protein scores 100 on the biological value, meaning all ingested egg protein is retained by the body. Another protein which scores 100 on the biological value score is whey protein.
Egg protein Dosage
You should be used to fry up 4 to 6 eggs every breakfast and throw away 1/2 of the yolks.

Ingredients of Egg protein
It is composition of various substances and list of Egg protein given below:

  • Large size - 17g
  • Water - 8.893g
  • Energy kcal - 54.740
  • Energy kj - 228.820
  • Protein - 2.696g
  • Total lipid (fat) - 4.512g
  • Cholesterol - 209.78mg
  • Carbohydrate- 0.610g

Uses and Benefits of Egg protein
Used in bodybuilding.
Side Effects of Egg protein
  • Risk of coronary heart disease
  • You may get egg allergy. Egg allergy usually first appears when kids are very young, and most kids outgrow it by the time they're 5 years old.

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