Thursday, May 31, 2007

Yes,There Are Benefits to Practicing Yoga

By : Jude Wright
Your body needs exercise to stay fit and healthy. Even though all forms of exercise will improve your health, none have the mental and physical benefits that the practice of yoga provides.

Yoga is not only beneficial to the physical but it is also beneficial to spiritual and mental health.

One of the most important physical benefits of yoga is how well it tones the body. Many people believe that because yoga is a low-impact stretching exercise, that it really doesn't tone your body or make you any stronger. Well, yoga does make you stronger.

Unlike in workouts like weight lifting, yoga is causing a resistance - which makes your body work in a different way. If you are looking to build a lot of muscles, yoga won't help, but you can improve your muscle strength even if it doesn't make muscles larger.

If you use yoga in combination with other exercises, you will get a workout that will really benefit your health. So if muscle bulk is what you are looking for, can use yoga along with weight lifting to build muscles. Use yoga in combination with strength training and cardio routines to really get the best workout for your body.

The poses in yoga are done very slowly and held for several breaths. This resistance makes your muscles stretch and strengthens them. This stretching also stretches the fascia - the protective sheath that covers muscles and muscle cells in the body.

The stretching of the fascia allows the muscles underneath it to grow more and gives the muscles greater shape. This also allows for a more well-defined physique.

When practicing yoga you are using your whole body. You are not toning isolated groups of muscles. This is a very effective way to keep your body fit and healthy.

Yoga also improves blood circulation and respiratory health through the breathing exercises that you must do while practicing yoga.

Yoga improves joint flexibility and helps to relieve the pain of arthritis and other joint pain.

The mental benefits of yoga are well known. Yoga is said to improve memory and helps you to focus. It also has the benefit of clearing the mind of stressful thoughts. Increased oxygen flow to the brain from yoga helps the brain to function at its fullest capacity.

Finally, there is a spiritual benefit to practicing yoga.You will find an inner tranquility that helps you to more effectively perform the breathing exercises as well as other physical exercises.

It is this spiritual element that relaxes you and allows a full melding of mind, body and spirit.
Author Resource:- Visit for more information and tips on the practice of yoga.

The Purpose of Yoga: Solutions for Depression

Coping with depression is not easy, and severe depression is truly a "tough road to travel." Yet, Yoga contains many alternative methods to lift your spirits beside "Laughter Yoga." Hatha Yoga has many aspects, which will aid anyone in times of depression. A Yoga teacher is not a substitute for a psychiatrist, but Yoga practice is beneficial for a holistic approach to mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional health.

One way to lift your spirits is to practice Yoga postures (asanas), which will raise your endorphin levels. Endorphins are hormone-like substances. Endorphins naturally occur, within your body, containing amino acids, which attach to receptors, and stop pain signals to the brain.

Chocolate could also raise your endorphin levels, but chocolate should be consumed in moderation. Otherwise, over consumption of chocolate, which contains plenty of fat, may result in taking on the shape of a truffle.

Attending regular Yoga classes will keep your mind, body, emotions, and spirit, occupied, while doing constructive tasks. This will draw the positive energy of your Yoga teacher and the class into your being. If you cannot find a Yoga class with the level of positive energy you desire, keep looking because there are many different types of Yoga.

The socialization factor, which occurs before, during, and after a Yoga class, will also take your mind off your problems. Many people benefit emotionally through social activities. The entire structure of a Yoga class allows you to purge negative energy from the core of your being.

If you feel depressed often, self-analysis may not be in your best interest. Your therapist, close friends, and family will most likely be your best "sounding boards." It is very unhealthy to keep your emotions "locked up."

Therefore, you may have to allow yourself to cry. Believe me - it is not comfortable for any of us to cry, so you may want some solitary time to purge your body and mind by crying. When we lose a loved one, most of us cannot stop crying. Regardless of the problem, crying is a temporary release. We cannot cry forever, but crying can help.

In Bhakti Yoga (Union by devotion to God), we learn to open the connection to God. There are sectarian Yoga classes for every religion on earth. Regardless of your particular religion - prayer, devotion to God, and giving to others, will help you.

When you feel sorry for yourself, look at the poor, and see what you can do to help. Even if all you can give is your time, you are helping someone who needs it. You will suddenly feel better because your acts of kindness are appreciated.

You can visit a temple, shrine, church, mosque, synagogue, or "Holy Ground," to realize how you might be able to help others. Helping others is one of the most uplifting tasks you will ever do, because you will feel self-worth and gratification.

Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications
Author Resource:- Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995.

The Purpose of Yoga - Overcoming Fear

Could Yoga really empower you enough to conquer your worst fears? Very few people are able to overcome fear, without a serious effort. Fear holds us still, stifles our progress, and distorts our view of reality. Worse yet, some of our fears stem from childhood - whether they are rooted in reality or not.

Yoga offers every practitioner the gateway to self-realization. This newfound awareness allows anyone the opportunity to help focus his or her mind. In turn, a focused mind can separate fact from fiction - much easier than a confused mind.

This Yogic formula is a logical and rational method for determining imagined fears from justified fear, but fear can take on many different forms. Phobias, panic disorders, and anxiety attacks, are various types of fear, which are commonly stress related.

Every day, we fear poverty, the loss of a job, or the loss of a relationship, but sometimes there is no real danger or logical reason for feelings of intense fear, which can take a toll on our health. Our imagination can be a powerful tool toward success in life or the creator of panic attacks, without reason.

Yoga offers many solutions for stilling the mind. The first of these is Pranayama (Yogic breath techniques). Breath is the primary link between mind and body. One of the first techniques Yoga students learn in a class is natural breath.

For adult Yoga students, this means unlearning the short "half breath," which most adults unconsciously practice from the diaphragm to the mouth. Natural breath can be started as an inhale (through the nose), at the bottom of the lungs, expanding upward through the chest, and finally finishing as an exhale through the nose, while the stomach collapses, at the same time.

This same breathing technique can be commonly observed in infants. During natural breath, the stomach expands during an inhale and collapses during the exhale. When adults relearn this breathing technique, the positive result of tranquility is often felt within minutes. Some adult Yoga students start to feel consistently more relaxed after a short session of natural breath.

This is just one of many Yogic methods, which can be practiced for better mental focus and to still the mind. The benefits of focusing the mind, through Yoga practice, are unlimited. Yoga offers a "chemical free" option for people to empower themselves and move toward accomplishments, success, and achievements.

However, the origin of a solution, to overcoming fear, lies in the individual's desire to take action in his, or her, best interest. If a person chooses not to help him or herself, no solution, not even Yoga, will help.

Worry, fear, stress, and anxiety, are ingredients which work together to drain life energy from all of us. If we allow worry, fear, stress, and anxiety, to control our lives, we can create a negative cycle of energy which will shorten our life spans. Yoga offers solutions to all of these problems - without side effects.

Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications
Author Resource:- Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995.

The Purpose of Yoga - Taking Control of Your Life

By : Paul M. Jerard Jr.
Yoga teaches us how to make life changes from within. Within all Yoga styles are the tools of self-realization and transformation. Once a Yoga practitioner has managed to empower him or herself, a positive direction will become the easiest path to follow.

Everyone is subject to outside pressures, even adults. There is always somebody who is willing to give you advice you did not ask for. When we are children, we think that outside pressure will stop, when we are "grown up;" we will be independent and in control of our lives.

As young adults, we soon find out that we have limited control of our lives, when there is always someone to answer to, in the form of a parent, college professor, supervisor, customer, drill sergeant, or someone else. In fact, we have limited control because we do not control nature.

How can Yoga empower you to take control of your life? How can you stop others from attempting to control your life? Let's look at how Yoga can help you to create your own manifestations and change your destiny for the best.

Do you ever have a co-worker who enjoys making others feel inferior? Consider this: We have to give permission to those who insult us, in order for them to make us feel less worthy. Without our permission, they hold no power over us.

If you believe that your existence is a problem, mistake, or error, then you really do have troubles. Self-doubt leads to self-defeat. Yet, all is not lost - because, in this case, the trouble can be found and purged from within you.

The solution to this problem is also within you. Once you understand that you have to respect your own self-image at all times, you will manifest positive energy from within. You must forgive yourself for past mistakes, make positive changes, and never speak poorly of yourself. You will receive nothing by thinking less of yourself, and you will leave the door open for those who feel gratification in your unhappiness.

About people who want to control you: Remember the saying, "Just say, No." Many people feel that life is not so simple, but "No" can be a powerful word, which prevents complications and trouble. You do not have to feel obligated to every request - just because somebody asks you.

This is not a "free pass" to refuse people in need, but you should use your best judgment about how you will spend your time and energy. Yogic philosophy teaches us to live in the moment, while performing acts of mindfulness, loving kindness, and forgiveness.

It is easy enough to waste time and energy, without experiencing peer pressure along the way. The correct path is universal, and your heart is your best guide.

Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications
Author Resource:- Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA - Just 20 minutes north of Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995.

The Purpose of Yoga - Motivation for Better Health

By : Paul M. Jerard Jr.
Yoga, in all of its forms, creates positive energy. Positive energy will cause you to become successful, and live a life where powerful visions become reality. Your complete health will improve exponentially, as a result of regular Yoga practice.

Yoga has so many good health aspects for a person to benefit from. Yet, some people see it only as a "workout," and as a result, Yoga has become classified, in the west, as an exercise. Although Hatha, Kundalini, and Raja Yoga contain many breathing exercises (Pranayama) and postures (Asanas), Yoga is not merely another physical exercise system.

Hatha Yoga is the most popular form of Yoga outside India. Hatha Yoga is also known as the unity of mind, body, and spirit, through physical mastery. The initial results of regimented Hatha Yoga practice are physical fitness, motivation, clear thought, and increased energy.

There are many more benefits from long-term Hatha Yoga practice. If I could make a "Hatha Yoga Pill," I would be a billionaire! When some people hear the words, "physical fitness," they think of torture, so they avoid Yoga of any kind.

Yet, the masses will gladly spend billions of dollars on ineffective, over the counter drugs, fad diet products, ineffective exercise gadgets, and life endangering pills, to try to manage their body weight.

So, a Hatha Yoga pill, with no side effects, would "sell like hot cakes."

However, the Hatha Yoga pill is only part of my imagination and the dream of "couch potatoes." Yet, couch potatoes do not have to worry because Yoga is not physical fitness, but it is complete health on the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional planes of existence.

The benefit of motivation from Yoga practice is what makes Yoga so different from all other health maintenance systems. Yoga can become a lifestyle because there is no torture.

Why do most diets fail? Why do most exercisers quit? Lack of motivation is the reason for diet and exercise failure. People already know they should eat better, walk more, exercise, and drink more water, but they need to maintain their level of motivation, without "burning out."

In Yoga practice, positive energy is all around the classroom. Positive energy creates motivation and creates powerful visions of success. The next step is to believe the powerful visions of success, which you see.

Some people have a fear of success. Maybe they inherently feel a lack of self-worth, but Yoga also works on improving this aspect of life. It is normal for people to feel apprehensive about change, but change is often one of the gateways to success.

Lastly, regular Hatha Yoga practice will lower stress levels, allowing you to sleep better, and feel energized the next morning. No wonder Yoga teachers and students are so full of motivation.

Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications
Author Resource:- Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995.

The Purpose of Yoga - Spiritual Health for All Faiths

By : Paul M. Jerard Jr
Recently, a Christian-based Yoga class, taught by Sylvia DiLorenzo, was banned from a Roman Catholic Church, in South Fort Myers, Florida. Based upon a story by "The News-Press," it seems that Yoga classes were taking place in an adjoining chapel, which was going to be converted to an activity center at Blessed Pope John XXIII Church.

The following is an account, which was posted by The News-Press, on March 31, 2007.

"In the past few weeks, a couple of people have accosted the yoga practitioners, accusing them of evil-doing, and the leader of the Catholic Church in Southwest Florida has banned the classes.

An unidentified woman stumbled upon a Friday morning class and was incensed to see Yoga in a church, DiLorenzo said.

The woman returned the next Monday, armed with holy water that she sprinkled on the participants, as they started their class."

Before the Yoga class, the woman with the Holy Water, and her companion, handed out leaflets to inform parishioners of how Yoga is "Anti-Christian." Strangely, none of the 65 parishioners, who attended Yoga classes, knew this woman.

Well, that gives a new spin on the concept of Christian Yoga. Would you think that giving, loving kindness, and forgiving, could be banned?

Think again - There are some interesting, but intolerant descriptions of Yoga, which religious fundamentalists use to describe it. The words they use to describe Yoga are: Cult, occult, and evil.

Based upon differing accounts of the same story, the Bishop's reasons for banning the class remain unclear. He may have wanted to diffuse a volatile situation or he may have objected to the exact location of the classes. We may never know his exact reasons.

So, this looks like a clear victory for religious fundamentalism. All you have to do is make a "scene" at somebody else's church, and you can have their activities banned.

Wrong - According to The News-Press: "Gateway Trinity Lutheran Church invited DiLorenzo to expand the Yoga program, she was teaching there, by bringing her Blessed Pope John classes."

Apparently, this leaves the door open for these Roman Catholic parishioners to join the Lutheran Church. Open minded people see the benefits of Yoga practice. If you are not sure about your religion, I guess you could blame it all on Yoga.

It gives you something to think about, on many levels.

Long-term Yoga practice will result in good health, ethical behavior, giving, and a deeper spiritual connection with God, but Yoga practitioners come from all religions. If we condemn every thought, which does not agree with strict dogma, we can start "Witch Hunting" again.

Since I am a practicing Christian: Will somebody tell me where the real Anti-Christian Yoga class takes place? I have yet to meet the evil doing Yogis.

Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications
Author Resource:- Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995.

Are Antioxidants Your Antidote to Aging?

By : Tom Nuckels
Fresh fruits and vegetables may be your secret to lasting youth rather than a magic pill or potion! Carrots, spinach, and broccoli (among other vegetables) contain compounds known as antioxidants, which research suggests may be powerful weapons in the war against premature aging.

Dr. Jeffrey Blumberg, chief of the Antioxidant Research Lab at the Jean Mayer United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, believes the evidence is very compelling that as you increase your intake of certain antioxidants, you increase the benefits.

Antioxidants and Free Radicals:
The body's use of oxygen creates byproducts called free radicals are formed. These oxygen molecules are missing an electron making them very unbalanced. Therefore, they steal electrons from healthy cells, causing damage to the victimized cell.

It is believed that this cell damage is cumulative. Scientists theorize this may lead to aging and disease. It's possible that everything from cancer and heart disease to wrinkles and cataracts is the result of the action of free radicals. Environmental factors including exposure to radiation and tobacco smoke may also increase the number of free radicals in the body.

Compounds known as antioxidants prevent cell damage by deactivating free radicals. Vitamins E and C and beta carotene are the best known antioxidants, but there are many others, including selenium, lutein, and lycopene.

Positive Findings
A five year Chinese study that involved 30,000 participants demonstrated that the participants who received a daily supplementation of Vitamins E, selenium, and beta carotene had a 13% lower rate of cancer than those study participants who received a placebo.

A U.S. study of 1,795 nurses with a history of heart problems showed that the nurses who consumed larger amounts of Vitamins C and E and beta carotene showed the greatest cardiac improvement and reduced their chances of further heart damage.

The May 20, 1993 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine cited a study that reported a significant decrease in the incidence of coronary artery disease in men and women who consumed 100 international units (IU) of Vitamin E daily. This amount is about 6 times the current recommended daily intake for Vitamin E.

Inconclusive Findings:
The results a 4-1/2 year study of more than 9,500 men and women age 55 and older with risk factors for heart disease were reported in the January 2000 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine

Half of the study participants were given 400 IU of Vitamin E from natural sources, while the other participants received a placebo. During the term of the study, there was no significant difference in the number of cardiac events or cardiac deaths in either group.

You may be wondering why these studies contradict the results of other studies. The researchers themselves note that perhaps the study wasn't long enough to demonstrate any effect. They also suggest that perhaps the findings were influenced because they used Vitamin E supplementation alone, without any other antioxidants. Vitamin E may require other factors to achieve its beneficial effect.

Too Much of a Good Thing?
In 1994, studies of beta-carotene in humans were stopped after results suggested that people at risk for cancer were at a greater risk after taking high doses of synthetic beta-carotene. Some critics of this study have pointed out the use of synthetic vs. natural.

Benefits of Dietary Changes Are Clear:
As pointed out by Dr. Blumberg, research is ongoing. He cites new studies showing the benefits of lesser known antioxidants such as lycopene, which may help reduce prostate cancer risk, and lutein, which is strongly associated with a decrease in age-related macular degeneration and prostate cancer.

Studies of high-risk groups, such as the nurses with heart disease, suggest the greatest benefit from increased consumption of antioxidants is realized by those at the greatest risk of disease. Consuming more antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables has well-documented benefits for improving health, apart from their antioxidant contents.

Are Supplements Necessary?
For many people, it is very difficult to consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables to receive any kind of benefit.

Few people consume the recommended daily intakes for all nutrients. Dr. Blumberg says as people grow older, they eat less. "As their appetite decreases, they don't change how they eat, they just eat less."

Instead of adding more fruits and vegetables to their diets, many older people eat smaller portions of the same kinds of foods they've eaten for years, which are often high in fats, starches, and sugars.

Smokers, heavy drinkers, people with impaired immune systems, and those on calorie-restricted diets may also have difficulty getting the nutrients they need from food alone. For these people in particular, supplements may be the only way for them to fulfill their nutrient needs.

In addition, Vitamin E is found in a limited number of foods, making it difficult to get enough of it from the average diet. Consuming more fruits and vegetables is the best way to get essential nutrients, a good multivitamin can fill in any nutrient gaps.


The heart outcomes prevention evaluation study investigators, vitamin E supplementation and cardiovascular events in high-risk women. New England Journal of Medicine. 2000;342: 154-160.

Luchsinger JA, Mayeux R. Dietary factors and Alzheimer's disease. Lancet Neurol . 2004 Oct;3(10):579-87.

Meydani M. Nutrition interventions in aging and age-associated disease. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2001 Apr;928:226-35.

Miller ER III, Pastor-Barriuso R, Dalal D, Riemersma RA, Appel LJ, Guallar E. Meta-analysis: high-dosage vitamin E supplementation may increase all-cause mortality. Ann Intern Med. 2005 Jan 4;142(1):37-46.

Stanner SA, Hughes J, Kelly CN, Buttriss J. A review of the epidemiological evidence for the 'antioxidant hypothesis'. Public Health Nutr. 2004 May;7(3):407-22.
Author Resource:- Tom Nuckels is health article author and owner of the website. His customers range from children to the elderly and from carpenters to doctors. To learn what liquid vitamins and phytonutrients can do for you, visit .

The Raw Food Diet, is it Right for You?

By : Scott Meyers
The Raw Food Diet is one of first things that come to mind when someone hears or sees the word "diet". In this type of diet, you only eat foods that are not cooked. In this way, it is believed you gain all of the available nutrients contained within the food. When considering this type of dieting technique, it is important to know the details about what is involved.

The raw food diet is based on idea that everything should be eaten while living, or as close to living as possible. This living material is not necessarily the food, but the enzymes that are in the food. Many of these enzymes are known to die after they reach one-hundred and two degrees. Thus, while cooking foods also kills harmful organisms, it also destroys these important enzymes. Heat also causes the structure of the food to break down and cause the food to become toxic (although the reverse appears to be true in potatoes). Enzymes are often referred to as the energy that is contained in the food.

The first difference that will happen if one begins eating raw food is a change in the balance and functioning of the bodies system. Cooked foods force the stomach to deal with larger molecules, thus leading to the production of more acid. When one eats only raw foods, the stomach acid becomes less dominant in what is passed along to the intestines.

Raw food diets can be divided into several different categories. There are those that are made up of mostly fruit, sprouts, or fruit juices. Depending on which types of nutrients are needed, you change the foods you eat.

Some raw foods will include nuts, in order to get protein. If this is part of your diet, it is best to soak the nuts for twenty-four hours, which allows for the rejuvenation of the enzymes.

There are also several diets that are made up mostly of raw foods, with a few cooked foods on occasion. Usually, a raw food diet consists of a minimum of seventy-five percent raw food.

There are several different changes that those on a raw food diet will notice. The first is that there is increased energy. This also includes an overall improvement in general health. The body will also go through a process to detoxify, and get rid of all the harmful chemicals built up over the years from cooked foods. The immune system is also known to improve with this kind of diet.

If you are interested in a raw food diet, you can expect your body to go through several changes. The raw food diet is one that is well known among several who are interested in changing their lifestyle towards eating different types of enzymes. The results of the raw food diet help with an increase in energy, as well as a change in the balance and functioning of the body. By looking into and researching what the raw food diet will include, you can decide whether it is a right move for you.
Author Resource:- Scott Meyers is a staff writer for Its Entirely Natural, a resource for helping you achieve a naturally healthy body, mind, and spirit. You may contact our writers through the web site. Follow this link for more information on Nutrition and Health .

Follow the Basics of a Healthy Diet to Reduce Health Risks

By : Jude Wright
Most Americans are aware of the fact that they should make changes in their diet will lower the risk of chronic disease. Scientists estimate that 40 percent of all cancer in men, and 60 percent in women, is related to their diet. Diet has also been related to the development of heart disease. So, what are the nutrients that will reduce those risks?

There are some basic rules you should try to follow in planning your daily diet:

* Keep your total fat intake at or below 30 percent of your total calories.
* Limit your intake of saturated fats to no more than 10 percent of your calories.
* Limit your intake of dietary cholesterol to no more that 300 mg per day.
* Get at least 55 percent of your total calories from carbohydrates - grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits.
* Protein should include only 12 to 15 percent of your daily calories and the protein should be low in fat.
* Balance the calories that you eat with the calories you burn in physical activity. The more active you are, the more you can eat.
* Avoid excessive sugar intake; it contributes to tooth decay and many foods high in sugar are also high in fat.
* Limit your sodium to no more than 2,400 mg per day - just a little more than a teaspoon of salt.
* Consume an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals, and try to get them from food instead of from supplements.
* Drink alcohol in moderation.

The best way to achieve these guidelines in your diet is to avoid foods that are high in fat, refined sugar and sodium, and to eat mostly those that are high in complex carbohydrates.

Nutrient and calorie needs vary from person ot person, depending upon their age, sex, body size and their level of physical activity. Most men, for example, need more calories to meet their larger body size.

The nutrition needs of children can vary widely - also according to their age, body size and the amount of exercise they get. Teenagers need at least three servings of calcium high foods such as milk, cheese or yogurt each day. Very young children may have higher nutritional needs that older children.

In the United United States the amount of a particular vitamin or mineral that is needed to keep a body healthy is defined by RDAs or Recommended Dietary Allowances. RDAs are recommendations, not requirements. Each person may need more or less of a particular nutrient. But, these recommendations are assumed to cover the nutritional needs of the majority of people.

Developing healthy eating habits isn't difficult. It just requires choosing foods that offer the best balance of nutrients for your body's needs.

Children and Cholesterol

By : Adrian Kennelly
Many people assume that high cholesterol is a problem that affects middle-aged adults only. In fact, many people don't even worry about their cholesterol when they are younger, eating all the fatty convenience foods they want, assuming that their early diet makes no difference.

Nothing could be further from the truth. More children today suffer from high cholesterol. In fact, the numbers of children who are taking cholesterol drugs is on the rise! Some studies have suggested that a childhood of poor eating choices can contribute to higher cholesterol later in life.

Besides this, many of the eating habits learned in childhood affects eating in adulthood. Children who are used to eating high-fat foods and convenience foods are more likely to make the same choices as adults. Switching to healthy foods in adulthood may be harder for children who have made less-than-heart-healthy food choices all their lives.

For all these reasons, controlling food intake and lifestyle choices even in early life can contribute to life-long heart health and good cholesterol levels.

If you have children, you can help ensure that they make the right food choices that can help them with their cholesterol levels now and later in life.

In fact, if you and other members of your family have high cholesterol, you need to introduce your children to cholesterol-healthy eating, as your children may be at an increased risk of developing high cholesterol themselves.

Luckily, it is not that hard to teach your children how to make smart food and lifestyle choices that are heart-healthy:

* Teach your children about healthy eating and cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol yourself, you may want to speak to your children about this. Informed children are better able to make smart food choices that can help keep their cholesterol levels healthy later in life.

* Let children make healthy food choices for themselves. Give your children some say about the fruits, vegetables and other foods that they like. Go through heart-healthy cookbooks with your children and let them help you decide what recipes to try.

* Be careful of the food and cholesterol attitudes you convey to your children. Children pick up emotional cues from their parents. If you treat a cholesterol-friendly diet as a type of punishment, your children will likely see it the same way.

If your children see you turn to fatty junk food when you are depressed or feeling stressed, they will likely do the same thing. Many parents are fussy eaters and pass this on to their children, which is a terrible disservice. Fussy eaters will simply not try the different healthy foods out there simply because the foods are different.

* Do not reward children with food. If your child does well at a sport or gets great grades in school, do not take them to a restaurant or for take-out to celebrate.

Give them horseback riding lessons or let them choose a toy or favorite activity instead. Many parents are tempted to keep sweet foods such as cupcakes and cakes for "special occasions" and "special treats" but this inadvertently makes children associate sugary foods with good times and vegetables with punishment or everyday life.

* Take your children food shopping - especially when you are shopping for fresh produce. Let your children choose which vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods they would like. Encourage your children to decide which fruits and vegetables look as though they might be tasty. Treat your produce shopping trip as an adventure and your children may be more likely to eat their fruits and vegetables without a fuss.

* Monitor what your children eat. As a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure that your children eat three meals a day that include foods that are low in fats and high in nutrients. Reduce the amount of sugars and fats your children eat and limit how much junk food is allowed.

* Become involved in your child's school lunch program or cafeteria. Many schools offer less than healthy school lunches as well as vending machines full of sugary foods. At a number of schools, though, parents have banded together to force school boards to provide better foods choices for students. Use this as your inspiration to make sure that your child can make healthy foods choices in school.

* If you are worried about what your children eat, consider taking them to a nutritionist who can help teach them what they should be eating.

* Even if your child has elevated cholesterol levels, realize that growing children still need more fats and nutrients than adults. Never simply place your child on a very low-fat diet - consult with a pediatrician to find a diet plan that can help your child grow while keeping cholesterol under control. A too-low-fat diet may affect childhood development.

* Teach your children about the dangers of smoking. Smoking is a risk factor for cancers, heart disease, and high cholesterol.

* Get your children to exercise. Virtually all health experts agree that North American children do not exercise enough. This has disastrous effects on cholesterol levels and overall health. One of the best things you can do to keep your children away from the dangers of high cholesterol is to get them to exercise at least a little each day. Find an activity they enjoy and encourage them in their activity.

* If your child smokes, is overweight, or has at least one parent who has a cholesterol level of more than 240mg/dl, your child is at an increased risk of high cholesterol - even at an early age. Take you child to the doctor - especially if your child has more than one of the risk factors - for a complete check-up and cholesterol check.

Nutrition for Body Building

By : Craig Rad
Nutrition if by far the foremost essential element and is perceptively responsible for either victory or failure in training for most fitness course and body building. Only thing you need is proper guidance and basic understanding of the relationship between nutrition, recovery and performance. This article will serve you in getting basic understanding about the nutrition for body building.

Following are the important nutrition for body building.

a) Daily Calorie Intake: Today calorie intake is as inevitable as Carbohydrates, proteins and Fats. You requirement of daily calorie need can be calculated with the given formula, if you want to maintain your current mass, multiply your body mass with 15. And for those who want to gain weight deliberately, multiply body weight with 18. This is the easy way for daily calorie intake and very effective as well.

b) Protein: Protein is fundamental for the development and repair of tissues of muscle. Protein includes amino acids which helps in building covers for all cells in the body. Protein is indispensable for your hair, immune system, organs, nails and every other part of the human body without which your body would not survive. Those who are working outside require enough protein to the adequate level for day to day tasks along with improvement from your daily exercises. Average intake of protein daily must be 1 to 1.5 grams per pound of body mass. This is very effective and extremely safe amount.

c) Carbohydrates: It is the required energy source for human body. There are simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are wrecked down gradually and extract a gentle blood sugar response. Simple carbohydrates are recommended for the first 2 hours subsequent to your daily exercise. Simple carbohydrates extract a speedy ascend and descend in sugar levels in your blood. It has been proved that there should be majority of complex carbohydrates than any other carbohydrates in your nutrition.

d) Fats: Fats is automatically supplied to your body through your daily diet. Fundamental fatty acids play a vital role in recovery, growth and day to day workouts. It has been recommended that your daily calorie intake include about 10 to 15 percent fat. If it is found as low as 10 percent than the use of flaxseed oil or olive oil is recommended.

There are certain limitations which should not be ignored, let us discuss about 10 incorrect moves of body building nutrition and some side effects regarding the intake of daily nutrients. Growing of muscle is the sole target of body building and excess body fat is the sole enemy for body builder. So you dont have to eat too much, eat too little, insufficient protein intake, failing to cook yourself, not maintaining a nutrition log, too much sugar and fat, not drinking adequate water, lacking positive nitrogen balance, lacking food balance in meals and ignoring supplementation. Thus these are some points which affects immensely even if you are maintaining your nutrition level.

Hoodia Diet Pills in Conjunction with the Typical American Diet

By : Ron Edwards
As Americans, we have drastically changed our diet and eating habits over the last century, in hopes to help us shed excess body fat. We've tried cutting back on foods from the "grains" food group, as well as tried cutting back on fresh fruits and dairy products. But until we learn how to balance our diets, and eat healthy, we many never succeed. The following paragraphs will discuss the typical American diet, as well as how changing our eating habits and adding Hoodia diet pills can increase our chances of weight loss success.

First, let us take a brief look at the meat we consume. Since the mid-1990's, chicken passed pork in the running for America's most popular meat, leaving it right on the heels of beef. While this is good news for those wanting to lose their extra weight, beef is still the leader in this race. Beef is higher in saturated fat, as well as trans fat. We often find it more convenient to stop by our local fast food restaurant on our way home from work to grab dinner. In order to achieve successful, healthy weight loss, this habit must be broken. One way to do this is by adding Hoodia diet pills to your daily diet.

Hoodia diet pills, like HungerAway by HoodiaPharm, contain a natural molecule that can fool our brains into thinking we're full, even when we haven't eaten. By adding Hoodia diet pills to our daily regimen, it will make it easier to avoid fast food restaurants, as well as help us to replace the red meat in our diets with poultry and fish. In doing so, we will be decreasing our daily calorie intake, as well as decreasing the amount of fats we consume. This will result in successful, healthy weight loss.

Next, let's consider the grains, such as cereal and flour. Since the late 1990's, as Americans, we are consuming less and less of most of this food group in attempt to achieve healthy weight loss. In conjunction with Hoodia diet pills, wondrous results can be achieved. With the help of Hoodia pills, it will seem like nothing to decrease the amount of grains you consume daily. You should be able to reduce your grain intake without even giving it much of a second thought with the help of 100% pure Hoodia.

Finally, over the limit consumption of soda and other sugary drinks greatly contribute to the lack of healthy weight loss in America. Although bottled water consumption is on a steady rise, we still tend to drink too much soda and sugar. By adding Hoodia diet pills to our daily diets, we will not only be enabling ourselves to eat less, but we will also be enabling ourselves a better chance of giving up these sugary drinks.

Author Resource:- Hoodia supplements, including HungerAway by HoodiaPharm, can be purchased online. Buy Hoodia at Ron Edwards is an author, and website copywriter. He can be contacted at Visit to search the largest Nutritional DataBase in the World.

5 Simple Tips For Eating Healthy

By : Adrian Adams
In this age of fast food and 5 minute meals in a box, it can be difficult to eat healthy. Healthy eating is very important in to maintain the proper weight, stay energized and keep our mind functioning to its maximum capability. Here are some tips to help you get on the straight road to healthy eating.

1. Keep your foods as close to natural as possible. That doesn't just mean get your foods as fresh as possible. Many foods are grown or colored with the help of chemicals that are not healthy. Organic foods are as close to natural as you can get without simply growing your own food.

2. One very important tip to remember when considering a new diet or just trying to eat healthier is "everything in moderation." This applies to sweets, but also to healthier foods, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, meats and dairy products. All of the basic food groups are necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The complete elimination of one food group may produce a desired effect in the short term, but it is not healthy in the long run.

3. A very effective and easy way to quickly judge the nutritional value of a food item is to simply read the label that lists the ingredients. This seems obvious, but so many of us fail to do it on a regular basis. A general rule of thumb is that if you cannot pronounce the ingredient, it probably isn't good for you. Be cautious about eating foods that contain a lot of preservative chemicals that you cannot pronounce.

4. Whenever possible, choose whole grain foods over processed foods. Processed foods go through a rigorous process that often deprives them of their original nutrients. Many times, additional nutrients are artificially added as an attempt to gain the original nutrition value of the food. Nature does a better job at creating nutrients than man does. Choosing whole wheat flour, noodles and brown rice over their processed counterparts can do a lot in helping you achieve maximum health.

5. The last, and most obvious, tip to get and stay healthy is to limit your sugar intake. Everyone knows that excessive amounts of junk food can cause tooth decay and extra weight. However, carbohydrates, such as potatoes and bread, are also converted to sugar by your body. Many vegetables and fruits, such as carrots and bananas, also contain high amounts of sugar. Excess sugar in your body can lead to problems, such as yeast infection, impotence, constipation or fatigue.
Author Resource:- Increase your nutrition intake with glyconutrient and phytonutrient supplements.

Do You Really Need To Build Muscle Fast

By : Mike Parker
We live in a society where we want things and we want them now. If you need to build muscle fast then you know what I am talking about. Here are six exercises and 2 cycles for you to build muscle fast doing when you need to.

- Let's break this into 2 cycles. First of all for 2 weeks you will do each cycle two times. For each exercise rest 30 seconds between them. Do cycle one completely and then rest for up to 2 minutes.

- Doing two cycles for about two weeks should start to get you in shape and allow you to add a third cycle.

- The cycles and rest time are important, but so is choosing the correct weight for your ability. Do each exercise listed below comfortably before adding more weight.

Here are 6 exercises to do when you need to build muscle fast.

1. To start with you will do bent-leg knee raises. You do these by lying on your back, relax you neck and head, and place your hands on the floor near your butt. You will place your feet flat on the floor. Then lower your abdominal muscles so you can raise your knees towards your rib cage. Next slowly lower your feet back to their original position. Do this 12 times per set.

2. Your next exercise is called the V-Up. To do this you lie on your side with your body in a straight line and your arms folded across your chest. Keep your legs together as you lift them off the floor towards your top elbow while raising it towards your hip. Do 10 reps of these on each side.

3. Next you will do the Bridge. To do this get in the push-up position with your elbows straight. It is important to keep your body straight, your stomach in, and your butt down. You should start with doing 20 seconds while breathing normally and work up to 60 second sets as you are able. Do 1 or 2 reps of the Bridge.

4. Now you will do 10 reps of leg extensions. This is done by sitting on a leg extension machine, lean back slightly, and lift the pads to where your leg is extended.

5. 10 reps of Tricep pull downs are next. You will a tricep pushdown machine. To do this exercise you bring the bar to directly at your waste with your elbows against your side. Push the bar down until your arm is extended but not to the point that you lock your elbows out, and then go to the return position.

6. Lastly do 10 reps of bicep curls with either a dumbbell or a barbell. Hold the barbell in front of you, curl the weight toward your shoulders, wait for a second, and then return to the starting position.

This is six exercises you can when you need to build muscle fast. Overtime you will build more muscle and be able to add weight and reps as well.

Bodybuilding Women In Competition Are As Common As Men

By : Mike Parker
Although for many years it was odd to see a woman bodybuilder it is now a very popular sport for women. Now there are just as many competitions for women as there is for men and women are building just as much muscle as men are.

With this sport growing at an increasing rate many women are looking to improve not only there fitness but there strength as well. Not only is there strength and fitness important but for bodybuilding women symmetry is just as important. Woman bodybuilders can build amazing beautiful muscle symmetry that these bodybuilding women can be proud of.

In women bodybuilding it is actually a lot harder for a woman to build muscle because a woman has higher levels of estrogen and men have higher levels of testosterone. Testosterone helps the body to build muscle so it takes a woman longer and they have to work harder to achieve the same kind of muscle mass that a man can easily get.

Because women have more estrogen, they tend to store fat a lot more easily so in that aspect of bodybuilding woman have to work harder as well. If a woman is going to take bodybuilding seriously she must really watch how many calories she is consuming and how many calories she is burning. This can really help in losing the fat and building muscle.

Many women are reluctant to start bodybuilding, because they think that if they stop bodybuilding then there muscle will turn to fat. Well this myth that has been around forever is not true unless some thing in a woman occur.

For example fat happens when a woman eats way more calories then her body can burn. So if you increased your food intake when you were bodybuilding to get the proper amount of protein needed to gain muscle.

Then you stop bodybuilding for some reason and you continue to eat the amount of food you were eating and you are not burning those calories then those extra calories will turn to fat. So if you quit bodybuilding then you need to watch your calories so you do not gain fat and lose muscle.

So while getting super bulky is good it is not if you are a woman and think you might quit. But if you are serious about bodybuilding and you are a bodybuilding woman then with much work you can achieve amazing results. You will feel confident and people will be truly amazed and you can be proud of what they see.
Author Resource:- Mike Parker invites to visit his how to build up muscle website for ways to build muscle and attract women. Get your free copy of "How Your Physique Affects the Female Mind" right here now.

Beauty should be in the eyes of the beholder

By : Jan brunkco
Marilyn Monroe had six toes. Connie stiler also has six toes ... Which fact do you find more interesting? My guess is it's Marilyn, and thats mostly because she was packaged (and still is) as a model of stunning beauty, desire and perfection. Yet, the truth is that Marilyn was not perfect by the very standards of the business that convinced everyone that she was the woman men wanted or that women had to look like to BE wanted. Still, most believed it then, and continue to believe this fantasy today.

Ever heard the old saying "If I want your opinion I'll give it to you"? Well, the fashion, beauty and Ad media industries are constantly presenting appealing ads to every man, woman and child hoping to giving us our opinion of what beauty is. And the truly sad thing is most people accept this lofy standard, putting an incredible amount of pressure on people to be "perfect" and "desirable" 24/7.

Remember this commercial? Mabey you don't remember this one in particular, but they all pretty much follow the same format ... A very pretty woman smiles at a man, obviously interested in him, and he smiles back only to realize she has a flake of dandruff on her shoulder! He walks away totally turned off now. Why? Because she didn't meet the advertiser's (and yours, if you buy it) standards for beauty. Does this seem reasonable to you? Or does it seem like a snobbish, self-centered and "holier-than-thou" attitude for a person to have?

Consider this ... If you accept big business's standards of beauty created to sell thier products, then you are isolating yourself from most of the population of the world. If you try to live up to a profit generated opinion of what is beautiful, then you have set yourself up to fail. For proof of this, just check out the tragic lives and failed relationships of the world's most beautiful, admired entertainers and models.

Here is something else to think about ... Do you know the definition of brainwashing? No, it's not a new surgical procedure! Brainwashing means: "Inducing a person to modify his or her beliefs, attitudes, or behavior by conditioning through various forms of pressure."

So, how does the ad agencies and big business pressure us into modifying our beliefs, attitudes or behavior? Lets say ads start coming out on tv, radio, print all over the world, and these ads are constantly implying that if you do not own this product, you can't be popular, desired or accepted. As more and more people accept the ad's conditioning, the pressure builds for the rest of us to conform or be isolated from the crowd.

I'm sure as a child, and growing into adulthood, you've experienced some conditioning to modify your beliefs, attitudes, or behavior because of this kind of peer pressure. We all want to fit in and be accepted, so we may change our beliefs to conform to the majority despite that it may be uncomfortable. Even when it's uncomfortable in a physical way! Females can understand this ... extremely tight clothes, high heels, bras, makeup and the incredible pressure to always be "beautiful".

Reality ... What a concept: The truth is, Nobody on this planet has ever been, nor ever will attain big business's standard of what is beautiful, and trying to live up to someone else's standards of beauty causes far more problems for generations to come than it is worth. The simple fact that you are alive, and able to think makes you a beautiful and interesting person, not what you wear. And all of the things that make someone beautiful are the things that come from within a person. Big business and the ad agencies cannot create and sell love, kindness, understanding or attractive personalities. Only you can, and it doesn't cost you a dime.

It comes down to this .. Enhance, decorate and discover what makes you beautiful as a person from within and then your REAL beauty will shine in the eyes of ALL beholders.

3 Healthy Aging Exercises To Improve Your Endurance

By : Reuben John
When most people think of what it is like to be a senior person, terms such as frail and weak come to mind. Such stereotypes are completely inaccurate but unfortunately, they are all too common.

Luckily, in this article, I am going to show you once and for all how you can defy the common image of old age by enjoying your retirement as a healthy, agile, strong and energetic person by using these simple healthy aging tips to preserve your endurance.

In fact, when it comes to healthy aging and endurance, daily exercise is the most important think one can do. Exercise does wonders for anybody.

Think of all the football training and regular gym visits that you went through in your youth and ask yourself: Why should anything be different just because I am 40?

You can still lift weights go for a run and push your body to the limit and even though the limits may not be the same as 20 years ago, you can still grow your muscle mass and keep your body in good shape. Several forms of endurance training are very useful both for preserving endurance and for healthy aging in general.

Of all endurance exercises, jogging is one of the easiest. However, it is important to face the fact that your body probably is not what it used to be 20 years ago. Pushing yourself too hard too fast may harm you instead.

Therefore, it is recommended to start your endurance training exercises slowly. For example, if you run out of breath or start experiencing any form of pain especially in your chest, it is probably a sign that you are running too fast and it is best to slow down for a while. A good rule of thumb is to increase the distance you travel distance by 10 percent whenever you feel you are ready to take on a bigger challenge. Keep in mind that injuring yourself is not the point of healthy aging.

However, if you are like me and absolutely hate jogging, then swimming could be a good alternative endurance exercise that works just as well for healthy aging. Swimming is one of those rare forms of exercise that is both pleasant and effective. It is high-resistance but low-impact. Unfortunately, it is also very easy to get carried away and push your body harder than necessary.

Therefore, take frequent breaks, especially if you are running out of breath. Definitely get out of the water and get some rest for a while if your heart starts to hurt. Swimming can be very exhausting especially if you did not exercise before but it is very effective because it forces all your muscle groups to work together, helping you improve both your coordination and endurance. Swimming is a great healthy aging exercise that can do wonders for your body.

Cycling is another great healthy aging activity that I personally quite enjoy. Compared to swimming and jogging, it is a lot more dynamic and can offer a welcome change of scenery.

Besides, with so many cycling events for different age groups taking place all over the country, you will always have an opportunity to meet some like-minded individuals and make new friends. Not only does cycling help you improve endurance, but it can also be a lot of fun!

As you can see, there are many healthy aging activities that you can get involved in to improve your endurance. Whichever you choose, it is important to get at least 30 minutes of exercise every other day or almost every day, if you can.

However, it is also recommended to set one day every week apart to allow your body to recuperate from all this intensive training. If you do put effort into it, however, do not be surprised if a few months down the line you suddenly start feeling 20 years younger.

Want To Know The Quickest Way To Build Muscle

By : Mike Parker
I do not know if you would call these secrets of not, but in this article we will look at the quickest way to build muscle. It all starts with how intense you are when you workout.

Exercising on a regular basis combined with a proper diet and plenty of rest are important to your health as well as building muscle. You really need all three to get good results. You can exercise all day long but if you don't feed your body with the right food and get enough rest all your hard work will go to waste.

First you have to decide which kind of muscle you want to build. Long, lean muscle are best built by aerobic exercise like cycling, swimming, and distance running. When we talk about working out and building large muscle quickly we are talking about lifting weights. When you lift you need to lift to the best of your ability. You need to be lifting to your maximum.

This also means that you need to be maximizing your rest time as well. When you lift to build muscle quickly you need more recovery time and that means more resting and sleeping.

Intense weight lifting also includes isometrics. This is where the resistance is so great no movement takes place. Many people make the mistake of doing repetitions to the point of fatiguing themselves.

The quickest way to build large muscles is to use progressive weight training. Progressive means that as soon as you get used to lifting a certain amount of weight, you add a little more.

Your body will adapt to whatever stress you regularly put it through. Weightlifters grow large muscles and runners grow long, lean muscles. Over time you will get stronger and you muscles will adapt by getting larger to handle the added weight.

When your work out keep your eyes open for someone you could ask questions of. People with large muscles already can provide you with invaluable free information. They already know what works for them and it might work for you too! They also already know what did not work and that inside information can save you time in quickly building your own muscles.

We have not talked much about diet. Common sense will tell you that eliminating fat will help you build muscle quicker as well. You have to replace fat with protein and be aware of what you are eating and drinking.

These are just a few tips on the quickest way to build muscle.

Author Resource:- Mike Parker invites to visit his how to build up muscle website for ways to build muscle and attract women. Get your free copy of "How Your Physique Affects the Female Mind" right here now.

Magic plant for losing weight

By : Grigoriy Anoshenko
Though just recently made available to the general public, this botanical has been used by the native people of the Kalahari Desert, the San Bushmen, for quite some time. During extended hunting trips, these men would eat part of the juicy stem of the plant in an effort to ward off thirst and hunger, as well as for other ailments such as abdominal cramps, indigestion, hypertension, and diabetes.

Since hoodia is a relatively new on the weight-loss scene, there is not a substantial amount of published research available on its efficacy, but what is available is extremely promising. Scientists have isolated a number of particular compounds in the hoodia plant that work to suppress thirst and hunger. In particular, they have identified a molecule that they have name P57. P57 is steroidal glycoside, which is a chemical that reacts much like glucose in the body, but is substantially more active. Essentially this means that hoodia is 100,000 times faster and more effective at signaling the body that food has been consumed in an adequate amount. Once the P57 molecule triggers the signal that the body has been satiated, the hypothalamus then sends out its own signal to let the body know that it?s time to turn off the appetite. Fundamentally taking hoodia tricks the brain into telling the body that it is no longer hungry. In addition to all of this there are no known adverse side effects to taking hoodia.

Though this herb has so far proven to be highly effective, it is not easily or cheaply available to the general public. Since the plant itself needs about four or five years to mature, it is not a quickly replaced resource. This keeps the prices for this herb quite high, but so far research has shown that individuals who use hoodia reduce their caloric intake about 40 percent on average, so it seems well worth it.

Without the same stimulating and dangerous side effects that come with the now-banned ephedra, hoodia appears to be an excellent option for those looking to lose weight. Of course you should always check with your physician before beginning to use any kind of weight-loss supplement, hoodia seems to be a gentle and effective avenue to a thinner, healthier lifestyle and body.

High Protein Diet to Build Muscle

By : Mike Parker
Do you want to build muscle? Well if you do then you must include a high protein diet into your daily food intake to really be able to build muscle. So what diets do bodybuilders use? They use a high protein diet to build muscle.

So the question now is how much protein do I eat and what foods to eat to help me build muscle? Well if you want to know then read on because this article will explain what a diet high in protein is and how much protein you will need, and what foods to eat to efficiently build muscle.

A high protein diet is a diet that is mostly protein, a little bit of carbohydrates and low fat. You see the muscles in the body actually crave protein, and when you eat protein then your body breaks up the protein into amino acids which then help your muscles to grow and when your muscles once were fat and now they are turning into muscle then you are getting rid of the fat. If you want to build muscle and lose fat then this is the right diet for you whether you are a body builder or not.

Basically if you are on this kind of diet then you need to consume a gram of protein per pond of your body weight each day. For example if you weighed 200 pounds then you would need to eat 200 grams of protein a day, no more no less. This will support your muscle growth and give your muscles enough protein to really be able to build muscle.

So what kinds of foods make up a diet of high protein? Well that is a good question besides the obvious answer protein. Well you should eat is lean meats such as fish chicken and turkey, and vegetables and fruits and this is basically all your diet should consist of. Or at least 90% of it should be.

The other 10% can consist of things like protein supplements if you are having problems consuming enough protein everyday, and you can have rice or breads that are whole grain. Stay away from fatty fried meats such as fried chicken and stay away from junk foods these foods will undo what you have already done.

Whether you want to lose weight or build muscle or just lose fat and build muscle this is the diet you need to achieve these results along with exercise of course. Enjoy your high protein diet because this is good for your health as well as your muscles.

Author Resource:- Mike Parker invites to visit his high protein diet to build muscle website for ways to build muscle and attract women. Get your free copy of "How Your Physique Affects the Female Mind" right here now.

Electronic Muscle Stimulation As An Effective Workout

By : Amy Nutt
Electronic muscle stimulation is a technique that is widely used by elite athletes all over the world. It has been shown to be effective and successful toward toning and building muscle mass. This is why devices have been developed to accomplish this type of workout.

The way it works is fairly straight forward. The electrical impulses control the muscles via the motor nerves. Programming these impulses allows users to target their workouts for power, endurance, or resistance. Here, powerful contractions can be received without the pain of a traditional workout.

A microprocessor controls the work of the muscles, while adhering to the principles of traditional training physiology. Not only does electrical muscle stimulation help build muscles, but it also encompasses the toning and shaping that improves overall physical fitness. While it is not meant to take the place of a traditional workout, it can help supplement it and add to the benefits it can offer. It can also be a viable means of exercise for those who are unable to participate in the more traditional methods of exercise due to health problems or joint and muscle restrictions. It is advisable to consult a doctor before using an electronic muscle stimulation machine if this is the case.

Electronic muscle stimulation is effective for fitness training, as well as for muscle rehabilitation. It helps build endurance so that the muscles may be used for a longer period of time. The resistance it also provides will assist in expanding
The range of muscle movement, and help to promote strength. The recovery process is also shortened by this method, as the patient is able to exercise in a non-restricted environment without too much strain or tension being place on the body.

This type of equipment has been successfully used in the physical therapy and sports medicine fields for many years, and has nothing to do with the various other pieces of exercise equipment that are commonly found on the market. As with any other workout, there are stages that must be accomplished in order to reap the full benefits of this type of program. Many machines also come with DVD-based training material that is designed to walk the user through the various steps involved in the process. Here, users will also be able to create an individualized training program that will best fit their individual needs. Before trying electronic muscle stimulation, it is advisable to check with a physician to make sure this is right for you.

Author Resource:- Tone-A-Matic is a manufacturer and distributor of top quality electronic muscle stimulator systems with a number of models to choose from.

Weight Training for Women

By : Beth Campbell
Women's weight training is becoming more popular. Men are not the only ones who weight train to develop a nice, muscular figure. As a matter of fact, the women do it as well as they too desire to look buff. Here are some safe ways the women do it.

Many times women, when wanting to work out, have been told that is was only something that men do. If they were not told that, then they were told that it was too much on the female body, and they would hurt themselves participating in such activities. Many women also have been led to believe that weight training will make them have huge masculine looking muscle which is another myth. Women have worked hard to prove these are all myths; thus, there are several websites, books, and training guides devoted to this topic.

Now, say a woman is starting weight training for the first time. What she must first do is look for a gym that is no more than fifteen minutes or so from her house. This is because if the gym is too far away, then she may not want to go. Secondly, she should make sure the gym has plenty of free weights. These are not dangerous for women but are perfectly healthy. Third, if the gym offers a free session with a personal trainer, she should take advantage of the offer and feel the trainer out to see if her needs for exercise needs can be effectively met. When talking to the trainer, she should ask many questions that will help her come to her determination of whether or not this would be the right person to train with, and she should make sure this trainer does not believe in the myths about weights concerning women. Women can lift heavy things and train just as the guys do.

Now, suppose that she does not want to always travel to a gym but would like to work out in her home. This is fine, too. The home gym should have a plenty of free weights as well as weight training equipment. She should look online for sites and books on the topic and make sure she understands how to do the weight training exercises correctly. Safety is also a factor so she should be sure to wear shoes in case of dropping the weight and when lifting heavy weights or lifting over her head, a partner is recommended so they can catch or spot the weight if she has difficulty with it. Should she want to work alongside a video that will walk her through the motions, these are available as well. Weight training for women does not have to be this big scary task that many have long since told them to avoid. Women can have fun, get in shape, and show the guys what they are made of!

Author Resource:- Beth Campbell holds a Masters degree in Counseling. Having lost 122 pounds, her articles often discuss how to do an
effective weight loss cardio workout and ways to lose weight. Beth also gives free diet tips about
ways to lose weight on her Squidoo lens.

How to Lose Weight With Self-Hypnosis

By : David Wells
elf hypnosis has become a very popular technique for weight loss. Many people at a dead end for weight loss solutions that work have learned that hypnosis can help them lose weight. With a bit of understanding about hypnosis and planning you can do the same thing that hypnotherapy can do for you at almost no cost. One of the first things to do is determine what you want to explore or accomplish with hypnosis. What are your self-betterment goals?

For some it may be to alleviate stress, anxiety or problems with self-confidence and self-esteem. For others, it may be eliminating bad habits or improper thoughts, cravings or binging behavior. The best way to do this is to write out your plan and then examine the approach that you want to take.

There are millions of dollars spent on weight loss products and services every year. Many people find themselves spending a lot of money without getting the result they were looking for. Self-hypnosis for weight loss is free, easy to learn and it works if you are diligent and work at it.

Before you begin self hypnosis you will want to determine what you want to suggest and the script you want to use while under hypnosis. Scripts can be developed alone or you can purchase a book with pre-written scripts. Here we will give a basic weight loss script that you can use.

1. Find a comfortable place in your home that you can relax where you won't be disturbed.

2. Find a point that you can focus on. Focus on this spot and repeat to yourself that you are feeling sleepy and your eyes are getting heavy. When you are ready, close your eyes.

3. Count to ten in your mind and imagine you are talking steps up a staircase to a peaceful place.

4. Once you reach your peaceful place begin to focus on repeating your memorized weight loss hypnosis script.

5. I am a beautiful person that will change my eating habits. Food has controlled my life for the last time. I will now consider cravings as a desire for water or exercise.

6. After you have completed your script you can wake back up by counting from 5 to 0.

Hypnosis is a truly successful therapy that can assist you with your weight loss goals. You will not get stuck in hypnosis and it is never dangerous. Take your time, practice and use as often as needed. Good luck!

Author Resource:- Have all of your weight loss hypnosis questions at Learn how hypnosis can help you lose weight, how it affects your mind and wheat kind of results are possible through hypnosis. Plus you'll find scripts, audios and how-to's more...

Don't Play Dumb With Dumbbells

By : Jim Brown
An early version of the dumbbell existed in India about a thousand years ago. The version was called an Indian club. The size is between the barbell and the ordinary dumbbells of today. It was used by the body guards, athletes and individuals to strengthen or gain muscles as well as by those who wished to improve and tone their muscles. At that point in time it was known as the Nai.

The word dumbbell came from the colloquial expression from Tudor England in the 16th century. This came about because the so called "bells" were actually part of a church bell. Aristocrats saw the object's capacity to improve muscle structure and installed similar devices in their homes, minus the bell of course. The metal weight was fastened to a string and a pulley was pulled by the men as an exercise. This is where the word dumbbell came. It was indeed a "dumb bell" because it does not have or does not produce any sound. The fad on the dumbbell with a string died down but the use of the weight still remained minus the strings and the pulley.

It was in the 18th century that the dumbbells as weights reached America. It was during the 19th century that the appearance of the modern day dumbbell design came out. It was no longer the crude type but a metal with two equal weights on each side.

There are currently two types of dumbbells to date. One is the fixed dumbbell and the other one is the adjustable dumbbell.

An adjustable dumbbell is made up of a 14 inch steel bar which is an inch in diameter. At first glimpse, it looks like a miniature barbell. The center of the adjustable dumbbell has a crosshatched design to enable proper gripping. Iron plates or discs are slid into the outer portions of the dumbbells. The weights are locked into place with clips which are to be screwed into place. The iron will vary from 1 to 40 kilos in weight. The user can adjust the desired weight as he pleases.

On the contrary, the fixed dumbbell has a fixed weight and cannot be altered in anyway. Expensive fixed dumbbells are usually made of cast iron which is rubberized for safety purposes. Cheaper models are plastic coated concretes.

The dumbbells are essential in most resistance weight trainings to produce outstanding effects on the triceps and the biceps.
Author Resource:- James Brown writes about coupons, Bowflex coupon codes and Proform coupon codes

Your Skin: Keeping it Young and Free from Acne

By : Ian Reygan
No one likes to deal with skin problems, whether it's acne, age spots, or blemishes caused by sun-damaged skin. From teenagers to adults forced to deal with occasional bouts of acne to those who suffer from chronic skin conditions such as melasma, freckles or eczema or psoriasis, skin care is a serious topic. Natural aging also takes its unwelcome toll on skin, and many people don't take advantage of both natural and cosmetically designed products that may relieve and reduce such conditions.

Dozens of acne skin treatment creams and ointments beckon to consumers from drug store shelves, as do a number of antiaging skin care product offerings that promise everything from wrinkle-free skin to vanishing age spots. It's important to know basic ingredients and what they do, or don't do, for skin care before you waste both your money and your time collecting them.

Acne strikes about 80 percent of the female teenage population, though boys suffer roughly 90 percent prevalence. Still, many adults must also deal with both chronic and occasional bouts of acne that nothing seems to help. Many turn to all-natural products for their skin care needs, while others reach for the latest, greatest and most expensive skin care product that's advertised on television or in popular magazine ads.

Skin care has been an issue that has plagued men and women for thousands of years, and continues to this day. Is there a magic elixir? No. Can you do anything to prevent wrinkles and age spots from appearing on your skin? No, but you can help your skin to look and feel smooth and fresh through the use of the right products.

One of the best things you can do to help skin remain smooth, supple and elastic, no matter your age, is to drink plenty of water. Hydrating skin cells keeps them plump and rejuvenates cell growth, producing a smoother, fresher look. A proper diet also plays a large role in basic skin care, whether for acne issues or more serious skin conditions. Knowing the basic vitamins and minerals goes a long way toward finding the right skin care product for specific needs, whether it's for acne or wrinkles.

You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on skin care products when you're young to retain youthful looking skin as you age. Regular exercise, a well balanced, nourishing diet and basic skin care will enable those in their teens and early twenties to enjoy vibrant skin tone that will carry them through their 30s and 40s without too much trouble. Many of us, however, wait until fine lines and wrinkles start to appear before we even think about such unpleasant subjects as age spots and crow's feet. While there is little we can do to prevent aging, we can slow down its progress in our skin through the use of skin care products that contain Retinoids. Retin rejuvenates skin cell growth and serves to hydrate them as well, offering cells, literally, life giving properties.

For those suffering from acne, avoid skin care products that contain alcohol, which tends to dry out the skin and cause itchy patches that may grow irritated and red. Ridding the skin of greasy oils helps to clear pores and prevent some acne flare-ups, but you may also end up with the opposite problem. In between any skin care treatments, give your skin a rest for a day or two. Washing regularly with water and a plain, unscented soap may also help to clear up blemishes.

Regularly massaging the skin will help to increase circulation and blood flow, especially in the face, and speeds acne healing. Since stress also triggers acne, try to reduce the amount of stress in your life, and exercise regularly, a great stress reducer in itself as well as a healthy way to maintain good skin and deeper tissue health.

Any skin condition is serious business, and can produce devastating self-esteem issues, especially among teens. Finding the right treatment or skin care product for your skin issues will take a little patience, a little research and some experimentation. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, but many people don't think of their skin as a living, growing organism. Taking care of it is vital for life, and so whether suffering from acne or age spots, or psoriasis to rashes, finding the right treatment for your skin is not only beneficial to your emotional state of mind, but your overall physical condition as well. When it comes to your skin, take the time to take care of it now, rather than later.
Author Resource:- Mr Reygan has been involved with various skin preparations products for over 11 years. To find out to get rid of Acne, melasma, age spots and freckles click here

Effective Tips To Prevent Acne Before It Starts

By : Karin Manning
Acne is a common skin condition that affects almost everyone at some time in their lives. Certain reports have noted that over ninety percent of the world's total population is affected by acne, and it's so sad to tell that until now there is still no particular method that will cure or eliminated acne totally.

However, there are some basic steps and precautions that can help you control acne before it starts. Consider the following details.

Tips to prevent acne before it starts:

You can definitely control acne before it starts by simply not picking, popping, or squeezing the acne lesions you have. Always note that squeezing or picking the acne can just worsen the condition as it can lead to further infection and scarring on the skin.

The act of washing your pillowcase often and using clean face towels will also help to prevent acne before it appears. Dirty pillowcases and towels are potent carriers of bacteria and germs that can cause acne from forming, so you better keep away from them.

You can also prevent acne before it starts by simply pulling your hair away from your skin when you sleep, as well as by showering as soon as possible after you engaged in workout or exercise since sweat that is combined with skin oils can actually trap the dirt and bacteria in your pores, leading to acne.

If you have a makeup, you remove it before going to bed so to prevent acne before it appears. Perhaps one of the reasons for this is the fact that makeup can clog your pores and lead to breakouts.

You can prevent acne before it starts to appear if you make sure that all the cosmetic brushes you are using are cleaned in soapy water. And if possible, throw out the old brushes as well as contaminated makeup since they may only trigger the formation of acne.

And, you can control acne before appearing by means of using topical treatments like the Nature's Cure Vanishing Cream, one of the hottest acne skin care products in the market today. With the application of this kind of acne treatment, you can not only eliminate acne, but you can control new acne before it starts to form.

These tips and precautions are now highly considered by some acne patients knowing that they will help them not just in getting rid of existing acne, but prevent new acne before it starts to occur. But, if you will consider some products out there to prevent acne before it appears, just be careful about what you choose to use.
Author Resource:- Copyright 2007. Discover how a ten year acne sufferer cured his acne condition in just 3 days the natural way and saved himself from further scarring and stopped wasting his money on expensive medications and acne products. Get all these acne secrets and more at

Discover The Most Common Causes Of Acne

By : Karin Manning
Acne is a very common, chronic skin condition, yet its exact cause is still unknown. However, the majority of medical professionals believed that it stems from a number of related factors, and one of those is the rising hormone levels.

According to some studies, certain hormones known as androgens trigger the formation of acne as they enlarge the sebaceous glands in the skin. They then cause these oil-producing glands to increase sebum or oil production, which then leads to the formation of plugs and served as more food for the acne-causing bacteria.

These hormones are actually present in both men and women, and usually surge at puberty. This fact will explain why teenagers develop armpit and pubic hair, and why boys develop facial hair and deeper voices, other than why acne forms.

Another potent cause of acne is the bacteria that normally thrive on the skin. These bacteria are known as Propionibacterium acnes, and they are responsible for causing the condition to develop. According to certain studies, acne developed as these bacteria emit substances that trigger redness and inflammation. Aside from that, they also make enzymes, which then dissolve the sebum or oil into the irritating substances that make the inflammation worse.

Estrogens, the female hormones, also play a large role in the development of acne particularly in girls. It is important to note first that a woman's monthly menstrual cycle is a result of the changes in the estrogen levels in her body. This can actually explain why this skin condition in a female way get better and then get worse as she goes through her monthly menstrual cycle. For this cause, however, many doctors suggest treatments with birth control pills that contain the helpful estrogens.

Some people also believe that acne is caused by some genetic factors. As you may know, it can run in some families. So, many have thought that if you have parents or relatives who have bad acne, there is also a great possibility that you'll get it. With the genetic factors, many have claimed that there's no way for you to stop acne from coming.

Several other possible causes of acne are there which involve, stress, cosmetics, medication and diet. These are just actually minor factors that can cause acne, but many have found out that they are somehow great aggravators of this skin condition.

Stress and diet, in particular, don't actually cause it to form, but many have believed that these two will potentially aggravate acne and some other skin condition you have.

Knowing that no particular cause of acne is determined, perhaps the best move for you to take then is to find the right treatment that can help reduce and eliminate your skin condition to certain level. Consult your doctor for a recommendation.

Author Resource:- Copyright 2007. Discover how a ten year acne sufferer cured his acne condition in just 3 days the natural way and saved himself from further scarring and stopped wasting his money on expensive medications and acne products. Get all these acne secrets and more at
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Liposuction - The Quest for Beauty

By : Joseph Then
In today's society, there is a premium placed on looking your best. It has been proven in study after study that those that look good have a better chance of success. Does it have something to do with the confidence that comes with looking your best? Do they receive special treatment? Possibly a little bit of both. Regardless of the reason, the fact remains, it is important to look your best.

With the hectic schedules that many people keep, it can be difficult to find time to exercise. If you're not in the habit of exercising, there is a good chance that you've packed on a few pounds over the years. One popular solution to this problem is the phenomenon of liposuction.

Most people have heard of liposuction (or lipo) but do you really know what it is? Do you really understand what is going on at the cosmetic surgery clinic? Is it an option for you? Let's look at a few aspects of liposuction in greater detail.

Liposuction isn't the most complex of surgeries in the medical community. The first thing the doctor must do is cut a small incision in the skin. It's usually very small. Then they stick a tiny tube known as a cannula into the fat. They then turn on the vacuum that is attached to the cannula and suck out the fat. The fat comes out in little pieces through the tube. This is where they get the 'suction' part of liposuction.

Many people confuse liposuction with a tummy tuck. However, these are not the same procedure. Sometimes they go together, but lipo is the more popular alternative in today's culture. Liposuction actually removes the fat. Belly fat can be very hard to get rid of. In these cases lipo is clearly the best option.

A tummy tuck is used when there is excess skin hanging. The excess skin is removed and therefore tightened up. After liposuction, the skin naturally shrinks and tightens up on its own. Therefore, a tummy tuck is usually not needed. However, in some cases, it is still necessary. The surgeries can be combined to get rid of the fat and the excess skin. This is most needed when the patient has gotten rid of a large amount of fat. Those that get rid of a few hundred pounds of fat will probably need a tummy tuck as well. The skin would take a long time to shrink that much on its own.

Liposuction is relatively safe and harmless. There aren't very many possible issues that can occur as a result of this surgery. You just suck out the fat and get rid of it. It's pretty cut and dry. Even with few potential complications, you need to make sure that this is the right choice for you. Remember that unless you change the lifestyle that got you there, the fat will come back. Otherwise, it is only a temporary solution to a lifelong problem. You need to decide to change for the better.
Author Resource:- Learn more about Liposuction for free at our website today. Visit us at Liposuction Tummy Tuck Information Site

Clean Nicotine Stained Teeth with Home Teeth Whitening

By : Jim McDonald
It seems like smokers can't catch an even break anymore. Smoking is allowed in fewer and fewer places. It's easy to feel like a second-class citizen when you're huddled behind the building trying to catch a quick smoke on your break. You know the health risks, but you're an adult and there'll be no preaching here. But what about those nicotine stains on your teeth? What can you do about those? Fortunately, there is a wide array of home teeth whitening products available now that could help lessen the appearance of nicotine stains.

There's really no question that tobacco use can be damaging to your dental health. Smokers, as well as users of smokeless tobacco, face increased risks of gum disease and tooth decay. But one of the most noticeable effects of tobacco use is the brown staining that can occur on your teeth. The good news is that nicotine staining usually responds quite well to home tooth whitening. The bad news is that if you want the improvements to last, you need to either stop smoking or repeat the home teeth whitening treatments more often.

Whitening toothpastes are the most basic home tooth whitening products. You're welcome to try them, but chances are you'll need something a little more powerful. Whitening toothpastes contain a gentle abrasive plus some chemical polishing agents. But these home teeth whitening products don't contain any bleach and only work on surface stains. To whiten nicotine stained teeth, you need something that can penetrate the surface of your enamel.

One option is to use peroxide-based home tooth whitening gel. Normally, you brush the gel onto your teeth twice a day for 14 days. Whitening strips work in a similar way. You apply whitening strips coated with gel and leave them on about 30 minutes at a time. The results from these home teeth whitening products will probably last about four months. If you continue smoking, this time will be reduced.

It's also possible to buy tray-based home tooth whitening solutions at your local pharmacy, grocery store or superstore. These home teeth whitening products use a bite-shaped tray that you fill with the peroxide bleaching agent. Tray-based whiteners will probably be somewhat more effective than gels or strips, but they will also be more expensive.

There is an option where you can do home tooth whitening under the general supervision of your dentist. There are several advantages to this method. First of all, your dentist will make an impression of your bite and create a custom tray for you. Not only will this be more comfortable, it will ensure better contact with your teeth and less contact with your gums. Not only will this make home teeth whitening more comfortable, it will be more effective as well. Your dentist has access to stronger bleaching solutions. He will monitor your treatment for several weeks and help you achieve much greater results than with over-the-counter home tooth whitening products. As you probably realize, this will be a more expensive option. However the results will last longer.

Regardless of the type of home teeth whitening you choose, it's really important to visit with your dentist before you begin any treatments. Teeth whitening, even home tooth whitening, is not recommended for people who have receding gums, gum disease, cavities or exposed roots. Unfortunately, these negative conditions are often quite common among people who smoke or use smokeless tobacco.

Otherwise, there are very few risks associated with home teeth whitening. There may be some temporary increase in tooth sensitivity. It's also possible that some of the peroxide-based solutions may cause irritation to your gum or other soft tissues of your mouth. If you're using a home tray-based solution, then try shorter sessions. Or you can stop the treatment briefly and give your teeth time to adjust. If you're doing home tooth whitening under a dentist's care, he may recommend a high-fluoride product that will help to re-mineralize your teeth.

Your best option for white teeth, good dental health, and improved overall health would be to stop using tobacco entirely. Even after home teeth whitening, it's only a matter of time before the stains return if you continue to smoke. But if that's your choice, be sure to visit your dentist at least twice the year. And get his opinion on how often home tooth whitening can be done. With the use of today's home teeth whitening products, you're sure to have the brightest smile in the smoking area.
Author Resource:- For more information on home teeth whitening visit for teeth whitening information and articles.