Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How Women Can Protect Themselves From Getting Breast Cancer

By : Travis Waack
Chances are you know someone - a family member, colleague, or friend who has been affected by cancer. You'll want to learn more about prevention especially if you have a history of cancer in your family. There are over two hundred different types of cancer and the most common one for women is breast cancer. The lifetime probability of a woman developing breast cancer is 1 in 9. The good news is that it is possible for women to protect themselves from breast cancer. When breast cancer is discovered and treated early, the chances for recovery are better.

Every woman should know their own breasts so that any changes are noticed soon and can be reported to a physician. Knowing your breasts includes having a mammogram every two years if you are between the ages of 50 and 69 and getting a clinical breast exam by a doctor or trained health professional at least every two years from the age of 40. Regardless of age, all women should do their own monthly breast self-examination a few days after her period. When doing breast self-examination, things to look for include: puckering of the skin, the appearance of what is sometimes called 'orange peel skin', any place in your breasts that feels lumpy or harder than the rest and bleeding from the nipples or crusting.

It is important to note that most breast problems are not breast cancer and most lumps are not cancerous. When a lump is not cancerous it is referred to as 'benign'. A cancerous lump is called 'malignant'.

While there are no cures yet, researchers have discovered that a healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent cancer. Since cancer is a disease that starts in our cells, everything we eat and are exposed to can affect them. Choose to be a non-smoker and avoid second-hand smoke. In regards to diet, choose a variety of lower fat, high fiber foods. Studies have shown that intake of total fat, saturated fat and meat are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Maintain a healthy body weight and limit alcohol consumption. Protect yourself from the sun. At home and at work, follow health and safety instructions when using hazardous materials. The link between an active lifestyle and breast cancer prevention is as yet unclear but general health is improved when regular exercise is an integral part of a person's lifestyle.

Taking care of ourselves is an ongoing commitment that requires self-discipline and knowledge. It is well worth the effort and you'll feel much better for it.

Drinking Tea May Guard Against Ovarian Cancer

By : Nicole Weaver
Consuming two or more cups of tea a day over a period of time may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer dramatically, suggests a new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. And each additional cup of tea per day appears to provide significantly more protection, investigators found.

Because tea is the second most-consumed beverage in the world, its potential health benefits could have important implications for human health and disease prevention, says the Tea Council of the USA.

"An abundance of research suggests that tea may play a role in the reduction of risk of cardiovascular disease and various types of cancer," notes Joe Simrany, president of the trade organization. "These new findings suggest that drinking tea regularly may help to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer as well. This is good news and points to yet another area where tea may have a positive effect on health."

46 Percent Lower Ovarian Cancer Risk

Researchers at Sweden's National Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, examined the association between tea consumption and risk of ovarian cancer in 61,057 women 40 to 76 years of age who took part in the population-based Swedish Mammography Cohort.

The participants completed a validated 67-item food frequency questionnaire at enrollment between 1987 and 1990, and were followed for cancer incidence through December 2004.

At baseline, 68 percent of the participants reported drinking tea -- primarily black tea -- at least once a month. During 15.1 years of follow-up, 301 women were diagnosed as having epithelial ovarian cancer. The researchers found tea consumption of two or more cups of tea per day had a significant inverse association with risk of ovarian cancer.

Specifically, women who drank two or more cups of tea per day experienced a 46 percent lower risk of ovarian cancer, compared with women who drank no tea. Each additional cup of tea was associated with an 18 percent decreased risk of ovarian cancer.

Additional Health Benefits

A multitude of research studies suggest that drinking tea may contribute to overall health. Potential benefits include the following:

- Reduced risk of heart attack and stroke, and improved blood vessel function;

- Less risk of certain cancers, including colorectal and skin cancers;

- Decreased levels of oxidative DNA damage and increases in antioxidant levels in the bloodstream; and

- Oral health benefits -- researchers believe certain compounds in tea may inhibit bacteria that cause bad breath and plaque, and the fluoride content in tea supports healthy tooth enamel.

Author Resource:- Nicole Weaver is a health journalist for
Daily News Central, an online publication that delivers breaking news and reliable health information to consumers, healthcare providers and industry professionals.

Best Herbal Remedy for Anxiety

Before we look at the best herbal remedy for anxiety it's important to look at what physiological imbalances cause anxiety.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views symptoms of anxiety, nervousness, restlessness and depression as the result of blood deficiency or lack of yin. And so naturally the best herbal remedy for anxiety will include herbs that specifically build the blood and yin or fluids in the body.

Why is building blood crucial for treating anxiety permanently? An easy way to understand how the yin/yang balance affects anxiety is simple. Your body, like everything in the universe is a balance of yin and yang, or hot and cold, water and fire.

You have blood and fluids in the body or yin that is transported and transformed by yang or energy processes such as digestion, eliminating toxins and breathing. Without sufficient water or yin to hold the yang /fire it escapes and like heat, yang energy rises.

This untamed energy rises to your heart or mind causing anxiety, heart palpitations, hot flashes, headaches, hypertension and a variety of troublesome symptoms. Building blood is the first thing acupuncturists and other TCM practitioners focus on when treating patients with anxiety.

For the purpose of this article we will be investigating TCM herbs as the best herbal remedies for anxiety. They include these three herbs which specifically enrich blood and transport it to the heart; Dang Qui (Angelica Sunensis), processed Rehmannia Root (Rehmannia Glutinosa; in mandarin: Shu Di Huang) and Red Sage Root (Salvia Miltorrhiza; in mandarin: dan Shen).

Dan Qui and in combination with processed Rehmania, a warming remedy, is especially effective for conditions with signs of coldness. Red Sage root a bitter herb is more useful when there is a tendency to develop dampness or mucus excess in the body.

Another very powerful blood and yin builder although not an herb is Royal Jelly.
Royal jelly is a thick, extremely nutritious, milky-white, creamy liquid secreted by the hypopharyngeal glands of nurse bees. Queen bees live exclusively on royal jelly and it accounts for their incredible size and longevity. They average 42 percent larger and weigh 60 percent more than the worker bee. Amazingly, they live 40 times longer than worker bees, seven years as compared to seven weeks.

Royal Jelly has been used in TCM for centuries an interestingly enough is a significant source of Vitamin B12, folic acid and Iron, the nutrients most often needed to cure blood deficiencies.

Severe blood and yin deficiencies can eventually lead to chronic diseases such as diabetes. Tonifying yin is always a lengthy process as it takes many years for such an imbalance to take root.

TCM aims to re-balance the whole body-mind-and spirit system using natural alternatives such as herbs that speed up the process.

If you suffer from anxiety consider this route if you are willing to be patient for the root problem to be rebalanced permanently, this is not a quick fix alternative, neither a band aid patch job. Always consult a professionally trained practitioner before taking any herbs.

The Secret To Youthful Skin At Any Age

By : Darren Craddock
The secret to youthful skin and natural anti aging is in your colon. Have you even wondered why so many celebrities go to expensive cleansing spas? Is it because they are particularly health conscious? No, it's because they are obsessed with looking young and beautiful. Luckily you don't have to be a celebrity to have youthful skin and youthful vitality. All it takes is a good colon cleansing and lots of fresh, clean, filtered drinking water.

It's not what you put on your skin that makes it youthful

Each year there are billions of dollars spent of beautifying and anti aging products. The ironic part is that the health of your skin is largely governed by the amount of water you drink, the type of food you eat and how well you body eliminates waste. If these three things are working well chances are you will have youthful skin. Anti aging begins with what you eat. When any of these areas become unbalanced then your skin will be one of the first places to show it.

Anti aging creams attack the surface but not the cause

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It has many functions but one is the elimination of toxins. Think about it - you sweat when you have a fever or when you are hot. There are literally millions of pores all over your body with the specific ability to move toxins out of you. As you get older more and more toxins are building up inside your body. Toxins from the air we breathe, the food and water we consume and environmental exposure to a host of deadly chemicals. Youthful skin comes from healthy toxic elimination. A regular colon cleansing can help you have youthful skin and more energy.

Even food can be anti aging

Our diets are often lacking in whole grain fiber and the volumes of fresh and uncooked vegetables that it takes to clean out the gunk. Highly processed foods like white flour and sugar turn into a sticky goo once inside your belly. Most of this foodstuff is only waste since there is little nutrition to digest. Literally, every time your colon gets overloaded trying to process too much waste it has no other choice but to reabsorb the toxins into your fatty cells or try to eliminate them through your skin.

The skin is an interesting organ. It is the backup if the colon is not working. Another thing is; when we have undigested food material, if it is not liquefied enough, it sticks to the sides of the intestine. Eventually it will harden and when it hardens it also prevents the muscles around it from contracting. This dehydration coupled with the slow clogging and hardening means that less and less of the waste is eliminated. It also means that it takes more effort for your body to eliminate anything effectively. Now you can see how youthful skin and anti aging starts in the colon.

Youthful skin is a result of a healthy digestive system. Gentle colon cleansing will break down this hardened matter and remove it safely. Dehydration makes you look older than you are and makes it very hard for your skin to stay elastic and subtle.

Anti aging starts in the colon

A lot of people think that poor skin simply comes with age. Not true. We all know at least one person who looks great for their age - without plastic surgery, botox or drugs. Chances are it is because of what's going on with their colon. When your colon works efficiently - your skin will glow naturally. A good colon cleansing on a regular basis will help draw out toxins and undigested waste.

Drink plenty of fresh, filtered, clean water every day - this is the first step. Next you may want to eat a good wholesome diet -filled with fresh vegetables and lots of whole grain fibers. Then add a super green, whole food supplement that will boost your vitamin B and give you the added nutrition your body craves. Colon cleansing is one of the simplest ways of getting a healthier more youthful skin.

A lot of things go into making sure that the colon cleansing work and I would say that the number one thing is sufficient water intake. Clean, filtered water is the elixir of life - so drink your fill and enjoy natural youthful skin.

The Truth About Holistic Health

By : Scott White
Holistic health is gaining momentum in the United States, but its definition is still a bit ambiguous. For some people holistic health means turning away from allopathic medicine and seeking wellness in alternative therapies exclusively; while others define holistic health as the act of treating a person as a whole, as opposed to simply treating the symptoms of a disease. Someone who suffers from chronic ear infections then, might be asked to take their antibiotics and perform another action to treat what is found to be the underlying cause. Perhaps acupuncture will relieve the infections, or a massage, or perhaps better posture will straighten things out.

Holistic health means looking for the problem behind the disease, viewing the disease as only a symptom of a larger condition. Holistic choices include things like eating right, exercise, acupuncture, massage, sleeping well, meditation, herbal treatments, as well as many others. It also means looking at every aspect of a person, treating their minds, bodies, and souls, no matter what the current problem may be. The best part is that the benefits can be seen overall.

While there are times that allopathic medicine must be brought in for the safety of the patient (a life-saving surgery or treatment for a very threatening illness), the goal of a holistic lifestyle is to prevent the need for these life-saving procedures in the first place. If you eat well and exercise you will probably not need a bypass surgery, like-wise if you meditate, you will not likely need medication to treat high blood pressure.

Holistic health means treating a person through all aspects of physical, mental and spiritual health, to make them as healthy as they can be. It is the creation of the "ideal" lifestyle, as far as your health is concerned because it is not only a treatment for poor health, but a lifestyle designed to preserve good health and keep you feeling your best long into your golden years.

There are many people who take holistic approaches to their care without applying a fully holistic lifestyle. These people are engaged in holistic health for short periods of time when it is convenient, they are the people who will grab McDonald's on their way to yoga, or who use massage to treat stress. This is not truly holistic health, since they are not treating the underlying causes of their problems, nor are they engaged in preventative measures such as proper nutrition and exercise. These people are engaged in activities that are employed by devotees of the holistic lifestyle, but are not members of that lifestyle themselves.

More people than ever are starting to realize the benefits of increasing their overall health and avoiding things or situations that cause their health and state of mind to deteriorate. An executive might scale back his job so that he can spend more time on healthier choices and increase his peace of mind by reducing his stress. A mother might make the choice to take herbal supplements for her diet and to cook for her family instead of going out. These are the kind of people who count to ten instead of exploding, they enjoy living well.

You cannot force yourself onto a holistic path. If it is not what you want to do, then you will stray from it. If you are willing to do the work, though, a holistic lifestyle can have many wonderful benefits.
Holistic health is the health of your body, your mind, and your soul, take care of yourself inside and out, and you will feel the benefits, and the best part is that you will live a good, long life feeling those benefits.

Types Of Heart Disease

By : David Cowley
Today's incidents of many different types of heart disease are much higher than in the past, partly due to increased awareness and better testing techniques in diagnosing heart problems. However, today's lifestyle also plays a key role in the higher number of the signs of heart disease with a lack of proper diet, little or no exercise and smoking. Persons who are at risk of developing heart related diseases can make changes to help prevent it from becoming worse.

Of the many types of heart disease a heart attack will affect approximately one out of every 36 people, or about 7.5 million people in the United States alone. That is roughly 2.75 percent of the population that will suffer a heart attack each year. While many will survive, thanks to rapid response and modern medicine, knowing the risks and making changes to reduce those risks can save many lives.

High blood pressure is often considered one of the types of heart disease, but it may actually be the leading cause of many problems with the heart. High blood pressure causes the heart to have to work harder and it puts a strain on every part of the heart muscle. Its cause however, may not be directly related to the heart and kidney problems and other internal ailments may cause the blood pressure to increase above a normal level.

Heart Damage Due To Lack Of Blood.

The heart relies on a consistent flow of oxygenated blood and smokers often cannot deliver the oxygen to the blood. Blood picks up oxygen in the lungs and if they are filled with smoke and toxins, the blood delivered to the heart may be oxygen deficient, causing one of the types of heart disease, called ischemic heart disease. This occurs when not enough blood and oxygen reaches the heart, causing parts of it to slowly die.

One of the most common types of heart problems is rhythm disorders, affecting about one of every 18 people in the United States. This is diagnosed when a person's heart does not beat on a regular basis. While many people live with this type of heart problem with few complications, it will need to be monitored by the doctor for any changes. Heart murmurs are another of types of heart diseases that produce sounds in the heart that are not considered normal. There can be a variety of causes, including trouble with the heart valves, but many are not fatal.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with diseases of the heart such as Eico-Sapentaenoic Acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Policosanol.

Studies of the Greenland Eskimos lack of heart attacks have show that Eico-Sapentaenoic Acid (EPA) lowers blood cholesterol considerably, even more than polyunsaturated fat does. It also triggers a major drop in triglycerides. Salmon Oil is one of the best known sources of natural EPA.

Vitamin C has been shown to combat the development of cholesterol deposits in the arteries. Within a few hours after receiving vitamin C patients showed a sharp decline in the cholesterol levels of the blood.

Vitamin E supplies Oxygen to the heart and the other muscles in the body. Accelerates wound healing and aids in the functioning of the immune system.

Policosanol is a natural supplement derived from sugar cane. Policosanol promotes healthy platelet function and helps to maintain normal cholesterol levels in the human body.

Diseases Caused By High Blood Pressure

By : David Cowley
There are three main diseases caused by high blood pressure. They are each life threatening and they may or may not have any symptoms other than you having high blood pressure. Many drug stores and grocery stories have blood pressure monitoring machines available to the general public for free. You should check you blood pressure every time you have you see one of these machines.

A good starting point for normal blood pressure is 120/80. The first number represents the systolic pressure. This is the maximum pressure in your arteries that is created during the contraction of the left ventricle. The second number represents the diastolic blood pressure. The diastolic pressure is the measurement of the pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes. Signs of high pressure is when the systolic pressure is over 130 or when the diastolic pressure is over 90. You should contact your health care provider when either of these conditions occur.

Coronary Heart Disease.

The same plaque that blocks arteries to the brain can clog arteries that feed the heart causing coronary heart disease. All cells need oxygen from the bloodstream to survive, so reducing the amount of blood to the heart muscle can severely weaken or damage the heart muscle. If a blood clot blocks one of these coronary arteries of the heart, a heart attack can occur. If the blood is blocked for an extended time some of the cells of the heart will die. When too many of the cells of the heart die the heart can not pump oxygenated blood throughout the body very well and this can lead to other problems with the other organs of the human body and even death.

Kidney Damage.

Your kidneys are responsible for filtering the waste products from the blood stream that passes through them and to remove excess fluid. High blood pressure can damage the kidneys causing them to become less efficient. When the kidneys stop removing excessive fluid from the blood stream the heart will have to work harder, which in turn will cause even higher blood pressure. It is very important to break this vicious cycle as soon as possible. When a complete shutdown of the functions of the kidney or renal failure occurs, you will need to have kidney dialysis or a kidney transplant in order to survive.


Increased blood pressure will create a lot of strain on your heart and arteries. Over time the walls of the arteries will weaken and an aneurysm will result. The arteries of the human body have three layers. Then the tough outer layer of connective tissue splits and allows the two inner layers of the blood vessel balloon or bulge out an aneurysm is formed. Its like a tire of an automobile that has split allowing the inner tube to balloon outside of the protective outer tire. If the blood pressure problem is allow to continue it is only a mater of time before the aneurysm explodes.

If the aneurysm is small enough then you health care provider will monitor it and watch to see if the size changes over time. If the aneurysm becomes large enough then you may require an operation to correct the problem.

You may not have any symptoms of high blood pressure that is why it is called the silent killer. Some symptom you can watch out for are the following. Ringing in your ears. Present head aches. Pain in your chest, abdominal area or lower back. Excessive fluid retention. Heart palpation or irregular heart beat at rest.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with blood pressure problems such as Vitamin C, Garlic, Ginkgo Plus and Potassium.

Vitamin C has show to reduce cholesterol levels and lowers blood pressure.

Garlic counteract the usual result of high fats in the diet and to help reduce blood pressure.

Ginkgo Plus widen blood vessels, increases circulation and speeds blood flow in the capillaries.

Potassium may help prevent an increase in blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.

Life style changes such as exercise, weight loss and proper diet can also lead to lower blood pressure.

This report is nutritional in nature and not to be construed as medical advice.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

Author Resource:- David Cowley has created numerous articles on heart disease. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to heart disease and how to treat them. Visit Heart Disease

Steps For Reversing Heart Disease

By : David Cowley
For many heart patients finding a way for reversing heart disease is a dream while for others it may be a goal, which they believe may someday be available. When many professionals talks about reversing heart diseases they may be referring to the possibility of halting, or at least slowing the progression of the disease. Many cardiologists state that reversing damage done to the heart is not within the scope of today's medicine and that many surgical techniques can repair damaged blood vessels and even the heart valves, but are dubious about the use of natural medications to reverse any damage already done by heart disease.

Many heart experts claim that once a heart is broke, it is nearly impossible to fix. Valves can be replaced and vessel repaired but there is no known way to allow the body to heal on its own, as far as heart disease is concerned. Many claims of reversing heart disease focus on the effects of a person's lifestyle and diet has the future of their heart health.

For years the medical community has a drawn a direct correlation between a person's diet and heart disease. Add to that a lack of exercise and the stage is set for a heart attack. However, some medical professionals dispute the diet-heart connection as being total and point to many other ways of reversing heart disease than a vegetarian lifestyle.

Focus On Overall Individual Health.

While disputes continued over the relationship of diet and heart disease, everyone agrees that eating nutritious meals instead of nutrition-empty calories will have a beneficial effect on reversing heart disease. Exercise is also important as studies have repeatedly shown a connection between a healthy heart and a person's weight.

When a person is significantly overweight, the heart has to work harder and while under stress may simply give up, causing a heart attack. An overweight person can begin reversing heart disease by losing weight to a level that matches their height and body type. Eating healthy, balanced meals to achieve weight loss is much better for reversing heart problems than crash dieting that can starve the body of vitamins and minerals needed for health.

Lifestyle changes including eating right and exercising can go a long way towards reversing heart diseases, but once the heart muscle is damaged, there is no known way to heal it on its own. Heart transplants have been successful, but replacing the heart is in no way part of reversing heart diseases.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with diseases of the heart such as Vitamin E, Potassium and Phytosterols.

Vitamin E may have a role in reducing the risk of lung cancer, according to researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health. It supplies oxygen to the heart and other muscles of the body and aids in the functioning of the immune system.

Potassium may help prevent high blood pressure and protect against artherosclerosis and reduce the risk of stroke.

Phytosterols is found in flax seed and peanuts, which are suggested to help lower serum cholesterol.

Author Resource:- David Cowley has created numerous articles on heart disease. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to heart disease and how to treat them. Visit Heart Disease

Heart Disease Prevention

By : David Cowley
A person considered at risk for heart attack can take steps towards heart disease prevention. It is considerably easier to prevent heart disease than it is to fix it once it happens, and for the most part lifestyle changes are needed for heart disease prevention regardless of age or health risk.

The number one method of heart disease prevention is to quit smoking. For persons who still smoke they need to cut down and should also avoid polyunsaturated fats in their diet. Vitamins A and D along with saturated fats help protect the lungs. A daily walk and about 10 minutes of exercise a day is another way to provide protection against heart related diseases. Exercising can also help with the third heart disease prevention tips of avoid becoming overweight. Eating food rich in nutrients and avoiding sweets will go a long way to providing the heart a healthy diet.

Another leading cause of heart related disease is stress and more people tend to work too hard and a person can fight against work-related stress by performing a task they enjoy doing every day. When unavoidable times of hardship and depression are apparent, supplement the diet with nutrient-rich foods and avoid fast-food meals.

Keeping Environment Free Of Chemicals.

When possible avoid chemical use and fumes that can damage the immune system. Chemicals, pollutants and pesticides can cause irrepairable harm to the body's systems and avoiding this environmental stress can be one heart disease prevention that is easy to accomplish.

Many foods that are called low fat often contain polyunsaturated vegetable oils. Refined foods are also usually void of any nutritional value and should be avoided for heart disease prevention. Foods containing white flour or refined sugar as well as chemical additives can be trouble for the heart. Eating a diet of seafood, dairy products along with meat and fats from organically grown animals can reduce many of the heart disease risk factors.

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is another common heart disease prevention tip handed out by doctors. Foods that contain phytic acids should also be avoided as they detract from the body's ability to absorb minerals in the food. Whole dairy products and whole grain should be consumed regularly as well as foods rich in protective ingredients.

Eating right and getting regular exercise is an important part of heart disease prevention but many of the steps used to prevent heart attack can also have other health benefits.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with Arteriosclerosis such as Vitamin C,
Niacin and Pectin.

Vitamin C has show to reduce cholesterol levels and lowers high blood pressure. Take 1,000 to 5,000 mg daily.

Niacin is the closest thing available to a perfect treatment that corrects most causes of coronary heart disease. Niacin blocks the release of fatty acids from fat cells. Niacin plays a critical role in energy production, gene expression, and hormone synthesis. You cannot live without it. Niacin also tends to shift LDL particle distribution to larger particle size and improve HDL functioning. The intake of 3 grams Niacin for as little as two weeks can reduce serum cholesterol by 26 percent.

Pectin limits the amount of cholesterol the body can absorb. High pectin count in apples may be why "One a day keeps the doctor away".

How to Use Acupressure- 3 Points That Could Save Your Life!

By : vanessa simpkins
Imagine witnessing someone you love and care about, experience a heart attack right in front of your eyes! What would you do? Obviously call 911 but in the mean time bite their fingers.

Yap, you heard correctly, biting down on the inside edges of the pinky finger's nail triggers a kind of restart action on the heart. It could save your life or someone you care about! I said "bite" not "bleed". A gentle but firm bite is all that is required to stimulate the response needed. This point is located on the heart meridian called HT9.

Acupressure is a time, tested and truly amazing alternative technique using firm but gently pressure on key points along the energy meridians. Using this technique can help you relieve stress and muscle tension, boost your immune system, release endorphins that alleviate pain and much much more!

Acupressure is gaining a lot of popularity these days. Oprah even featured a show with Dr. Oz an accredited author and alternative health practitioner. You can catch that show by visiting www.oprah.com and typing in "Dr.Oz". So how can acupressure save your life? Let's move on to the next life saving point.

Suppose someone faints at work. No problem. Try this next point located at the top of the head on the skull. Feel around until you find a little dip, exactly where the soft spot on a baby's head is located. Give that point some good pressure with your thumb, even using you finger nail to give it a pinch has proven effective. This will bring energy back "up" in the body. This point is more commonly used by acupuncturists to prevent varicose veins, prevent miscarriage and to stop a bleeding. The point is located on the Governor Vessel called GV21.

What if you are experiencing an excruciating headache and you can't get your hands on any Tylenol. No problem. Simply squeeze the fleshy part or web on your hand in between the thumb and the first finger. Called the "eye of the tiger" and "belly of the fish" these two points help to bring energy down in the body. Be it tension, anxiety or too much thinking and especially headaches, this point can do wonders for you. Hold each point together until the pain subsides. Acupuncturists often use this point to help birth a baby and so should not be used by pregnant women.

Before you go whizzing off to the drug store consider using alternative therapies like acupressure instead. It could save you time, and long waiting lines at the doctor's office. Just recently I went into a clinic for a referral to see a doctor. The waiting time was 4hrs!!! Unbelievable. I left, there's no way I was going to spend my day off in a stuffed clinic.

More and more people are turning to alternative therapies, and for good reasons. Many people are being sliced and diced by doctors. I just recently had a healthy 23yr old woman on my table tell me her doctor removed her gall bladder due to a gall stone! Common, it's crazy! Another woman had her uterus removed due to Fibroids. It just amazed me. With so many natural alternatives out there why people are still going through with painful surgeries.

Check out your options, and most importantly be well informed. Always work with practitioners you feel good about. Always follow your gut or intuition when choosing your best treatment option. I hope you have enjoyed this article and will remember what you now know about acupressure that can save your life!

Reducing Job Stress

Our surroundings directly affect our health and wellness: consider that we spend 40 or more hours on the job weekly. Creating an inspiring environment for wellbeing in our working space is crucial to living a long and meaningful life.

Inner Peace on the Job: 7 Ways to Minimize Stress
Although it is not possible to eliminate stress completely, there are some things we can do to reduce it. Here are effective ways to reduce stress in your day.

1. Slow down and be in the present.
It is natural to believe that the harder you work, the more you will get done. However, though it may seem paradoxical, if you work at a slow and steady pace with full awareness, you will most likely turn out better work with fewer mistakes - and feel better while doing it!

2. Set boundaries. Are you the go-to person for every favor and question that is needed in your workplace? Learn to respectfully set your boundaries and say no. Also, take a look at your calendar and make sure you are not over-scheduling yourself after work. Write in one night a week for yourself, and treat yourself to a tai chi or meditation class, a bath, or just an evening curled up with a good book.

3. Remember to breathe deeply all day. Most people who are under a lot of stress or tension breathe shallowly, up in the throat area. When you breathe deeply into your lungs, you are naturally bringing in more oxygen and activating energy in your body.

Try this to remember to breathe: set your intention to take 10 deep breaths once every hour. (If necessary, set a timer to help you remember.) It will only take a minute, but the rewards will be tenfold.

4. Bring nature inside. As much as possible, let natural light and fresh air permeate your workspace. Surround yourself with the inspiring colors of beautiful flowers, which have a powerful influence on a person's mind-set. A beautiful bouquet can lift a less-than-lovely mood and even eliminate stress. In fact, one study showed that people who sat next to an arrangement of colorful flowers were able to relax more during a five-minute typing assignment than those who sat near foliage-only plants.

5. Give yourself a time-out. Take the breaks that are given to you. In this high-paced world, people often work through their breaks, claiming they have too much work to do - this will lead to serious repercussions in the future.

Remember that you are a human, not a machine. Even a machine needs downtime for maintenance! Try taking a 15-minute powernap on your lunch break. If you only have five minutes to spare, just close your eyes. Even this brief rest can reduce stress and help you relax.

6. Meditation brings relaxation. Meditation gives your body a rest and produces slower brain waves that are similar to sleep, effectively combating tension. Regular practice of meditation, tai chi, or yoga can help you slow down and bring peace, not only in your job, but also in your life. To learn more about how to use meditation to decrease stress, click here.

7. Perk up naturally!
Skip the second latte, which stimulates your central nervous system, makes your mind race, and adds to your stress. Instead, try these simple and natural pick-me-ups:

• Take a tea break. Instead of coffee, go for teas that gently boost your energy, such as ginseng, eucalyptus, or ginger.

• Find ways to keep moving all day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Drink a glass of water from the water cooler every hour. Park your car a few blocks away from where you're going. Not only will this perk up your energy, it will also improve your mood.

• If it's a nice day outside, eat lunch outdoors or just take a walk around the block. The fresh air and the break from routine will be an invigorating addition to your workday.

• Get sustainable energy with snacks. Eat a snack at mid-morning and another one at mid-afternoon consisting of nuts, seeds, fruits, or protein-rich foods like humus made from beans will help you sustain your energy and prevent low blood sugar from setting in.

I hope you find the ways to minimize stress in your work environment! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.

May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

-Dr. Mao

Allergic reaction

My daughter’s preschool teacher sent home a memo the first week of school to let all of the parents know that one of the children in the class has a severe allergy to peanuts. We were supposed to keep this in mind for when it was our turn to provide the class treats each week. I had never had to deal with a food allergy in my family, so this was completely new to me. When it was my snack week, I went crazy trying to find something that would cause this child to have an allergic reaction. I am shocked at how many products without peanuts have warnings that they may have come into contact with peanuts at some point. However, I ended up picking out some treats that didn’t adversely affect the child and everything was fine.

We have a few allergies in my family that I am always keeping in the back of my mind. I am allergic to penicillin, which has become much milder as I’ve gotten older. Of course, that doesn’t affect me on a daily basis. My husband is allergic to cats. I had two cats when I first met him and he neglected to tell me this. Once we were married, he couldn’t hide his allergic reaction anymore. I found him sneezing hysterically one day when I returned home from work. Oddly enough, he loves cats, he just gets a stuffy allergic reaction to them. We’ve kept the cats as family members, I simply spend more time ensuring that there isn’t as much cat hair around to irritate his allergies. My daughter is allergic to bees. It didn’t take long, after one stung her as a baby, to determine that she was having an allergic reaction to the sting. She developed a rash within minutes and started to swell. As scary as it was, we have been dealing with it for 4 years now and know how to properly handle the situation if and when it

There are so many things in the world that cause an allergic reaction in so many different people and countries, it makes it difficult to narrow down the causes. Whether it is an allergy to an animal or to a food, everyone experiences their allergic reaction in different ways. You can’t always cater to every type of allergic reaction or allergy that may cross your path, but sometimes, you need to be aware of them. If you do have school age children, you should know if there are some kids that may have an allergic reaction to certain foods. If you’re having overnight guests, you may want to find out if they are allergic to your pets. If you are aware of allergies ahead of time, you may be able to avoid quite a bit of inconvenience for yourself and others. Plus, it may be appreciated much more than you could ever realize.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Health Tips About Oil: Pros and Cons

There is a lot of confusing information circulating about oils. Hopefully, the tips below will help you navigate your way to the good oils that will benefit your health in the long run.

The Lowdown on Oil
Oils that originate from vegetable, nut, and seed sources provide the essential fatty acids that are critical for our nerve and brain functions. The typical vegetable oils that can be found at supermarkets have undergone chemical and heat processing that destroy the quality of the oil — bleaching, cooking, defoaming, distillation, extraction, refining, and the addition of preservatives. Additionally, many of these oils are exposed to light and air and are even potentially filled with pesticides.

All of this causes the formation of free radicals, which undermine the health benefits of consuming essential fatty acids. To ensure that you are receiving all of the possible benefits from your oil, buy organic, cold-pressed, minimally processed oils at your local health food store. Be sure that you consume oil within three months; to prevent it from becoming rancid, store your oil in the refrigerator in dark glass containers.

Fats: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
There are three types of fat: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and saturated.

Monounsaturated fats — including olive oil, sesame oil, canola oil, almond oil, flax oil, and fish oil — are good fats. These contain essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) that are critical in brain development and function, skin health, vascular health, proper immune function, fertility, and normal physical development.

Polyunsaturated fats, such as margarine, corn oil, hydrogenated safflower oil, and sunflower oil, also contain essential fatty acids. Unfortunately, these fats are highly refined and contain large amounts of trans fat. Trans fat, created by hydrogenating vegetable oil to make it spreadable, is implicated in both cancer and heart disease.

Saturated fats are the bad kind of fat. Included in this category is butter, peanut oil, coconut oil, palm kernel oil, and lard. These saturated fats elevate cholesterol and triglyceride levels, leading to an increased chance of heart attack and stroke. These oils are best avoided.

Two Stand-Out Oils
The essential ingredient of the Mediterranean diet, olive oil, has been found to have beneficial effects on blood lipids and it may even lower blood pressure. According to the World Health Organization, nearly 60 percent of strokes and 50 percent of heart disease are associated with high blood pressure.

Hypertension is estimated to be the cause of 7.1 million deaths per year worldwide. A recent study has concluded that olive oil intake is “inversely associated with both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.” The bottom line: consuming more olive oil is linked to lowered blood pressure.

Sesame oil — the most common oil consumed by Chinese centenarians — is enjoyed for its delicious nutty flavor and also possesses some considerable therapeutic properties. Chinese medicine lists sesame as a blood builder, a kidney and liver tonic, and a bowel protector and regulator. It is rich in phytic acid, the antioxidant that may prevent cancer. Lignan sesamin, one variety of sesame oil, appeared to radically reduce cholesterol levels in the bloodstream and liver of rats.

To benefit your health and enhance your meals, add some olive oil to your food and salads; sprinkle sesame seeds and oil into your dishes regularly. Some other excellent choices for oils include: walnut oil, flaxseed oil, and soy oil.

I hope I have cleared up some of the confusion surrounding oil. I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.

May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

Dr. Mao

Try Natural Insomnia Relief

Insomnia affects almost two out of three Americans. That's a lot of people lying awake at night! If you are tossing and turning all through the night, you are missing out on the most crucial key to maintaining your health, energy, and immunity. Read on to learn plenty of ways to be sure that you are getting the best quality sleep.

A Sleep-Enhancing Atmosphere
Of the many patients I have treated for chronic sleeplessness, one particular case stands out as an example of the powerful energetic influences our living environment can have on us. This patient lives in a lovely townhouse with an open loft space.

When she first moved into her home, she slept in a small bedroom off in a back corner, but visiting friends convinced her to sleep in the loft space. Initially, she had no trouble sleeping, but as the years wore on, she began to suffer from insomnia. Eventually, she showed up in my office seeking relief from her sleeplessness.

After trying several treatments with no noticeable difference to her sleep, I asked about her bedroom arrangement. When she mentioned the open and spacious loft with lots of light and no drapes, I realized that was the most likely culprit.

At night when you are asleep, you need to feel safe and protected in a cocoon-like atmosphere. Otherwise the sensory organs will stay awake to "guard" you from danger and the things that go bump in the night. I suggested that she try sleeping in the small bedroom; her chronic insomnia has disappeared and not returned since.

As the example above shows, it makes a huge difference to your quality of sleep that your snoozing environment is soothing. Do everything possible to establish a quiet and cozy atmosphere.

Your bedroom should ideally be located in the quietest and less trafficked area of your home. The lighting should be dim and any music that is played should be peaceful. Keep the décor minimal, with nothing busy to detract from your sleep. Colors should be in the realm of blues, greens, and grays. Do not place computers or televisions in your bedroom because they generate electromagnetic fields and positive ions that can induce agitation.

Also, consider having Fido sleep outside the bedroom; sleeping with pets often causes restless sleep because their movements will keep your body from fully relaxing into deep R.E.M. sleep.

Routines to Help You Sleep Tight
Quality sleep is critical to staying in synchronization with our biological clock. Our bodies run on biological rhythms and function best with consistent routines. To ensure restful sleep every night, form your own calming routines to help you get to sleep. Once you find an activity that works, practice it consistently to program your body for the sleep response. To listen to some of the ways to get a good night's sleep, click here.

Here are a few more helpful hints:

• Do not eat late. Your last meal should be no later than 7 p.m.

• Drink valerian or passionflower tea before bedtime every night for one month.

• Take a relaxing evening stroll an hour before bed.

• Soak your feet in hot, Epsom salt bath for 15 minutes before bedtime.

• Keep a journal at night. Emptying your thoughts onto paper helps you unburden your mind for a more peaceful sleep.

• Induce relaxation with a 15-minute meditation. Here's how: Sit comfortably at the edge of a firm seat with your back erect and your head tilted slightly downward. Place your arms gently over your lap and breathe slowly, deliberately, and gently. Keep your eyes slightly closed.

• Do not exercise for at least two hours before bed. Interestingly, people with regular exercise routines have fewer episodes of insomnia. Exercising moderately for 30 minutes daily, combined with meditation in the evening, will not only help you fall and stay asleep, but will also increase the amount of time you spend in R.E.M. sleep. For some people, exercise alone is enough to overcome insomnia.

• You might also try Calm-Fort/Sleep formula with useful herbs like lily bulbs, polygala and turmeric that help manage stress and calm the spirit while relieve restlessness and alleviate insomnia. Find out more online at askdrmao.com.

When all else fails, see your doctor because insomnia may be a sign of more serious problems.

I hope you find the ways to sleep soundly! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.

May you stay healthy, live long, and live happy!

-Dr. Mao

Allergy Alert: Breathe Easy, Naturally

Itchy, watery eyes, running nose, an aching head, and sinus congestion. Sound familiar? You may be among the 37 million people in the United States who suffer from allergic rhinitis or sinusitis. Consider combating your springtime woes naturally with these time-tested self-healing techniques.

Allergens in the Air
When your sinuses, the air-filled hollow cavities around your nose and nasal passages, become inflamed, fluid can accumulate and interfere with normal drainage of mucus in the sinuses. This condition is known as acute sinusitis. The result? You may have trouble breathing through your nose and feel your eyes and facial tissue swell up.

Your symptoms may include a headache, fever, a nagging cough, post-nasal drip, thick green or yellow discharge, and a feeling of facial "fullness" that gets worse when you lean forward; during a severe sinus infection, some people even experience a toothache.

This uncomfortable condition has many possible causes, including bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, allergies, or a deviated septum. Synonymous with spring, allergic rhinitis, commonly called hay fever, is the inflammatory result of your immune system's overreaction to allergens in the air.

Pollen is one famous offender. Other allergens include dirt, pollution, animal hair, food particles cloth fibers, and mold.

Surprising Secrets for Sinus Health
Here are some all-natural ways to gain freedom from sinus suffering.

• Clear your sinuses and your mind with a steamy stovetop spa. Add a few drops of wintergreen oil to a pot of boiling water and inhale the steam. Take care not to be burned by the vapor.

• Herbs and spices like ginger, scallion, basil, garlic, oregano, cayenne peppers, white pepper, horseradish and turmeric will have your sinus passageways unblocked in no time!

• The supplement bromelain - a papaya and pineapple-based enzyme - helps reduce histamine release, the body's natural allergic response.

• Clear your nasal passageway daily for healthy, happy sinuses. Add 1 tsp of sea salt, 1 drop of oregano oil, and 1 drop of wintergreen to a cup of warm water. Fill a small-spouted squeeze bottle with this warm solution. Squirt into one nostril at a time and blow out through the nose. Alternate nostrils.

• Press one clove of garlic, mix with 1 tsp of olive oil and soak a clean cotton ball with the oil mixture and place in nostrils after having washed the nostril with warm salt water. Leave in for 20 minutes and repeat three times a day until the symptoms clear up.

• These two simple self-massage practices that follow are incredibly effective for relieving sinus congestion. For both, sit at the tip of a sturdy chair with your back erect, spine stretched, and your head tilted slightly forward.

1. Inhale and gently press your forehead just inside the temples with your palms. Exhale and release. Repeat three times.

2. Cross your middle and index fingers by placing the tips of your middle fingers on top of the fingernails on your index fingers. Rub the sides of your nose 36 times in a circular motion, warming your fingers first if they're cold.

What you eat affects your sinus health
Avoid the foods that produce mucous and dampness: dairy products, cold and raw foods, corn (including corn syrup), and simple sugars. Choose whole grains like quinoa, amaranth and brown rice instead of wheat, rye and barley, which are typically high allergy grains. Opt for papaya, cranberries, pear, pineapple, cherries, mango, and citrus fruits. Eat more green vegetables such as artichoke, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and spinach.

Both alcohol and smoking should be avoided during a sinus flare-up as they irritate the respiratory tract and worsen nasal inflammation. Also, sinus congestion is often worse with lack of quality rest so be sure to get plenty of sleep and keep your stress level low.

I hope that you find the ways to keep your sinuses clear and freely flowing. I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.

May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

-Dr. Mao

Friday, March 7, 2008

Weight Loss Drugs - Do They Really Work?

By : John Howard
Glucofast, Nanotrim, Dynatrim and Acatrim are four important tropical medicines that are used to reduce excess body weight. All these medicines come from different manufactures that compete with each other to take over the market of slimming capsules meant for obese persons.

The manufactures who produce these pills claim that they do not use any harsh or toxic chemicals that can attract side effects while making these medicines at their laboratories. If they do not contain any chemicals, definitely all these medicines should be free from side effects that are commonly associated with prescription medicines used to reduce body weight.

The next question that should be addressed when we compare these medicines is the effectiveness of these medicines in addressing the health problem; the obesity or over weight of the body. As all of us know, it is the effectiveness of the ingredients that are used in a medicine, especially a medicine that use only natural ingredients, make a medicine safe and effective for those who consume it for a particular purpose.

Glucofast, a product of MicroNutra Health contains very effective natural ingredients that are time tested for their effectiveness to bringing down the body weight of the human beings. The natural ingredients of this medicine include Banaba Leaf extract, Bitter melon, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Commiphora mukul, Gymnema Syivestre, Juniper berries, Licorice, Yarrow leaves and Quercetin. All these ingredients that are used in making Glucofast are found to be very effective in maintaining body weight at a desirable limit. The perfect ration followed in mixing these ingredients also act as a reason behind the increasing popularity of this medicine to be used for controlling excess body weight.

The ingredients of Nanotrim, a weight control capsule from Nanonutra Labs include Vanadyl sulphate, L-Carnitne, Banaba leaf extract, Bitter Melon, Alphalipoic acid, Chromium chelate, Juniper berries, Gymnema sylvestre and Licorice. This medicine does not add many essential natural remedies that are included in Glucofast. For this reason Nanotrim seem to be less effective in brining weight under control when compared to Glucofast from MicroNutra Health.

Avatrim basically concentrate in utilising the good qualities of green tea and other potent thermogenic compounds to be utilised for controlling body weight of the persons suffering from obesity. The manufactures claim that regular use of Avatrim is good to control appetite, lower cholesterol, increase thermo genesis and to burn fat from the body slowly. When compared to Glucofast, this medicine takes a long time to bring the body weight under control and therefore is not suitable for the persons who want to get rid of the overweight problem within a limited time schedule.

When compared to Glucofast that comes to the top of the rating, Dynathin also is less effective in bringing a lasting remedy for overweight problem.

Cholesterol Medication - Be Very Careful!

By : John Howard
A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the various ingredients contained in the medicines that are used to reduce the cholesterol will help you to find the best and the most effective natural supplement to keep your cholesterol in the healthy and desirable level. The major cholesterol treatment formulas that compete with each other to capture the alternative medicines market include Cholestasys from MicroNutra Health, Vasacor from Peak Nutrition, and Cholexin from NanoNutra Labs and Resterol from Progressive Health.

All these medicines that come under the category of non prescription medicines are safe to be used by any one as they do not contain any harsh chemicals that can be deterrent to the health of the persons who consume it.

Vasacor from Peak Nutrition is a safe medicine that creates no side effects in those who takes it. Nearly fifty percent of the persons who have experimented with Vasacor responded positively to this medicine. But we have to be more definite about the impact of this medicine on the other fifty percent before we actually recommend this medicine to a person who wants to maintain his cholesterol at a healthy level by using a natural medicine.

Cholexin from NanoNutra also is a medicine experimented by many to reduce their high cholesterol level. Most of them agree that this medicine is safe to be use by all as it creates no chemical reaction in the users. When compared to many other products that are used for the same purpose Cholexin is rated better by the users.

Resterol from Progressive Health also is an alternative medicine that contains no artificial ingredients. But the feed back from the users do not place it among the top rated alternative medicines such as Cholestasys or Cholexin.

Cholestasys from MicroNutra Health is found to be the first among all the alternative medicines that are use to maintain cholesterol level of the body at the desirable level. The ingredients of this medicine include Goggul, Niacin, Policosanol, Cayenne and Garlic. It is the perfect blend of these ingredients makes Cholestasys stand apart from the other medicines that are used for the same purpose. A person who consumes Cholestasys will normally be able to see the positive signs of consuming Cholestasys within 1-2 weeks of starting medication. The feed backs from the consumers witness the satisfaction of more than 99% of the users of Cholestasys. The time tested natural herb extracts in Cholestasys is found to be very effective in lowering the LDL cholesterol level in the body and improving the HDL or the good cholesterol that found in the human body.

Tea Tree Oil - The Medicine Kit in a Bottle

By : Nicky Pilkington
Tea Tree Oil has been known to the Bundjalung Tribe of New South Wales Australia for hundreds of years for its medicinal properties.

This wonder oil was only tested scientifically in the early 1920's by Arthur Penfold and found to be around 12 times more powerful than carbolic acid and yet caused no harm to the skin. It was used extensively by the Australian Defence Force during World War Two but due to the discovery of synthetic drugs did not become popular again until the 1960's.

Over the years it has proved itself as a natural antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory oil. One great development was that it was found to deep penetrate the skin cleaning it and encouraging the formation of scar tissue.

Some of the medical uses include healing blisters, reducing swelling from insect bites and stings, cleaning and healing abrasions and cuts, cures athletes foot and is very helpful in the healing of acne. It will cure a sore throat, cold sores, coughs and dental abscesses. It will solve most day to day first aid and medical problems.

It also lends to daily beauty care as putting drops in shampoo, body lotion, hand cream and in the bath will keep hair and skin clean and healthy. A couple of drops on toothpaste will prevent gum infections and bad breathe. It helps take the sting out of sunburn and softens corns and calluses.

Tea Tree Oil's anti-bacterial properties also extend use in the household chores, making the house clean and healthy. Putting drops in the humidifier will clean, disinfect and refresh the air and putting drops in the dishwasher and washing machine will kill all the germs.

Tea Trees only grow in Australia. There are many brands that are from inferior trees and not from the genuine Tea Tree whose Botanical name is Malaeuca. The name Tea Tree was given by Joseph Banks the botanist who traveled with Captain Cook and collected the leaves to make herbal teas.

Your first purchase should be made from a Health Shop until you know how to define whether it is the genuine oil or an inferior oil as the results will obviously not be the same with an inferior product.

There are many excellent websites on the internet and many excellent books which will give you all uses of this wonderful oil. You will be amazed at the excellent results you obtain and will find it is truly a medicine kit in a bottle.

Rhodiola Rosea - Fighting Stress and Anxiety

By : Nicky Pilkington
Rhodiola Rosea is the latest natural remedy to join the arsenal of natural anxiety and stress reducers.

Rhodiola Rosea, also known as Golden Root, is a native plant of arctic Siberia. For centuries it has been used by eastern European and Asian cultures for physical endurance, work productivity, longevity, resistance to high altitude sickness, and to treat fatigue, depression, anemia, impotence, gastrointestinal ailments, infections, and nervous system disorders.

The first recorded medicinal applications of rodia riza (renamed Rhodiola Rosea) was made by the Greek physician, Dioscorides, in 77 C.E. in 'De Materia Medica'. Rhodiola Rosea has been included in official Russian medicine since 1969.

Despite its long history, the Western world has only recently become aware of the health benefits of Rhodiola Rosea. It has come to the attention of many natural health practitioners because of studies which tested its affects on combating anxiety and stress.

Rhodiola Rosea is considered an adaptogen. This means it has an overall stabilizing effect on the body without disrupting other functions. Its ability to normalize hormones may be effective for treating depression and anxiety.

Studies of Rhodiola Rosea show that it stimulates neurotransmitters and enhances their effects on the brain. This includes the ability for the brain to process serotonin which helps the body to adapt to stress.

Since adaptogens improve the body's overall ability to handle stress, it has been studied to identify it's effects on biological, chemical and physical stress.

A study was performed to test the effects of Rhodiola Rosea when stress is caused by intense mental work (such as final exams). Such tests concluded that using Rhodiola Rosea improved the amount and quality of work, increasing mental clarity and reducing the effects of fatigue.

The effects of Rhodiola Rosea have also been tested on stress and anxiety from both physical and emotional sources. A report by the American Botanical Council states that "Most users find that it improves their mood, energy level, and mental clarity." They also report on a study that indicated Rhodiola Rosea could increase stress tolerance while at the same time protecting the brain and heart from the physical affects of stress.

This report included details of studies which highlight the overall health benefits of Rhodiola Rosea.

The generally recommended dose is 200-600mg/day. The active properties should be a minimum 0.8 percent salidroside and 3 percent rosavin.

It is important for consumers to know that Rhodiola may be sold using other species that do not share the properties of Rhodiola Rosea, or at ineffective strengths for treatment. Anyone with depression or anxiety should also check with a health professional when treating these symptoms.

Alternative Medicine for Your Health

By : James Hunt
If you're looking for alternate choices for your health other than conventional medicine the choices you have are endless. Regaining your health through alternative medicine is becoming more and more common today as people find that conventional medicine doesn't always work. Chinese medicine and medical practices are very popular among all cultures. Acupuncture has proven to be effective in the treatment of many medical conditions including cancer, arthritis, weight management, diabetes, heart disease, and pregnancy. Acupressure is also a common form of alternative medicine that is being heard about more often in western cultures. As well as acupuncture and acupressure, the use of Chinese herbal medicine is used for any number of ailments and symptoms.

The use of a variety of relaxation techniques are another form of alternative medicine that more and more people are using for use in pain control, lowering their blood pressure, controlling the symptoms of arthritis, headache control, and many other medical conditions. Some of these relaxation techniques include yoga, tai chi, meditation, visualization, chanting. Another alternative health method used by many people is managing the chakra system of the body. The chakra points are fully concentrated on until both mental and physical health is obtained. Many times this requires the use of chakra therapist to help with each level of the chakras.

When it comes to choosing alternative health options you might want to talk to a naturopathic doctor so that you can find out what choices you have for your medical symptoms or if you just want to maintain good health. Alternative medicine means feeling a strong interest in the methods that you choose. You can also look in your local natural health bookstore for books on alternative medicine so that you see the great strides that this discipline has made over the years. You might be surprised to find that this field of medicine has claimed its place in medical care as firmly as it has.

Using Natural Remedies For Constipation

By : Nicky Pilkington
There are two basic types of constipation - organic and functional. Organic constipation is a result of some physical change, obstruction, or distortion in your colon. This type of constipation needs immediate attention from a doctor.

This article only covers Functional Constipation. This type of constipation is a result of not following a proper diet, drinking enough fluids, having good emotional health and not having a good lifestyle - a lifestyle that promotes good movement of digested foods through the intestines and colon.

Even though there are many definitions for constipation, constipation is simply a condition where the fecal matter traveling through your colon remains too long in your colon before traveling out the rectum.

Constipation is a symptom and not a disease. It is a condition that tells you your colon is not working properly or that you have some underlying gastrointestinal disease you are not aware of.

Constipation may be a warning that your diet and lifestyle are causing an imbalance in your body. It is a symptom that many people ignore or that many people try to eliminate by using unnatural and oftentimes dangerous drugstore laxatives.

Drugstore laxatives should be avoided when you have constipation. They can become habit-forming, damage your colon, and have nasty side effects if used too long. They sometimes have the tendency of creating the problem you are trying relieve - constipation.

To keep your body in chemical balance, it is important to use only natural remedies for constipation. Natural remedies such as herbs and foods bring into the colon those nutrients that can build up your colon and reactivate your natural peristaltic action.

As you use natural remedies, keep in mind that one particular remedy may not work for you. You may have to try a different remedy or increase dosage of the one you are using. If you supply what your body needs by using a specific remedy, then you will get results from using that remedy.

Experimenting is part of finding out what remedy is best for you. There are many different natural remedies you can choose from. Look on the internet for "natural remedies for constipation" and you will find many listings.

Keep in mind that most remedies should be used only for a short time, two to four days and not longer than 2 weeks. They should only be used for the time needed to clear your constipation. This might be just 4 or 5 times or sometimes it may take several weeks.

There are some herbal combinations that can be used for longer duration. These combinations can improve your colon's health and get your bowels moving again.

If you have constipation, the natural balance and function of your colon has been affected. But, natural remedies can bring you colon back into balance.

Herbal Remedies for Treating Acne

By : Nicky Pilkington
Acne is not caused by dirt, though careful attention to hygiene helps to keep inflammation at bay. A trial done in Singapore a few years ago points to acne being caused by the failure of the body to break down and metabolize oil in the body. Why does this happen?

According to an article published by Lit-Hung Leung, MD in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 12, Number 2, 1997, when the particular vitamin that is responsible for the job of metabolizing the oil is needed by the body for a different function - such as the development of the sex organs, eg, - a deficiency is created and there is not enough of this vitamin to do both jobs. This is why acne often shows up at puberty.

While deficiency syndromes are by and large dismissed by the main stream medical profession, Linus Pauling, in his book, How to Live Longer and Feel Better, challenges the assumption that vitamins are not needed in large amounts and provides proof through his studies of animals that optimal amounts of vitamins are needed for optimal health. For instance, he believes that Vitamin C is needed in far greater amounts by the body than most health practitioners would believe.

In the trial conducted in Singapore, pantothenic acid was given to acne sufferers at the rate of 10 grams a day divided into four equal doses. At the same time the patients were required to apply a pantothenic cream to the acne. Within a few days there was a marked reduction in the amount of oil, or sebum being secreted and after 2 weeks the acne started to heal visibly, with less new pimples appearing. In most cases, the acne was completely healed by the end of 2 months, and flare-ups were reduced considerably.

An unexpected bonus was that the enlarged pores of the face began to shrink and the skin became much finer. It was found that if the patient was an adolescent, a maintenance dose was needed until the sexual characteristics had been fully developed. That pantothenic acid is found to be present in all tissues of the body is an indication of its importance. VitaCure B5 ClearSkin is the acne product that resulted from the above trials.

Benzoyl peroxide is the main ingredient found in many over-the-counter products for treating acne. The label should be read carefully to find out how much of this chemical is actually in the product. When trying these for the first time, it is advisable to start off with the lowest dose, or skin irritation could occur, exacerbating the problem. 2.5% is usually the lowest dose and this can also cause the skin to become dry and irritated, but this problem will mostly clear up after a few days. These products are meant to be used over the whole area affected by acne, so don't just dab it on single zits.

Zinc gluconate is another herbal type of remedy for acne. It should be taken orally.

If after two months of trying herbal products the acne has not improved, a doctor's advice should be sought.

Cranberries - Simple Protection from Cancer and Heart Disease

By : Nicky Pilkington
When is the last time you ate cranberries? Was it with a turkey dinner? With all the research pointing to the amazing health benefits of this simple berry, shouldn't cranberries be more than a once a year side dish?

How Cranberries Are Proving Their Strength:

The Cranberry Institute provides the results of studies and research that highlight the fantastic health benefits of the humble cranberry.

Cranberries have been used for thousands of years by Native Americans as a source of food and to extend the shelf life of dried meats. Colonial sailors also made use of the natural preservatives in cranberries (from benzoic acid) which allowed them to last through long sea voyages, and the high Vitamin C content which prevented scurvy.

Perhaps they were on to something since new research suggests that cranberries may prevent the adhesion of the e.coli bacteria - a common cause of food poisoning from contaminated meat - to the urinary tract. This 'anti-adhesion' effect may also help in preventing bacteria from causing stomach ulcers and gum disease.

Vitamin C is also a known powerful antioxidant and is being widely accepted as a means of combating the effects of free radicals in the body which can cause cancer, heart disease and other health problems. Antioxidants from cranberries are being researched for prevention of kidney stones and lowering cholesterol.

While many fruits contain antioxidants, according to research cranberries have more antioxidants than 19 commonly eaten fruits. With this news it makes sense to include cranberries into a balanced diet throughout the year.

How Can You Include Cranberries Into Your Diet?

Fresh, frozen or dried, cranberries can be eaten anytime of the year.

Adding dried cranberries to baking (such as scones, breads and cookies) is an easy way to enjoy their tart sweetness. Adding frozen cranberries to smoothies or soups can lend a mild tang to your creations. Fresh cranberries make excellent garnishes and dressings.

The easiest way to add cranberries to your diet is to drink cranberry juice. While sweetened juices have less antioxidants than unsweetened, the benefits of adding cranberry to your diet are still there. If you add unsweetened juice to sparkling water you can enjoy a refreshing spritzer.

While studies are still being conducted on the health benefits of cranberries there is no doubt that increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables in your diet will lead to a healthier body. Choosing to use a variety of berries, citrus and other fruits will ensure you are giving your body everything it needs for optimum health.

To Buy Pain Meds Online, a Dangerous Move

There are a lot of people that are in pain out there today. If you are one of them, you may try to buy pain meds online. This can be for many reasons. Perhaps your doctor won't write you a prescription for your pain meds. Perhaps you can't afford to go see the doctor and get a prescription. Or maybe you are just addicted to pain meds (hopefully not) and your doctor won't give you a prescription. Whatever the reasons are, if you are going to buy pain meds online, you better be careful.

Many people want to buy pain meds online simply because it is cheaper for them. Recently, thousands of online pharmacies have popped up offering for people to buy pain meds online without a prescription. They offer to sell the medication at cost, or at wholesale prices. This sounds all and good at first, but is it really safe to buy pain meds online?

The answer is more than likely "no." This is especially true if you weren't required to provide a prescription to buy pain meds online. The safety of this purchase is not easy to determine. First off, when you buy pain meds online, how can you be sure that the drug you get it the exact one you asked for, or even if it is the correct potency? The risk for an overdose can be very high. Also these online pharmacies will let anyone buy pain meds online. They do not ask for a prescription or your medical history. They could sell it to a child, a teenager, or a person with a drug addiction. All of this will end in bad results. The FDA also states that it is illegal to purchase or distribute any form of prescription medication without having a prescription or being licensed to do so. So in essence, you are doing something illegal.

There are a few safe places to buy pain meds online. These are the online pharmacies that require a prescription and your medical and allergy history. These websites should have a verifiable street address and a toll free number with live operator assistance. They should also be a licensed pharmacy and have a way for you to check and verify their license. If the online pharmacy is lacking in any of these fields, then you should never purchase from them.

You should never buy pain meds online without a prescription. It has been proven dangerous for many reasons. The safest route is to go to your doctor and get a prescription first. If you can't do that, then purchase an over the counter pain medication. Your life and safety is much too important to risk anything else.

Author Resource:- Jay Moncliff is the founder of http://www.medsonlinecenter.info a blog focusing on the PetMeds, resources and articles. For more info on Pain Medicine visit: PetMeds

Acne Proactive Solution: Treatment to the Stars

By : Jay Moncliff
You may have seen the infomercials featuring stars like Jessica Simpson and Vanessa Williams, but is the science behind the acne treatment Proactiv Solution solid? Is it all sales pitch or does this product really work?

With over one half of adult women and one fourth of adult men experiencing some form of adult acne, it is no longer just a problem associated with adolescence.

Acne occurs when a pore or hair follicle gets clogged with oil and bacteria. As more and more oil enters the follicle from the skin, the pore eventually becomes inflamed and turns into a pimple. Pimples can be whiteheads, or small white lesions below the surface of the skin, or blackheads, formed when the trapped oil and bacteria come to the surface of the skin. Both the whitehead and blackhead are considered non-inflammatory acne. Inflammatory acne can take the form of papules, pustules or cysts. These are more serious forms of acne and may cause scarring.

Acne can occur on the face, neck, shoulders, chest and back. Although your teenager may not believe it, acne is not life threatening, but it can lead to scarring, embarrassment and lack of self confidence. Most doctors agree that acne can't be cured. Several strong prescription medications are prescribed for the most severe forms of inflammatory acne, but these often have side effects.

As a solution for acne, Proactiv Solution works by helping to clear existing blemishes and stop new ones from forming, The core system is a three step system combining several different medicines to accomplish these goals. Proactive was developed by two dermatologists trained at Stanford University.

First, the benzoyl peroxide in the renewing cleanser gets down into the pores and kills the bacteria residing there. Gentle cleansing grains clear the clogs in the pores and help exfoliate the dead skin cells to prevent future clogs.

Next, the toner helps further open the pores and remove the rest of the dead skin cells. The alcohol free formula is gentle and refreshing and helps balance the skin's surface.

Finally, the repairing lotion soothes the skin, provides moisture and treats the pores with micro formulated benzoyl peroxide to protect the skin against future breakouts.

Proactiv doesn't just treat current blemishes, it works to prevent future ones by removing the bacteria and dead skin cells that can accumulate in the pores. Botanical extracts in the formulas leave skin soft and supple without the redness that accompanies most other acne treatments.

It's gentle, effective formula is unique in the industry, and testimonials from many users attest to its effectiveness. The beginning kit is priced at about $40, so it is not prohibitively expensive, although you must order it from the infomercial or online retailers. It is not available in drugstores.

If you have been suffering with acne, you may want to try Proactiv. Not only will you most likely see an improvement in your skin, you'll be in the company of stars like P. Diddy and Jessica Simpson!

Author Resource:- Jay Moncliff is the founder of http://www.acnesolutioncenter.info a website specialized on Acne, resources and articles. For more info visit his site: Acne

Glyconutrient and Phytonutrient Supplements Compared

By : John Howard
Glyconutrient and phytonutrient supplements are essential in a diet where fruit and vegetables aren't present. They provide nutrients that cannot be found in any other source. The supplements are made from the skins of fruits and vegetables to provide supplementation for optimal health.

Nutri-Lite Double X is a phytonutrient supplement. It works well in providing the essential nutrients. It does not contain any glyconutrient properties though. This is a bit of a letdown as most phytonutrient supplements contain glyconutrients aswell.

The same can also be said for Metagenics Phyto Complete. It has many phytonutrients but is completely absent of all glyconutrients.

Synergistic Phytonutrient Complex is the same. These pills only contain phytonutrients and are great if that is all you are looking for, if you want something more then chose a supplement that provides both essential nutrients

Nutratose is a very powerful and effective nutrient supplement from Techmedia health. It is known as the first and complete fusion of eight essential glycol nutrients and phytonutrients that our body needs in a single package. All these glycol nutrients have blend in the most absorbable way in this medicine.

This medicine when consumed will get directly absorbed to the body through epithelial lining of your digestive tract. No other nutrient supplements now available in the market will be able to make it absorb into the body as fast as Nutratose can do. The eight essential nutrients provided in this medicine are known as phyto nutrients. All these potential nutrients with which you can improve the overall health of your body are selected from the living medicinal plants. These nutrients found in the plants are utilized in this medicine in their biologically active forms.

All the phyto nutrients that are used to make this medicine are found to be essential to for the body to achieve optimum health for its healthy maintenance of your body. When glycol nutrients are helps to cellular intercommunication phyto nutrients will facilitate cellular repair. They are also very essential for various important functions of the body including your DNA level.

When supplied with phyto nutrients it will provide nutritional support to every cell of your body in order to protect them against the cellular damages caused by free radicals. By doing so, it will help to improve the overall health of your body.

This medicine contains only natural ingredients that are essential for the body. Unlike other nutritional supplements, it does not use any fillers or starch in it. With no fillers in it Nutratose is capable of providing double or triple the volume of nutrients than other nutritional supplements that use the same ingredients.

The essential nutrients of this medicine include Mannose, Galactose, Fucose, Glucose, Xylose, N-acetyneuramic acid, N-acetylgalactosamine and N-acetyglucosamine.

Mannose in this medicine will help to support the excretion system of the body. Galactose will improve the intercellular communication of the body of the person consuming it. Focuse is an effective ingredient that can improve the nerve function of the body. It will also help to improve the health of the kidney and reproduction system. Glucose is used to enhance the memory and to improve the calcium absorption into the body of the person consuming this medicine. Xylose also will support a better nutrient absorption into the body by supporting the growth of a healthful flora in the intestine. N-acetyneuramic acid, N-acetylgalactosamine and N-acetyglucosamine are found to be helpful to improve the overall health of the body.

Candida Drugs: Some Are Deadly!

By : John Howard
Hundreds and thousands of people around the world suffer from the symptoms of Candida. Fortunately for all of them there are several drugs that are available in the market. Threelac, Candisil, Candidate and Candidol are some of the names of the drugs that immediately spring to our mind when we talk about Candida.

Threelac is one of the drugs used for treating the condition of Candida, which can actually start as a simple yeast infection. Candisil is another widely used medication for Candida. Candidate is also widely prescribed in some countries for treating Candida. Although various drugs are available for treating Candida, perhaps the most effective and best possible relief can be had from using Candidol. This drug has come as a boon to people suffering from Candida.

Candida usually starts as a yeast infection which later on turns into what is known as Candida fungal overgrowth. This infection should not be taken lightly since it is known to be a silent killer. The infection is bound to become what is known as a systemic yeast infection over a period of time, if not removed. The infection can then metastasize into other forms of dangerous diseases. This is the reason why people had been seeking an effective remedy for a long time for Candida. Thanks to Candidol there is an effective drug available for fighting this type of infection.

Common symptoms of Candida include bloating, craving for sweets, skin rashes and loss of energy. Candidol works by acting on these symptoms along with addressing the problem as whole. Candidol is the most widely prescribed medication for Candida. The drug contains doctor approved proprietary formula that helps in fighting Candida. The medication, developed by Micronutra has helped millions of people suffering from Candida around the world.

Candida overgrowth is considered serious and should be immediately treated once detected. You should always inform your doctor about any other medication that you may be taking before you take Candidol. Although this is the case, Candidol is not known to interfere with other medications. The one major advantage that this drug has over other medications is that unlike most of the other drugs this is not a body cleanser. This is the reason the drug does not interfere with other medication, making it the safest bet for treating Candida overgrowth. You should treat yeast infections as soon as they begin since they could grow and move into your intestinal track very quickly. Fortunately for all of us Candidol is here to help us fight this form of deadly yeast infection.

Cholesterol Medication Compared: Are they Deadly?

By : John Howard
Cholestasys, Lipid Shield, GHS plus and Cholesterol Care are the different natural supplements meant for patients suffering from high cholesterol. People who do not want to take the risk and complications of the chemical based medicines always prefer a good natural alternative to the medicines that contain toxic chemicals.

Medicines like Cholestassys, Lipid Shield, GHS plus and Cholesterol Cre come as an alternative to the chemical based medicines that we now use to lower the increased level of cholesterol in our body. If you are ready to follow a healthy life style while consuming medicines like Cholestasys you will definitely be able to bring your cholesterol to its normal level.

To pick the best among the plenty of natural cholesterol fighting formula now available in the market you should be able to understand the quality and use of the herb extracts used in these medicines.

Cholestasys, a product from MicroNutra Health is found to be very effective in reducing the increased cholesterol, if consumed in the prescribed manner. This unique preparation of valuable herbs such as Goggul, Niacin, Policosanol, Cayenne and Garilic is undoubtedly a miraculous one. As it is normal to all herb based medicines, Cholestasys also will not attract any side effects that are commonly associated with the chemical based medications used to treat cholesterol patients. The perfect mixing of these valuable herbs in Cholestasys makes it possible for the body to prevent bad cholesterol absorption into the body and to promote elimination of fat from the body. No other formula that is used to treat cholesterol is found as effective as Cholestasys now.

GHS Plus also is a cholesterol lowering formula that contains only safe natural ingredients. The various herbal extract and vitamins contained in these medicines also is safe to be used by any one without fearing about the side effects. It promises the reduction or elimination of plaque that cause heart disease.

Like Cholestasys, Healthy Choice Vitamins 'Cholesterol Care' contains a lot of essential herb extract such as Guggul Lipid, Beta-sitosterol, Red rice extract etc to make it effective in cholesterol patients.

Just like GHS plus and Cholesterol Care Lipid Shield also contains a lot of herb extracts that are commonly used as natural remedies to control various problems associated with increase in cholesterol level. The manufactures of Lipid Shield also assures lower cholesterol level if the patient is ready to follow a healthy life style while consuming this medicine.

What makes a natural medicine superior than medicines of similar nature is its perfect combination of the natural ingredients during the process of making the medicine. Then only it will be ale to bring the result that it promises to the patients who consumes it. The positive response of the patients who have used this Cholestasys makes it best among all the natural medicines that are now available in the market.

Allergy Medicine: Could Yours Be Dangerous?

By : John Howard
Herbal supplements such as Claritose, Allergy Season and Allergy-C-Buffered stand apart among the medicines that are used to remedy allergy related problems due to their ability to bring recovery from allergic problems without causing any side effects to the person who consumes it. Once you come to know about the seriousness of the side effects that are associated with the consumption of chemical based remedies for allergic problems, you will never attempt to take a medicine that is made of toxic chemicals.

Non prescription herbal or natural supplements such as Claritose, Mitamins, Allergy Season and Allergy-C-Buffered are a blessing for those who suffer from problems associated with allergic reactions. You can safely use these medicines without worrying about the side effects that are common with chemical based medicines. None of these medicines are capable of producing any of the side effects that come with other medicines.

Mitamins Advanced formula uses ingredients like Magnesium, Liquorice extract, American Ginseng extract, Vitamin C and Ginger extract in it. It mainly attempts to increase the vital capacity of the lungs with the help of Magnesium which can provide a dilating effect on the bronchial muscles. Allergy-C- Buffered caps is dietary supplements intended for asthmatic patients who are free of corn and citrus products. It contains Vitamin C, Calcium and Magnesium Carbonate.

Allergy Season formula from "Sand" also is a dietary supplement meant for long term use by the patients. The ingredients of this formula include Pantothenic Acid, Bromelain, Nettle Leaf Extract, standardised grape seed and turmeric rhizome extract etc.

Claritose comes from the house of MicroNutra Health, a known company that produces a large variety of alternative medicines for various diseases. Like all other medicines that come from MicroNutra Health, this product named Claritose also is a success in eliminating the symptoms of allergies in patients. By using this medicine you will be able to regain your old self with no fear to about allergies. Asthma patients also will be able to eliminate the use of inhalers or other drugs they use to control asthma with continuous use of Claritose as per the prescription.

The ingredients in this medicine are found to be extremely good in attacking the root cause of allergic problem by strengthening the immune system of the body. The medicines that treat only the symptoms of the disease may not be able to bring the result that Claritose assures to the patients. The ingredients used in Claritose include Aloe Barbadensis, Astragali extract, Beta-Glucan, Arabinogalactan, Glucosamine Sulfate, Ghatti Gum and Guar gum. The feed backs from the persons who have consumed this medicine indicate the success of Claritose in brining positive changes in life. When compared to other medications used for the same purpose this medicine seem to be more effective in finding a permanent solution for allergic problems.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Diagnosing mesothelioma is often difficult, because the symptoms are similar to those of a number of other conditions. Diagnosis begins with a review of the patient's medical history. A history of exposure to asbestos may increase clinical suspicion for mesothelioma. A physical examination is performed, followed by chest X-ray and often lung function tests. The X-ray may reveal pleural thickening commonly seen after asbestos exposure and increases suspicion of mesothelioma. A CT (or CAT) scan or an MRI is usually performed. If a large amount of fluid is present, abnormal cells may be detected by cytology if this fluid is aspirated with a syringe. For pleural fluid this is done by a pleural tap or chest drain, in ascites with an paracentesis or ascitic drain and in a pericardial effusion with pericardiocentesis. While absence of malignant cells on cytology does not completely exclude mesothelioma, it makes it much more unlikely, especially if an alternative diagnosis can be made (e.g. tuberculosis, heart failure).

If cytology is positive or a plaque is regarded as suspicious, a biopsy is needed to confirm a diagnosis of mesothelioma. A doctor removes a sample of tissue for examination under a microscope by a pathologist. A biopsy may be done in different ways, depending on where the abnormal area is located. If the cancer is in the chest, the doctor may perform a thoracoscopy. In this procedure, the doctor makes a small cut through the chest wall and puts a thin, lighted tube called a thoracoscope into the chest between two ribs. Thoracoscopy allows the doctor to look inside the chest and obtain tissue samples.

If the cancer is in the abdomen, the doctor may perform a laparoscopy. To obtain tissue for examination, the doctor makes a small opening in the abdomen and inserts a special instrument into the abdominal cavity. If these procedures do not yield enough tissue, more extensive diagnostic surgery may be necessary.

Doctors have begun testing the Mesomark assay which measures levels of soluble mesothelin-related proteins (SMRPs) released by diseased mesothelioma cells. The procedure could diagnose mesothelioma earlier than conventional methods thus improving the survival prospects for patients.[3]

Typical immunohistochemistry results
Positive Negative
EMA (epithelial membrane antigen) in a membranous distribution CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)
WT1 (Wilms' tumour 1) B72.3
Calretinin MOC-3 1
Mesothelin-1 CD15
Cytokeratin 5/6 Ber-EP4
HBME-1 (human mesothelial cell 1) TTF-1 (thyroid transcription factor-1)